3rd lvl Ice spell: Ice Clone


create a clone of you made entirely out of ice (similar to sub-zero's ice clones). and if you have multiple Ice clones, you can teleport between them if they are close enough to each other. Wis. & Dex. DC=18+1 for every clone after the first   You can split-second cast this spell before you get attacked, to create a clone to be attacked instead of you (unless the attack has a large AOE)


from a spell book, or from power within one's own soul.
Gestures & Ritual
you can either say the name of the spell, or use the hand symbol for the spell to create the clone, you can point your fingers at the spot where you want the clone created or clench your fists and move to the side in any direction to create the clone where you left.
Related Discipline
Ice Magic
Related School
School of Ice Magic
Related Element
At least 8 lvl's in Ice Magic
Applied Restriction
if it is too hot then the clone will melt


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