3rd Lvl Life Spell: Soul Bond


Connect your soul with another's to share life energy(You and target combine HP and share HP).   Con. and Wis. DC=18, Lvl. 10-12 DC=16, Lvl.14-16 DC=14   to debond from the target, you must touch the target again and recast the spell or have the target be cured from all magical effects.

Side/Secondary Effects

Whatever one feels, the other also feels: from sense of touch, smell and taste.   also if any one of bonded parties were to die so would the other.


from a spell book, or from power within from one's own soul.
Gestures & Ritual
you need to touch the target when saying the spell's name.
Related Discipline
Life Magic
Related School
School of Life Magic
Related Element
At least 8 lvl's in life magic


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