3rd Lvl Lightning Spell: Lightning Arc


fire two bolts of electricity to create an arc of electricity; mainly used to make a barricade.   Dex. and Wis. DC=20+5 for every bolt after the first two.   Damage= Caster's Wis. skill+Dex. skill/2 and anyone within 5ft is dealt 1/2 damage and anyone within 5ft of them are dealt 1/4 onwards.


smells like a rainstorm and burning.


from a spell book, or from power within one's own soul.
Material Components
two bolts of lightning with nothing in between is needed for them to connect.
Gestures & Ritual
after saying the name of the spell, the caster will then aim their fingertips towards the first spot for the first bolt, then the second spot for the second bolt, and to any other spots for any other bolts afterwards.
Related Discipline
Lightning Magic
Related School
School of Lightning Magic
Related Element
at least 8 lvl's in lightning Magic


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