3rd lvl Nature spell: Beast Form


Transform into an animal that you targeted by locking eyes with it. Cha. & Wis. DC=15+5 for every size higher than med. and -5 for every size smaller than med.

Side/Secondary Effects

Your HP becomes equal to that animals HP and lose the ability to speak and will be confused for a real animal. you also can only use it's attacks and other abilities it has. your skills will match the target animal and AC. also if the animal can only breath water than you must dwell in water and vice versa.


smells like what the target animal smells like.


From a spell book or from power within one's own soul.
Material Components
an animal that is alive.
Gestures & Ritual
You must first lock eyes with the animal you are trying to transform into and say the name of the spell and concentrate on the animal's eyes and the animal must do the same, but will be entranced if they fail a will save DC=18+2 for every size smaller than med. and -2 for every size bigger than med.
Related Discipline
Nature Magic
Related School
School of Nature Magic
Related Element
Effect Duration
in order to end the spell, you must simply concentrate the spell in your mind, DC=19, and then you will transform back into your original form but you may need to find some clothes and ect.
at least 8 lvl's in Nature Magic


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