3rd lvl Nature Spell: Possess Nature


Able to possess and see through the eyes of an animal: wild or the user's tamed animal. mainly used for gathering information/spying, or to find the nearest town or help. Wis. & Int. DC=15+5 for every minute using this spell.

Side/Secondary Effects

The User's body will be defenseless in a meditative state while possessing an animal.


The Possess Animal's eyes will become the eye color of the user.


From the power within, or from a spell book.
Material Components
An Animal that is alive.
Gestures & Ritual
After performing the spell, the user then sits in a meditative state after possessing an animal by touching the forehead.
Related Discipline
Nature Magic
Related School
School of Nature Magic
Related Element
Effect Duration
Until the user loses focus, the animal dies/unconscious.
At least 8 lvl's in Nature magic


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