The Great City of Atlantia

the Home of the Krustaceans, a thriving utopia that has only been seen by only three outsiders and each of them describe this city as being an underwater paradise. It's location is said to be within the Paradine ocean or in the Sankar ocean but it seems to be no longer to be found as many explorers have tried to find this long lost city with no prevail.


From the diary of "Lord Heinrich of Elfanland", he describes the government as being ran under a council of four elders who make the more major decisions such as their military, economy and infrastructure while there were eight governors who ran the eight provinces of the city making sure the laws are being enforced and legislate new laws which are then authorized by the elder council.


they are one with the sea and respect all sea life for they are both inhabitants of the ocean. they live a vegetarian lifestyle in respect of the fish that live in the ocean while others eat only meat in respect of the predators of the sea like sharks, squids, octopus, whales, eels and other carnivorous fish.


This city was founded during the middle of the 1st Era by the first Krustaceans.


After the eruption of Mt.Drago the submarine earthquakes destroyed most of the city and the sulfur then made the water become toxic, killing and cooking the inhabitants alive, boiling them. only a very few Krustaceans survived this eruption making them near extinction and even possibly no longer to reproduce.


They considered the ocean to be all Atlantian property but due to most of the ocean being mainly harsh and unforgiving, most of it was not colonised.


From the diary of "Lieutenant Jakobi of Haspa"- I saw the army of these Atlantians and I was impressed, as they were the biggest and most powerful army I have ever seen. if it were not for they lack of ability to breath the air for long, we would have all been conquered by these occupants of the sea. They wielded tridents and spears and their weapons, armor and shields were all made from the exoskeleton of the monstrous Sankar crab which was then covered with a layer of gold by blacksmiths they have captured as prisoners and those who attempted to enter their nation informally.

Foreign Relations

They were mostly isolationists and did not have much contact with those that were from the land.

62 1E - 83 9E

Geopolitical, City-state
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
It is said that a gold triangular coin was used as the currency of Atlantia.
Legislative Body
The elder council can make laws but concerning governors when they make a law, it has to be authorized by the elder council.
Judicial Body
From the diary of "lord Heinrich of Elfanland"- I saw a thief take some seaweed from the market and was caught by a fierce group of law enforcers who wore all black or all blue armor with city's emblem on their pauldrons and on the center of their helmets. I later found out they were called Policy enforcement


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