Vampire Clan: Cult of Goljari (Gol-Yar-ee)

The flag that this Vampire clan uses is a Gnoman vampire skull with an eclipse over the sun referencing their prophecy.


Like other Vampire Clans they have a patriarch or matriarch who is in charge of the entire nest and their enforcers but the Goljari also have a select few priests who help influence Goljari's legitimacy of his prophecy.

Public Agenda

To obtain the power to destroy the sun to bring the world into everlasting darkness so that all vampire kind can flourish.


It was founded by a vampire called Goljari who was formerly known as Gol'dak, a royal advisor to the sultan of Palpagania who transformed himself into a vampire by unnatural means of drinking vampires blood mixed with dragons blood causing him to become like a vampire but having a more scaly pale skin instead of smooth skin, and bright orange eyes like a dragons. When he attempted to overthrow the Sultan and killed his daughter, the sultan and his band of zealots went and killed Goljari, and they thought he was finally killed but actually faked his death and then he slowly overtime grew a new clan of vampires. After some time he received a vision of how the sun could become forever darkened and many of his offspring believed him and worshipped him as he claimed only he could bring prosperity to the vampire race.


They Worship their patriarch as a living god who shall kill the sun and bring forth paradise onto Bi'Terra for Vampires across the world.
Founding Date
40th year of the 9th era
Geopolitical, Clan
Goljarik Vampire
Related Species


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