History of Bi'Terra

This form of calendar is strangely the same amongst every single culture on Bi'Terra, sharing the "Era's" style format, with every hundred years being a new Era. so far it is unknown when,who or how this custom came to be and all calendars also are very accurate in the year, month and day but with some days being late or early and a couple being a week late or early.

The Creation Era

... 200

This Era is recognized by all religions on Bi'Terra as they all share very closely similar themes and descriptions of the origin story.

  • 0 C.E

    1 /1

    The Creation of The World
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The world is created from four beings,which is in debate amongst scholars and religious leaders) who made all things within twenty one days and during the last seven was each of the races of men made. These four beings known in ancient times as "The Four Guardians" are: Tatan, Krakan, Dragan and Laviathan, these four made all things on Bi'Terra and above in twenty one days.

  • 0 C.E

    14 /1

    The creation of the races of men
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The races of men are created in the last seven days: Humans and Pigans, Elfans, Dwarfans, Gnomans, Goblans, Orkans and Krustaceans. all eight of these races were made on in the land of Idem, on what most scholars say is the infamous lost continent.

  • 8 C.E

    8 /8
    8 C.E

    8 /8

    The Great Betrayal
    Military action

    Leviathan, guardian of the heavens and of hades, betray Dragon, Titan and Leviathan, rallying many of all of the races of men to destroy the other three guardians.   Leviathan is defeated by Dragon and cast into his prison within the great mountain; Dragon seeing forseeing the races of men may disturb or even release Leviathan; spreads the races of men across the world of Bi'Terra and then shutting the fatherland in mist and storms to prevent future men from entering the prison of Leviathan.

  • 8 C.E

    9 /8
    210 C.E

    8 /8

    The races of men are seperated
    Population Migration / Travel

    Dragon, who had forseen what might happen, takes the races of men and spreads them across the world and Kraken creating mighty oceans to seperate the land and Titan creating mighty mountains and deep canyons to make the races of men not able to form large numbers as the day when Leviathan had attempted his coup.

  • 8 C.E

    1 /9

    The Age of the Nomads
    Population Migration / Travel

    As Dragon forces everyone to spread across the world, all of the races of men split together and traveling with nomadic lifestyles and barely staying in one place longer than two weeks.

  • 180 C.E

    12 /4

    The humans, Elfans and Orkans arrive to Samora
    Population Migration / Travel

    As the Orkans, Humans and Elfans travel together across Bi'Terra, they make their way to what now known as Samora and begin to settle down.

  • 182 C.E

    31 /12

    The Dwarfans, Gnomans and Goblans arrive to Sitora
    Population Migration / Travel

    As the Dwarfans, Gnomans and Goblans travelled together, they arrive to what is now known as Sitora and begin to settle down.

The First Era

200 300

This era is about the years after the great betrayal and when the races of men became separated and spread across the world.

  • 10 1E

    7 /9

    Founding of Egydia

    As the Dwarfans move into the what was the paradise of Sitora, they begin to found the first nation of Bi'Terra named after their leader Egyd.

  • 15 1E

    The Race of the Pigans disappear
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The entirety of the Pigan Race had disappeared without any clues as to what had happened to them. the last known location was on Idem, the lost continent...

  • 62 1E

    The Kingdom of Atlantia is born

    The Krustaceans arrive near the center of what is now known as the Jeda ocean and establish the first Krustacean nation.

  • 90 1E

    End of the age of the Nomads
    Era beginning/end

    As Dragon cast down a spell to force everyone to split apart even more, the age of the nomads is now over.

The Second Era

300 400

  • 100 2E

    4 /4

    The Orkans arrive to Degora
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the Orkans leave Samora due to the famine that had come, they journey across the the great sea, finding the continent of Degora.

The Third Era

400 500

This Era is mostly focused on the rise of the kingdoms of the races of men when Dragon, who was not satisfied with the split of the races of men, he split them even more.

  • 0 3E

    4 /4

    The Orkans arrive to Degora
    Population Migration / Travel

    After the Orkans leave Samora due to the famine that had come, they journey across the the great sea, finding the continent of Degora.

  • 40 3E

    55 3E

    Rise of the first Elfan Kingdoms

    The Elfans split into three groups and begin to journey across the northern region of Samora, creating the first Elfan Kingdoms: The Kingdom of Elfanland: For they built their kingdom on the first homeland of the Elfans, The Swamp Kingdom and The Ice Kingdom

  • 40 3E

    60 3E

    The rise of the first human nations

    The humans split in large groups from one another and begin to build many kingdoms: the kingdom of Haspa, the kingdom of nepotemia, the kingdom of Paramax, the kingdom of Jasper and the queendom of Rosentide.

  • 40 3E

    The splitting of the races of men
    Population Migration / Travel

    Dragon looks down upon the races of men unsatisfied, seeing that they have not split themselves enough as he would have wanted and casts down a spell to force the races of men to split apart more from race to nationality.

  • 40 3E

    70 3E

    Rise of the first Orkan nations

    The Orkans are split in large groups from one another then sent across Degora to build their kingdoms: The Dragon Kingdom, The Stone Kingdom, The Bamboo Kingdom, The Island Kingdoms:Isle of dragon's tooth, isle of dragon's foot, isle of dragon's wings and the isle of dragon's blood, The Dragon River Kingdom, The Dragon lake Kingdom, the Snow Kingdom and the Mountain Kingdom.

  • 40 3E

    80 3E

    Rise of the two Gnoman Kingdoms

    The Gnomans split up and create the first two Gnoman nations: The Palpagans and the Palpatans: For they descent from two brothers; who both became king: King Palpag and King Palpat.

  • 40 3E

    90 3E

    The Goblans split into Twelve tribes
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Goblans split into twelve tribes and journey across the world finding for land to begin building their nations. however they later on instead stick to living their old nomadic lives even in present day.  The names of their Tribes are: The tribe of Gos, The tribe of Los, The tribe of Dros, The Tribe of Zos, The tribe of Fos, The tribe of Pos, The tribe Hunda, The tribe of Bunda, The tribe of Vunda, The tribe of Chunda, The tribe of Gunda and The tribe of Nunda.

The Fourth Era

500 600

  • 10 4E

    20 4E

    The Kingdom of Nepotamia rebuilds
    Construction beginning/end

    After being invaded by the kingdoms of Haspa and Jasper, the Nepotamans rebuild their kingdom and start over.

  • 10 4E

    The Kingdom of Haspa and Jasper invade the Kingdom of Nepotamia
    Military action

    The Kingdoms of Haspa and Jasper invade the western Kingdom of Nepotamia saying to themselves: "Let us destroy and take what is their's for we are the strong and they are the weak".

  • 97 4E

    99 4E

    The Kingdom of Haspa and the Kingdom of Jasper wage war against each other
    Military action

    The Kingdom of Haspa and Jasper wage war against each other because of a political disagreemant between the two mighty kings of both nations.

  • 99 4E

    The Kingdom of Haspa defeats the Jaspanians
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Haspaks defeat the Jaspanians and take over the land of Jasper and it's people.

The Fifth Era

600 700

  • 2 5E

    The Dragon Kingdom takes over the Bamboo Kingdom
    Military action

    The Dragon Kingdom of Degora takes over the Bamboo kingdom with the use of tamed dragons.

  • 4 5E

    The Dragon Kingdom takes over the Dragon River Kingdom
    Military action

    Not long after, The Dragon Kingdom had then took over the Dragon River Kingdom, giving them control of majority of the mighty Dragon River itself.

  • 6 5E

    10 5E

    The Dragon Kingdom fails to conquer the Stone, Snow and Mountain Kingdoms
    Military action

    With control of major pieces of the continent of Degora, The Dragon King attempts to conquer the Snow, Stone and Mountain Kingdom, but fails tragically.   When He had attempted to take over the Snow Kingdom, the majority of warriors froze to death and became too sick to fight.   When He had attempted to take over the stone Kingdom, They were outnumbered and could not break through the mighty stone walls that were surrounding each of their settlements.   When They had attempted to take over the Mountain Kingdom, They did not expect their enemies to also have tamed dragons(mightier ones as well), killing off a majority of their dragon riders.

  • 15 5E

    The Queendom of Rosentide declares war against the kingdom of Haspa
    Gathering / Conference

    After the attack of the city of (what is now called, "Wolf Heart" city) "land of Cherries" city, the Queendom of Rosentide declares war against the Haspak Kingdom, with the help of the Paramax kingdom.

  • 18 5E

    19 5E

    The Civil war of the Dragon lake Kingdom
    Military action

    after many years of tyranny from the dragon lake Kingdom, four clans of Orkans unite and gather their fellow Orkans to rebel and fight against their oppressors: The Nobles, The King and his advisors.

  • 19 5E

    21 5E

    Fall of the Dragon Lake Kingdom and Rise of the People's Republic of Dragon Lake
    Era beginning/end

    The King of Dragon Lake is beheaded and the rest of his allies as well, The rebels then rebuild their nation and found The People's Republic of Dragon Lake (P.R.D.L). Then the four Orkan clans divide it into four regions that each family will then govern.

  • 40 5E

    The Fall of the Kingdom of Paramax
    Life, Death

    The Kingdom of Haspa invades the island of (what is now Paradine city) "Serpentine":for the mighty Serpent of Kraken guards the island, and defeats the last remaining Paramaxians there.

The Sixth Era

700 800

  • 9 6E

    Division of The "PRDL"

    The Four Orkan family clans are divided due to suspicions growing distrust to one another and fear that the other is a servant of the Dragon Kingdom.

  • 10 6E

    14 6E

    The Four Clans of Dragon Lake wage war
    Military action

    The two of the Orkans family clans unite and wage war against the other two(who then also unite), with neither side gaining victory but a truce/ceasefire to end bloodshed.

  • 14 6E

    The Four Clans call for ceasefire
    Diplomatic action

    The Orkan clans of the P.R.D.L call for a ceasefire and work towards peace...

  • 16 6E

    18 6E

    Birth of the Diamond and Gold Kingdoms
    Gathering / Conference

    The Four Orkan clans meet at a conference to divide the land so that the four clans can have their own nations. after two years, the land was divided in half with four main cities/provinces owned by one of each of the Orkan clans: two in each kingdom: The Clan of Dragon fist in north carp town in the Gold Kingdom, The Clan of Dragon breath in south carp town in the Diamond Kingdom, The Clan of thunder fist in south oaktown in the Gold kingdom, The Clan of lightning fist in north oak city in the Diamond Kingdom.

The Seventh Era

800 900

  • 88 7E

    8 /8
    100 7E

    8 /8

    The arrival of the Cherubs
    Celestial / Cosmic

    out the heavens came down many cherubs who built many temples and cities. they lived amongst the races of men converting them to their faith and virtues and granting them wisdom unlike any other until the day Titan and Kraken and Dragon fought against them and banished them from this world. in the process all of the guardians had become weak and began to hibernate to heal and rest from their long battle against heaven's warriors.

  • 100 7E

    8 /8

    The Guardians of Bi'Terra begin to rest
    Era beginning/end

    The guardians Titan, Kraken and Dragon defeated the cherubs and banished them from the world but became weak and near death, therefore they hid themselves to hibernate in their respective elements: Titan had buried himself in the earth, Kraken made a cave of ice, and Dragon flew to the firmament (the sky) covered himself in the clouds.

The Eighth Era

900 1000

  • 0 8E

    8 /8

    The Guardians of Bi'Terra begin to rest
    Era beginning/end

    The guardians Titan, Kraken and Dragon defeated the cherubs and banished them from the world but became weak and near death, therefore they hid themselves to hibernate in their respective elements: Titan had buried himself in the earth, Kraken made a cave of ice, and Dragon flew to the firmament (the sky) covered himself in the clouds.

  • 24 8E

    The great Ark star falls down from heaven
    Geological / environmental event

    A great star from heaven falls down upon the continent of Samora in the region where today would be called Qualzonia. when the great mages of the world came to the star, it began to emit a smoke and it spoke saying: I have come to choose my champion who I will dwell with, if they are the greatest Magi then shall I dwell with them. its name "Ark" is not known where it originates but many have theorized it originates from Arkrarar the name of the discoverer of the star, some say it comes from the shape it gave off.

  • 25 8E

    50 8E

    The Great Ark War
    Military action

    The wielders of magic began to make factions based of their magic type and declare war with one another for the supremacy of their type of magic.

  • 30 8E

    The First Vampire
    Plague / Epidemic

    A death mage makes a deal with a demon causing him to become a monster unlike any other in the world, becoming Bi'Terra's first Vampire.

  • 50 8E

    Rise of the ArkMage
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Ark Spark chooses a young mage from Samora to become the ArkMage, granting him mastery of all magic. the young mage begins to heal the land and use his powers for good. setting up schools of magic and teaching the ways of the ArkMage to bring back balance to magic...

  • 50 8E

    End of the great Ark War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    After decades of the deaths of millions of mages, the war ends as the Ark Spark has chosen a young mage to become the master of all magic.

The Ninth Era

1000 1100

  • 83 9E

    19 /5 12:00
    90 9E

    Eruption of Mt.Drago
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Father of all mountains:for it was the biggest mountain of all of Bi'Terra, erupts as it had gave birth to the great and mighty Dragon Phoenix, causing clouds of ash to cover the entire world for many years.

  • 83 9E

    19 /5 13:00

    Fall of the Great Utopian City of Atlantia
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Eruption of Mt.Drago causes a submarine earthquake destroying the Great and Ancient city of Atlantia and magma shooting from the ground beneath killing nearly all life from the heat that called that city home.

  • 90 9E

    Death of the Dragon Pheonix
    Life, Death

    The Dragon Pheonix is slain by a group of great heroes whose name are to never be forgotten:for they had saved the world from extinction. The names of these heroes are:   The Elfan Ranger "Jager the brave" of Samora, The Orkan Samurai "Doragonsureiya Tetsu no Ken" of Degora, The Human Paladin "Joseph of Wolfskull village" of Samora, The Gnoman rogue "'aqdam samita" of Sitora, The Krustacean sorcerer "Sir Lobsterlot" of Atlantia, The Goblan Druid "Mighty feathers" of the Vunda tribe, And The Dwarfan Fighter "Ferrum Pugnator de Pyram" of Sitora.   These brave adventurers have statues and many great cities renamed after them and have been immortalized through song and books to keep them in remembrance until the end of time....


The Tenth Era

1100 1200

  • 3 10E

    3 /3
    40 10E

    4 /4

    The Great Elfan War
    Military action

    The three Elfan Kingdoms wage war against one another for the death of King Vlad von Krötenstadt who was assassinated by an Elfan warrior from one of the three kingdoms.

  • 7 10E

    The Elfan Nektaks and Vigtaks and Zikaks are exiled from Samora
    Population Migration / Travel

    The three Elfan clans each from the three Elfan kingdoms, are exiled by their three kings for committing treason as triple spy agents during war of the Elfans.

  • 10 10E

    25 10E

    Birth of the Wesko Kingdom

    The three Elfan clans: Nektaks, Vigtaks and Zikaks arrive on the southern arctic region of Sitora and begin to build their new nation starting with their new capital, "Rechno Gorod" (river city)or in it's more popular name Tsarskiy gorod(Tsar's City)....

  • 40 10E

    4 /4

    End of the Great Elfan War
    Political event

    The three Elfan Kings after many decades of war, decide to peacefully end it and decide to let go of the former King's death and to repair each other's nations from the damage that was caused by this war.

The Eleventh Era

1200 1300

  • 5 11E

    Banishment and outlawing of Death Magic
    Gathering / Conference

    After numerous times of the school of death magic causing major problems and attempting the assassination of the ArkMage. The School of death magic was outlawed across the world and the practice of death magic became banned from being teached at any college of magic, and became forbidden knowledge to all future ArkMages, in fear of corruption and the downfall of the world. former masters and students of death magic were banished from colleges and went into hiding...

  • 45 11E


    Wolf Blood of Wolf Soul village is born.
    Life, Birth

    Sir Wolf Blood of the village of Wolf Soul was born during the winter months but yet the exact date is unknown. He was called wolf blood for he was raised by wolves in the mountains by wolf soul village.

  • 72 11E

    8 /8

    The Kingdom of Paradinia is founded

    After Wolf Blood had slayed the clan of death mages that had terrorized the villages of what is now called: "Lion town", "Tiger town", Slaying the serpent of the island of "Serpentine" and the only one to have fought against a cherub and lived with victory, the people of those settlements elected Wolf Blood as their new king. calling it Paradinia in honor of the fallen kingdom of Paramax.

  • 75 11E

    90 11E

    King Wolf Blood's campaign
    Military action

    King Wolf Blood embarks on his campaign to take over the Haspa. Rosentide and Nepotamian Kingdoms, taking over by force and by personality:for the land of the Humans have heard the tales of King Wolf Blood and would rather serve him than their kings. Even large armies feared Him and dared not to wage combat against him.

  • 82 11E

    29 /4

    Birth of Kaiser Qualgamar
    Life, Birth

    Kaiser Qualgamar was born in the capital of Elfanland, son of the former Kaiser Guzadel.

  • 90 11E

    Paradinia conquers the southern half of Samora
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After defeating the Kingdom of Haspa near mountain borders of the Elfan Kingdoms, Wolf Blood had finally succeeded taking over the southern regions of Samora.

  • 91 11E

    The great Paradine expeditions

    The greatest explorers of the Paradinian kingdom, explore the world and document their findings for the sake of knowledge and history, exploring the seas and the continents that the seas surround.

The Twelfth Era

1300 1400

  • 19 12E

    12 /12

    The kingdom of Elfanland becomes Qualzonia
    Political event

    The Kingdom of Elfanland, under their new Kaiser "Qualgamar", renames their kingdom and the crest, the symbol and the ambitions of Elfanland into the Kingdom of Qualzonia.

  • 20 12E

    20 /4

    Birth of prince Maximus
    Life, Birth

    King Qualgamar begats a son, calling him Maximus for he was very big and strong, whose stomach reach the heads of his kin. (This being interpreted as him being around 8-9 ft tall.)

  • 30 12E

    5 /7

    Death of King Wolf Blood
    Life, Death

    King Wolf Blood dies peacefully in his sleep at the age of 85 years old and his oldest son Darekan takes over the throne and his daughter is married to the prince of Weskoland.

  • 40 12E

    9 /7
    41 12E

    3 /7

    Kaiser Qualgamar becomes sick
    Plague / Epidemic

    Kaiser Qualgamar mysteriously becomes sick for almost a year, during this time his son, Prince Maximus is soon to be heir of the Qualzonian Empire.

  • 41 12E

    3 /7

    Death of Kaiser Qualgamar
    Life, Death

    King Qualgamar dies from his disease, with his sons and daughters by his deathbed he gave his last words to his eldest son Maximus, crowning him as the new emperor.

  • 41 12E

    16 /8

    Maximus is Crowned Emperor
    Life, Career

    Prince maximus was crowned Emperor by the senate with his new name and title: "Kaiser Maximus Qualzonius"

The Thirteenth Era

1400 1500

  • 30 13E

    8 /5

    The birth of the King of Pirates
    Life, Birth

    The infamous King of Pirates, Don Barnabas de la Rosa was born in the capital city of the kingdom of Palpagania.

  • 80 13E

    100 13E

    The rise of the Qualzonian Empire
    Military action

    The Elfan Kingdom of Qualzonia begins to conquer the northern region of Samora and leaving no prisoners behind, killing off all survivors or forcing them to bow down before their new Emperor. and they also begin to colonize many islands within the Paradine and Jeda seas.

The Fourteenth Era

1500 and beyond

  • 2 14E

    End of the great Paradine explorations
    Era beginning/end

    The great era of Paradine exploration ends due to the rising threat of the Qualzonian Empire marching to the borders of the Paradinian kingdom

  • 5 14E

    8 /8
    20 14E

    8 /8

    Paradinia at war with the Qualzonian Empire
    Military action

    After The Qualzonian Empire's actions at the massacre of "Wolf Heart Village", The Kingdom of Paradinia declares war against the Qualzonian Empire and calls for aid from the kingdom of Egydia for aid.

  • 14 14E

    16 /7

    The Egydians back out from the war against the Qualzonians
    Military action

    Due to an outbreak of rebellions and threats of war from the Palpaganian kingdom, the Egydian armies had to leave the fight with the Paradinians against the Qualzonians to protect their borders from war and revolutionaries.

  • 15 14E

    15 /2
    17 14E


    Qualzonia occupies the north eastern territory of Paradinia
    Military action

    The Qualzonian Empire had taken control of the north and eastern regions of Paradinia from many successful offense and defense strategies against the Paradine armies.

  • 18 14E

    8 /8

    Signing of the Qualzonian/Paradinian treaty
    Diplomatic action

    The Kingdom of Paradinia signs a peace treaty/ceasefire with the Qualzonian kingdom but in return the Paradinian Kingdom must accept the conditions of: The King is not allowed to leave the city of Paradine and must decrease the size of his military of a limit of 200 soldiers and disband all naval forces and is not allowed to have any communication with the outside world, The nation is to pay a debt of over 100,000,000 Gp's through taxes of the Paradine people and to disband all official buildings of worship(which are then later replaced with paintings and statues of the Emperor).