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3rd Suver Empire (suver ˈɛmpaɪə)

"Law, Order, Justice!" -Guide to the Suver Empire
    The 3rd Suver Empire is a country in north-eastern Galani (.). It contains half of the River Teci (.), and the whole of Lake Teci(.) and its islands. It shares borders with Vrizem, the Edivo Empire (.), the Sjeverno Empire(.), the Skroman Empire(.), the Pinja Empire(.), and the Podzem Empire(.). Its capital is the city of Pojesia (.).  
The 3rd Suver Empire was founded by Conqueror Hijil Rabar (.) in 3704. Rabar's Dynasty (.) reigned over the Empire until 4851 where Emperor Ikjol II (.) had no heirs, so the crown moved over to the commander of the army, Gerog Akjal (.). This event began the Akjal Dynasty (.), which lasts to this day with Jokyl IV(.) as acting Emperor.
At its height, the Empire controlled what is today half of Vrizem and the Edivo Empire. These territories aren't governed directly by the Emperor, but a local council, which in turn reports to the Emperor.
The Empire never spearheaded any movements or time periods, living in relative peace with most nations on Galani. Despite this, the Empire possesses one of the largest military forces on the continent, the Suver Empire Military (.).


This simple chart made by the Emperor's Council shows the structure of the Empire.  



  People in the Suver Empire are educated to be average and live a normal life, and not seek fame or glory. However, this is slowly fading away as more people want to make their mark on the world. This has in turn led to the Ranvij (.) bandit crisis. The families they create are often of nuclear structure.  


  Clothing plays a role in the tradition of the Suver Empire, as they can symbolize the social class one belongs to, or their preferences. Special Holiday Clothing, like Latreas Clothing, are given for free at the corresponding time of year, in this case Latreas (.). Beggars and the homeless live with them until Therminas (.), as they are very warm and free.   Religion also plays a big role in the culture of the Suver Empire. Element Day (.) of the Church of the Five (.) and Tvorac's Fast (.) from Tvorism (.) are one of the biggest holidays in the Suver Empire today.  


  One of society's defining features are "norms" and "taboos". Norms are things that are regular/normal to do. Taboos are things weird and usually frowned upon. One taboo topic is worshipping the Hazlo (.). Hazlo are demons and enemies of the Five (.), representing different evils. One Norm is worshipping The Five or Tvorac. A taboo is walking around naked on the street, while a norm is being clothed, et cetera. This further applies to nobles dressing as their title says.   Currency makes the Empire go round, the Rabar Coin (.) is the key to glory. Nobles have money, peasants do not. Money is the reason for many conflicts in everyday life of anyone. Some racism takes place in wages, as Nadmod (.) and Pratil (.) get paid less than Temeli (.) or Pametan (.). In some neighborhoods accross every city, conflicts based on race are very common and often violent. The City Guard (.) has had to interfere numerous times in the past, and certain members of the races discriminated against are protesting against racism.   Many outside the empire view it as a corrupt barely-standing empire, with people that like only themselves. This is far from the truth, however, as it is quite prosperous, and co-operative outside the aforementioned racism.

Public Agenda

The Oath of Order (.) was an oath taken by Holjir III and states that the nation must remain prosperous and people must remain equal.   
"[...] and as I take this oath, my ancestors will stand proud and my successors will hear me pain in my grave when they inevitably break it." -The Complete Oath of Order, Holjir III, 4066AE



Main Article: Suver Revolution (.)   The 3rd Suver Empire was founded by Hijil Rabar, a Temeli living in the Pinja Empire, who assembled a small Temeli force from the Pinja Empire and attacked Sjeverno Empire forces from their western border. in 3704. They were exiled from Pinja and they founded the 3rd Suver Empire in the territory (.Heartlands) that they conquered in the first attack. This led to the Suver Revolution(.), where thousands of Temeli stood up to the Sjeverno authority in the region.   Following this, the Suver Forces fought in the eastern mountains (.) against Sjeverno troops, while the Sjeverno were being driven out from the Pojesian Isles (.) and were getting shot with arrows and magic alike while trying to cross Lake Teci. The Temeli Militia leader, Kijaro Likjen, shook hands with Rabar, in what is known as The Handshake of Fate (.) in the Suver Empire. The Suver Empire continued to conquer central territories until stopping the advance in 3706.   Rabar went on to conquer the rest of what is today the 3rd Suver Empire in 3710 and become the greatest emperor until Hajik V (.) was crowned.    

Rabar Dynasty

Main Article: Rabar Dynasty (.)   After Rabar's conquest of the Suver Empire's territories, he reigned for 52 years, until his death at the age of 86. Then was when his son and heir, Holjir I (.), was crowned emperor in 3762. The capital, Pojesia, was rebuilt and was centered around the Temeli people. Harkav War Criminals were executed, and magic was encouraged, which formed the Suver Arcane Guild (.). Magic had been previously prohibited by the Sjeverno Empire.   After Holjir I's death in 3796, his son Hijil II (.) took power. Hijil II brought equality between the races and helped trade relations immensely. After his death in 3816, his son Jilik I (.) was crowned emperor, and things took a turn for the worst. In the first 2 years of his reign, the only problem was the Scoundrel's Coin (.). Then, Jilik I started ignoring the military's requests for financial aid, as it was falling back technologically speaking. This led to the 4th Cohort of the 1st Legion practically besieging the Imperial Palace (.) and demanding to be aided. The Emperor was besieged for 3 weeks and didn't respond, which for the Army, was the final straw; a battering ram was used to storm through the main gate and the Emperor was killed (.Execution of Jilik I).   The army took control of the state for 2 days until giving it up to Holjir II (.). He, unlike his uncle, listened to the army and aided them financially, leading to the invention of the Trebuchet. Hajik I (.), which passed the crown to Hajik II (.) who in turn gave birth to Jilik II (.). Jilik II took the opposite decisions from his great-great-great uncle, Jilik I, and is considered one of the best rulers in Temeli history. Reforms to the Justice and the Education System, advanced military tactics, strong law enforcement, et cetera. In his 47 year reign, the Suver Empire transformed from a barely standing corrupt military state to a rich and prosperous empire. Him being crowned emperor in 3932 marked the beginning of the Golden Age of the Suver Empire. He died in 3979, and following him was Hajik III (.).   Hajik III was educated by his father in the "correct way to rule an empire" and was also a good ruler. His son, Hijil III (.) was crowned after his death in 4011. Hijil III followed in his father's footsteps and was also a decent emperor. With the crowning of Jilik III (.) in 4063 is where things once again take a turn for the worse as he wasn't interested in making a prosperous nation for his people, for he was focused on his own luxuries. The Army didn't have to do anything this time, as the people, which were being burgled basically every day by the Scoundrel's Coin, started a revolution against the Emperor, known as the Bellum Sequa (.) in 4064. The crowd was so large that the Kingsguard (.) was knocked down, letting the crowd to the gate of the Imperial Palace. They stormed in with swords and pitchforks, and the Emperor and his "wives" were.. killed. (.Execution of Jilik III)   The next emperor, Holjir III (.), swore to keep the structure the same as it was under Jilik II in 4064. He implemented his reforms with great success, and all emperors until 4453 followed his oath (.Oath of Order). Those emperors put all of their responsibilities to the Emperor's Council (.), which was made up of power-driven nobility. Jilik II's (and in turn Holjir III's system) was unrecognizable by 4253. The Empire has turned into a plutocracy. Many rebellions of farmers and working class were quelled, any and all opinions against the Council were subdued, and the Army was corrupted beyond reasoning.   By 4450 the military was tired of serving the plutocrats and staged a revolt against them the next year. 4450-4453 were the Years of Revolt and Liberation (.?). 4452 was the start of the nationwide revolution against the Council. They still controlled most of the Army though, so they were able to hold off any "peasants" from entering the capital, though this wouldn't be for long. This war is known as the Bellum Libertatis (.), and is one of the most influential events in the country's history.   The Imperial Authority was re-established 4453. The Empire had been greatly weakened by this point. Hajik IV (.) was crowned emperor the same year, and started rebuilding the Empire brick-by-brick. The Emperor's Council was also re-established to have members close to the Emperor, like his wife and children. Next was Hijil IV (.), which continued his father's reforms. Hajik V was crowned in 4619, and is considered the greatest Suveri Emperor of all time. He conquered half of Vrizem and half of the Edivo Empire, as well as jailing anyone who didnt pay their employees enough (minimum wage), and more worker's rights laws. His aim was to balance nobility and peasantry, which he succeeded in doing. He died at age 96 in 4692.   Holjir IV (.) was crowned emperor after his father's death, and reigned until 4721. His son, Hajik VI (.) kept the Oath of Order running just barely so that his more able brother, Jokyl Rabar (.), could take over the throne in 4728 and reign for 67 years while providing the state with more reforms against the plutocracy. Emperor Ikjol I (.) was crowned in 4795 after his father's death and reigned until 4822, dying of a heart attack. His son, and final emperor of the Rabar Dynasty, Ikjol Rabar II, reigned from 4822 until 4851, dying of a stroke with no heirs. This was when Gerog Akjal, Commander of the Imperial Army, was put into power by the Emperor's Council. This event ended the Rabar Dynasty and brought the Akjal Dynasty.    

Akjal Dynasty

Main Article: Akjal Dynasty (.)   Gerog I's reign lasted 67 years until 4918. The Suver Empire at this point was calm, and it was a pleasant place to live. Though Akjal himself was the commander of the army, which meant that the military had more power than what was safe for the prosperity of the nation, which would definitely show. His son, Themij I (.), enforced the Oath of Order, which worked significantly in the young emperor's favour (being crowned at the age of 20). He reigned until 4988, dying at 90 years old. Themij I didn't have any sons, but he did have one daughter. She was the only child of an only child of an only child, which meant she had no close male cousins. The Council had a great debate about the crowning of Temija (.), Themij I's daughter. She was informally crowned in late 4988, and remained an informal monarch until 4992, when she became the first empress of the Suver Empire.   She reigned until year 5000, where she died of a heart attack. Her husband (.Halvir of Hikar) had died prior to her crowning, which left her son (which was very young in 4988) as an heir to the throne. That son was Miltij I (.) and he was the one that stood defenseless against the Hlopra Pact (.) (of Vrizem natives and the Edivo Empire) which regained their territories back. Miltij I was assassinated by The Night Legion (.), which is believed to have been sent by his general, Evrij I (.), which was also his son. They could have also been sent by Poljir, the Commander of the Army. Evrij I in turn failed to flank the Hlopra Pact at Fort Clawrest (.), and his armies got beaten back to the borders before Hajik V. He died in 5094, and his son Jokyl Akjal I (.), was crowned emperor.   Jokyl I reinforced the Army and even placed the best of his generals on the Emperor's Council. The reasons for this are unkown, but it is speculated that he had low-self confidence and thought that he was incapable to rule the empire without military intervention. He was described to be very humble like Miltij I, his grandfather, and not arrogant like his father, Evrij I, so this theory is not unlikely to be true. The people of the Empire thought of this change as "worsening the state". The Temeli Cultural Association (.) attempted to collect information about the change, but the military, knowing it would be negative, blocked them from doing so.   This reinforcement of the army didn't include funding; only political power, so no resources were spent and no prices raised. Only a tax was implemented by the military generals called the Straforom (.). The military's might didn't directly increase, rather the power of the higher classes did. The generals became more arrogant and they could easily usurp the power from the emperor whenever they desired.   Jokyl I jumped off of the Emperor's Quarter Balcony, which was at the top of the Imperial Palace. The reason for this is unkown. He, of course, didn't survive. His son, Miltij II took over in 5143. Miltij II was also killed by The Night Legion, like his great-grandfather, Miltij I. His brother Evrij II took over and kicked the generals from the Council and followed every point of the Oath of Order by the letter. Law enforcement had once again returned to patrol, instead of the military. Evrij II wanted to regain the people's support and he succeeded in doing so.   He died in 5185. Then Jokyl II was crowned Emperor and rebuilt the capital Pojesia as many buildings were slowly collapsing because of age, and he also rebuilt the Imperial Palace. His son, Gerog II, took over in 5224 and guided settlers to Zmija County (.) (a previously unsettled region) that founded the city Gospodar (.) in its mountains in the north. He died in 5289, when his son, Jokyl III, was crowned.   Jokyl III's Brother, Evrij Gerog, tried to usurp his brother's throne, but failed and was executed in the middle of the city square, and his head was marched around on a pike. In the middle of his reign, the Vrizem Wars began, and many resources went into the military. Jokyl III then reigned without problems, leaving the Commander to do the work in the territory, until dying in 5377, at the ripe old age of 108. Then his son, Gerog III took power, until he was beheaded in 5379 by Jokyl IV, which rules until today at the age of 75. He stopped monitoring the military at 65.    


  In current year, the 3rd Suver Empire is not calm, but not turmoiled. Just a regular place. The Vrizem Wars has definitely crippled the morale of the army and the people, and the Royal Family is slowly splitting apart because of the wedding of the Prince Siavo and Princess Girda of the Sjeverno Empire, but the economy and prosperity of the Empire still lives on.

Demography and Population

This simple chart made by the Pojesia University of Mathematics is close to the population divide of the Empire.    

Law, Order, Justice!

Suver Empire

Founding Date
3704 AE
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Temeli Empire
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Rabar Coin
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
Imperial Court
Executive Body
Related Ranks & Titles


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