Abas bas Ukloyen (/abas.bas.ukloˈʎen/)

After the failure of Breglisi forces at Dema bas Pableso, the bas Lech, or dukes, who supplied troops to Cuimbrime Flor, staged a minor coup and forced the king to sign what became known as Abas bas Ukloyen (The Written Straightening).


The Straigtening was intended to rein in the power of the king (Flor). It:
  • Granted a form of veto power to the dukes (bas Lech), allowing them to countermand any order of the Flor by vote.
  • Granted bas Lech the ability to enact and remove laws. While the king retained the power to enact laws, it required a vote of bas Lech to remove laws. The king could no longer remove laws, even of his own creation.
  • Ceded control of the treasury from the king to bas Lech, while promising that bas Lech would create a neutral organization bas Lech would entrust the treasury to.
  • Gave bas Lech greater control over who is allowed into leadership positions within the military and the beuracracy. This is to counteract the nepotism that led to General Nadnial commanding and losing the attack against the Nenamī at Dema bas Pableso.
  • Historical Details


    Abas bas Ukloyen put the Kingdom of Breglis on the road to becoming a constitutional monarchy, rather than a purely hereditary monarchy. While it kept the control in the hands of the wealthy (dukes and the king), it moved the nation towards more robust representive government. And it stopped a power hungry king in his tracks.
    Contract, Civil
    Signatories (Characters)

    Cover image: Scotland Cliffs by Frank Winkler


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