Kida Votoshī (/ˈkɪdɒ voʊˈtoʊʃiː/)

Kida Votoshī is an oasis in the desert that has a variety of flora and fauna that will not grow elsewhere. It is a tishikolit jointly administrated by the principalities of Ībaun and Rotai.   While there is a small settlement on the edge of the oasis, the tishikolit is allowed to remain wild. The primary purpose of the settlement is to provide housing for administrative staff and a small contingent of the Voshan Dīdnalash. The administrators ensure that no one disturbs the oasis from the inside, beyond that required for carefully controlled harvesting of the various necessary flora. The soldiers ensure that no one disturbs the oasis from the outside, by force if necessary.
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Scotland Cliffs by Frank Winkler


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