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The timeline of important historical events in the Columbia timeline.

  • 1867

    13 /10

    William R. Foreman Born
    Life, Birth

    William R. Foreman, a notable videographer that is utilized by the city of Columbia in the future, is born.

  • 1874

    16 /4

    Booker DeWitt is Born
    Life, Birth

    Booker DeWitt is born somewhere in the midwestern United States.

  • 1880

    12 /2

    Columbia's Finest Ice Established
    Financial Event

    Columbia's Finest Ice is established.

  • 1890

    29 /12

    DeWitt Serves During Wounded Knee
    Life, Milestone

    Booker DeWitt is present at the Wounded Knee Massacre, and is given the nickname "The White Injun" by other members of his regiment in the US Calvary, due to his violent actions against the Native Americans.

  • 1891

    31 /1

    Columbia Freight Established
    Financial Event

    Columbia Freight Company is established.

  • 1892

    15 /1

    DeWitt Attends Baptism
    Life, Milestone

    Booker DeWitt, remorseful for his actions at Wounded Knee, attends a baptism ceremony presided over by Preacher Witting   It is important to note to both GM and players that TWO OPTIONS are possible for this entry and could result in another branching timeline entirely.   OPTION ONE: Booker rejects the baptism at the last second   OPTION TWO: Booker is baptisized and is born again, taking on the name Zachary Hale Comstock

  • 1892

    22 /1

    DeWitt Employed by Pinkerton National Detective Agency
    Life, Milestone

    Booker DeWitt is employed by the Pinkerton's National Detective Agency.

  • 1893

    11 /1

    Anna DeWitt is Born
    Life, Birth

    Booker DeWitt's daughter, Anna, is born. Her mother, Annabelle DeWitt, dies in childbirth.

  • 1893

    15 /2

    Columbia Launches
    Technological achievement

    The city of Columbia is launched and starts a global tour of major cities.

  • 1893

    1 /5

    30 /10

    1893 World's Fair in Chicago
    Cultural event

    The 1893 Chicago World's Fair occurs, giving rise to the concept of American exceptionalism. The star attraction of the exposition is the floating city of Columbia, an ambitious project envisioned by the self-proclaimed prophet Zachary Hale Comstock, built using technology developed by Rosalind and Robert Lutece, and funded by the U.S. government.

  • 1893

    9 /9

    Comstock Addresses US Congress
    Civil action

    Comstock reveals that U.S. Congress provided funding for the construction of Columbia, a city he intends to make a modern-day ark.

  • 1893

    8 /10

    DeWitt Forfeits Anna
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Booker DeWitt gives up his daughter to pay off his gambling debts, and fails to save her after changing his mind.   Note to players and GM, this story point has TWO OPTIONS that will result in a seperate timeline entirely.   OPTION ONE: Anna's pinkie finger is severed by a closing Tear as she is transported into an alternate universe by Comstock and the Luteces. By existing in two realities simultaneously she is able to intuitively manipulate Tears.   OPTION TWO: Comstock presents Anna DeWitt, renamed "Elizabeth", as the "Lamb of Columbia", and makes the claim that Lady Comstock gave birth to her after only a week of gestation to explain Elizabeth's sudden appearance.

  • 1893

    15 /10

    Rosalind Lutece Interacts with Twin
    Life, Milestone

    Rosalind Lutece gives Voxophones to her "twin" in order to explain how Booker came to be in her reality.

  • 1894

    15 /1

    The Bank of the Prophet is Established
    Financial Event

    The Bank of the Prophet is established.

  • 1894

    12 /8

    Fink Uses Tears
    Criminal Activity

    Jeremiah Fink starts using Tears to access scientific advancements from other realities, after his brother made fortune from stealing music of future eras.

  • 1894

    14 /11

    Fink Sees Into Rapture
    Scientific achievement

    Fink observes Dr. Yi Suchong through Tears opened in Rapture and starts to copy the scientist's research on ADAM to expand his own company's inventions.

  • 1895

    12 /4

    Lady Comstock Murdered
    Life, Death

    Lady Comstock is allegedly murdered by Daisy Fitzroy. Unbeknownst to Columbia's public, Lady Comstock was actually killed by her husband after she threatened to reveal that Elizabeth was not their child. Daisy Fitzroy was a servant in Comstock House at the time. Comstock framed Fitzroy for his wife's death in order to hide the truth.

  • 1895

    15 /4

    Daisy Fitzroy Flees to Finkton
    Life, Relocation

    Daisy Fitzroy takes refuge in Finkton. At some point, she inspires the formation of the Vox Populi and becomes their leader.

  • 1895

    4 /10

    Fink Discovers Big Daddies
    Discovery, Scientific

    Fink discovers Big Daddies through Tears and their irreversible conversion process which gives him the idea for creating the Songbird.

  • 1895

    1 /12

    12 /1

    Cultural Shifts Mount inColumbia
    Cultural event

    As Columbia's construction continues, Elizabeth is imprisoned in the tower on Monument Island, both to protect her from the Vox Populi and the "False Shepherd", and to allow secret scientific study of her reality-altering abilities by the Luteces, which provides Columbia with numerous technological advances taken from alternate realities.

  • 1896

    4 /3

    Fink Cuts Ties with Suchong
    Criminal Activity

    Fink cuts all ties with Suchong after the discovery of an accidental yet successful imprinting between the Songbird and its target, Elizabeth.

  • 1900

    9 /4

    Vox Populi Firearms Smuggling Begins

    Worker #08-IZ9 starts his job at Fink's Chronologically Precise Manufacturing and receives written instructions from his superior, Foreman #08-2QI, including a secret message from the Vox Populi asking his help to smuggle out Fink's products for their cause. The same day, Fink Manufacturing starts producing Broadsider guns to arm each of Columbia's police enforcers against the uprising of the Vox Populi, while the revolutionaries, founded as non-violent, start selling the smuggled weapons on the black market to finance the revolution.

  • 1900

    15 /8

    Fink Manufacturing Produces Birds Eye Rifles
    Technological achievement

    Fink Manufacturing starts producing Bird's Eye rifles as requested by Jefferson Poole to equip police force snipers. The Vox Populi divert some of the weapons to use to keep the city's rooftops under their control.

  • 1900

    31 /10

    Fink Manufacturing Fire
    Disaster / Destruction

    During a fire at the Fink Manufacturing facility, the city's leadership detaches part of the structure from the city to prevent the fire's spread, resulting in the deaths of numerous workers. Following this date, the Vox Populi become increasingly militant under the leadership of Daisy Fitzroy.

  • 1901

    1 /1

    First Skirmish of Wharf Shipping Docks
    Military: Skirmish

    The first production of a new lightweight rifle, the Huntsman, is manufactured at Fink. The same day, a violent clash occurs between Vox Populi militants and police forces at Finkton Wharf Shipping Dock as the latter tried to prevent workers from distributing handbills.

  • 1901

    15 /8

    Columbia Opens Fire at Boxer Rebellion
    Military: Battle

    Columbia becomes involved in an international incident-- during the Boxer Rebellion, Columbia opens fire on Chinese citizens in Beijing, revealing to the world that the city is heavily armed.

  • 1902

    6 /7

    Columbia Secedes from the U.S.
    Civil action

    The U.S. government formally disavows Columbia's involvement in the Boxer Rebellion and recalls the city. Outraged, Zachary Comstock declares Columbia's secession from the United States and the city vanishes into the clouds.

  • 1902

    23 /7

    Workers Strike Ends in Violence

    A strike occurs in the city's factories and significantly paralyzes production. The situation turns into a brutal brawl between the workers and the police, leading to a round-up of insurgents, and death among the policemen. Vox Populi legal representative John Goldman calls for a peaceful resolution to avoid further violence.

  • 1903

    13 /2

    Daisy Fitzroy Reveals Vox Populi
    Cultural event

    Daisy Fitzroy reveals herself as the leader of the Vox Populi.

  • 1903

    23 /11

    Terror Bombing Avoided
    Political event

    A bomb is discovered by the police forces, following an anonymous tip, and it is revealed as belonging to the Vox Populi. Several eyewitnesses, however, report seeing men dressed as police members placing the explosives before the arrival of the official investigation, leading both sides to accuse one another.

  • 1905

    16 /3

    Vox Populi Prison Break

    The Vox Populi attack the local prison and rescue several of their comrades. As a result of the situation, Chief Poole's leadership is questioned, and Fitzroy reconsiders John Goldman's loyalty to the cause.

  • 1906

    11 /4

    Chief Poole Assassinated
    Criminal Activity

    Chief Poole is assassinated by an unknown sniper during a meeting with city officials and the act is claimed by the Vox Populi. Police officer Harrison Thacker is appointed as Chief of Police, and publicly announces a fierce campaign to be made against the Vox Populi terrorism.

  • 1907

    17 /5

    Major Skirmish
    Military: Battle

    Police forces strike a violent blow at a cabal of Vox Populi in retaliation to Poole's assassination, but with heavy losses on both sides.

  • 1907

    27 /7

    Tears Appear Throughout Columbia
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Tears start to appear all over Columbia and are the result of Elizabeth uncontroled powers.

  • 1908

    4 /6

    Vox Populi Bombs Treasury
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Vox Populi bombs the office of Columbia's treasurer Montgomery Billings to destroy the debt records of the working class. The bombing caused no casualties.

  • 1909

    7 /5

    Fitzroy Captured
    Criminal Activity

    Daisy Fitzroy is captured by Columbia's Police following a tip regarding plans for sabotage to the Sky-Line network. Legal expert John Goldman reassures the rebels that there was no betrayal from within the Vox Populi. Fitzroy is sent to the Comstock House Re-Education Center to be studied by Dr. Francis Pinchot before her sentencing.

  • 1909

    9 /5

    Fitzroy Sentenced to Death
    Civil action

    Daisy Fitzroy is sentenced to death by immolation on the 14th of May, and her body to be thrown out of the city. John Goldman, who disappeared since her arrest, is revealed to the Vox Populi to be the traitor who gave away their leader.[34] Unknown to the public, Fitzroy is scheduled for a lobotomy before her execution.

  • 1909

    13 /5

    Vox Populi Bombs Comstock Plaza
    Disaster / Destruction

    A bomb detonates at Comstock Plaza where Fitzroy's execution was in preparation. At the same time, Vox members get into Comstock House and Dr. Pinchot is betrayed and murdered by Daisy Fitzroy after promising to assist in her escape before her lobotomy.

  • 1909

    2 /7

    William R. Foreman Dies
    Life, Death

    William R. Foreman falls to his death while filming waterfalls at Battleship Bay.

  • 1909

    31 /10

    Lutece Twins "Killed"
    Life, Death

    The Luteces are supposedly killed after one of their machines is sabotaged by Jeremiah Fink. Instead, it disperses them across multiple realities, allowing them to exist across all of time and space.

  • 1911

    15 /8

    Motorized Patriot Debuts
    Technological achievement

    Columbia's police force debuts the Motorized Patriot. The Vox Populi see it as another reason to rally against the Founders.

  • 1912

    6 /7

    10th Independence from the Union Day Celebrated by Columbia
    Cultural event

    Columbia celebrates the 10th anniversary of its secession with the United States. The events of BioShock Infinite occur.

  • 1912

    6 /7

    Booker DeWitt is Found Again and Again and ...
    Scientific achievement

    The Lutece twins find Booker DeWitt and bring him into Comstock's timeline so he can reclaim Elizabeth. Across at least 122 different realities, none of Booker's attempts are successful.