
Caercas is the center of Roesone in many ways. It is the largest and most densely settled province of the realm, and it is home to Proudglaive, the capital of Roesone. Caercas was the original holding of Daen Roesone, and even during the years in which most of this land was empty, several settlements and freesteads could still be found in this area. The word "caercas" is Old Andu for "Highcastle." The province takes its name from a large hill overlooking the Spider River's plain. The hilltop is now home to the castle Blacktower, the home of House Roesone and the chief defense of Proudglaive. The new castle shares the hilltop with the ruins of several older fortifications. It's said that there are caves and vaults underneath Blacktower that are still unexplored by the baron's men. Caereas is the royal province, held directly by the baron without any vassal lords. However, the Castellan of Proudglaive administers the area and looks after local matters.
Alternative Name(s)
Old Andu

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