orthien tane

The most powerful thief- and bandit-lord of Roesone is Orthien Tane (MA; T9; Ba, minor, 16), a sinister figure of the underworld who prefers to support himself on the work of others. Unlike el- Hadid or Siele Ghoried, he is a parasite who drains money from his prey without returning any positive investments. Orthien Tane's headquarters is located in Abbatuor, under the guise of Southern Anuire Shipping and Imports. He also controls the guilds of Bellam through a corrupt group of mine bosses s,who answer to him. T ; Orthien is working to gain control of more legitimate businesses through subversion, intimidation, and extortion. He wants the leaders of honest guilds answering to his thugs. Therefore, he has spent a lot of time contesting the influence of el- Hadid and Siele Ghoried


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