Oblitéra, The Faceless Maiden Character in Black Earth | World Anvil
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Oblitéra, The Faceless Maiden

¨I am annihilation."
    Oblitéra is depicted as a formless void; an endless, warm ocean of darkness; the never ending black. She welcomes those that come to her with a calm, soothing voice and then proceeds to annihilate their consciousness as they fall forever into the starless night.   Oblitéra simultaneously dwells within The Void, while also existing as The Void. Mad scholars debate whether The Void is nothing or the absence of nothing; which is, in itself, something. Mortals may never know. Once a soul enters The Void and hears Oblitéra’s beckoning voice, there is no return.   There are legends of Oblitéra having the power to manifest herself on the earth during a solar eclipse. The form she takes varies among legends from different cultures. The most recurring of these forms are:  
  • An eight foot tall human woman dressed in an all black gown that drags the ground. Her skull-like face is covered by a black veil.
  • The shadow of a loved one that suddenly moves and speaks.

Divine Domains

  • Void
Divine Classification
Primeval Deity


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