Sybeile, The Flawed Mother Character in Black Earth | World Anvil
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Sybeile, The Flawed Mother



The Creation of the Planes of Existence

Sybeile, the Flawed Mother, laid her body at the juncture between light and darkness. In a final attempt to quell the turmoil between her two beloved offspring, Aos, The Lord of Light, and Amox, The Lord of Darkness, she sacrificed her living body and spirit to create a boundary. Thus was created time and space between light and darkness: the prime material plane.   Now light and darkness were broken apart and made into two planes. Aos and Amox turned their attention to the material boundary their mother had created. It was an empty world and possessed none of the beauty of their mother. The Lord of Light and the Lord of Darkness cried out in mourning.  

The Awakening of the Gods

Sybeile loved her two sons and pitied them, so she created the universe and everything within it. She created the elements and the elemental planes. She created the day, night, stars, shadows, and fire. She created the dark depths of the oceans. She created hope and despair. Then, she gifted her sons the power of creation within their planar domains. Their power moved over the planes of Light and Darkness and created gods and goddesses of their own design and in their own image.   Over time the two lords learned that as they once had power over her heart, they too had power over the world their mother had become. Though they could not reach across it, they could reach into it.    

The First Beings and the Fae Children

And so Sybeile was pleased and created the First Beings on the prime material plane, the celestial Elysians, to serve the Lord of Light, and the infernal Chthonians, to serve the Lord of Darkness.   Peace reigned for many aeons. Sybeile continued her never-ending demise. She created the Second Beings called the Fae Children, to guard and watch over the earth. These were called the Children of the Night Sky, The Children of the Dark Thicket, and The Children of the Ashes. She created all manner of creatures, magic, and civilizations to amuse her children and show her adoration.    

The Eternal War

As she did so, Amox began to observe her and observe the universe. He searched for a way to manipulate and stop the cosmic forces destroying her. When the Elysians learned of this they went to Aos and warned him. Aos was wary of the Darkness gaining power and jealous of the affection it might win Amox from his mother. Aos began to seek his own power in this boundary between their realms. Thus the war between the realms of Light and Darkness was renewed.    

The Lamentation of Sybeile

Sybeile had abandoned her existence in the realms beyond and remained helpless to stop them even as she tragically had become their battleground. She faced an endless, perpetual death. Her final failed attempt to save both of her children had left her with nothing to do but contemplate her own guilt until the end of everything. Deep within the heart of the black earth, Sybeile, the Flawed Mother weeps.

Divine Domains

  • Darkness
  • Death
  • Life
  • Light
  • Nature
  • Tempest
Divine Classification
Primeval Deity


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