Blackbird Horizon

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The world has been at war since before my birth, and will remain that way well beyond my death. Of that fact I am certain.   No one remembers the reason the chaos rose or even who was allied with who when it all began. Some years the mess becomes muddled enough it becomes difficult to tell which flag is friend and which is foe. The only truths boils down to the need to protect the motherland and hope they don’t send the tanks after your fief.   The kings and queens have their war, but the real fighting is amongst the feudal lords and you’d best support your lord if you want to live. It’s a no prisoners world out here. The lords send army after army to conquer or raid each other’s lands hoping that the resources gained will be enough to finally turn the tides of the war or to turn a tiny profit. In turn this fuels more war as each raid and each loss galvanizes us by enforcing the knowledge that if we don’t exterminate them then they will exterminate us.   There isn’t much room out here for a decent life, but if you profit in war and can lead small elite teams then you might just stand a chance to live halfway alright until they catch up to you and leave your entrails on the ground while they spike your tarred head. High risk. High reward. If that sounds like your kind of stick then welcome to Blackbird Horizon. May your days be blessed by the Raven and may you never meet the Feast of Crows.


Serfs of Brendelland

Pathfinder 1e

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