Ceres Geographic Location in Blackout | World Anvil


The largest object within the Asteroid Belt, and the one that acts as an unofficial capital world of the area ever since the asteroid mining went past the rocks closest to Earth. It was still too small (and with a gravity way too weak to be able to be terraformed), making it one of the densest populated non-terraformed celestial bodies within the Solar System.   While it lacks the demographics to play the political poker within the Solar System, its importance is disproportionately large due to the size of the industry. Today it's estimated that the Belt provides upward to 76% of the materials that are used in the shipyards of the Solar System.   Naturally, this is too much for much stronger countries to permit an outside group to control. However, it's also way too much for them to allow each other to control. As a result, Ceres can be considered a form of an autonomous mandate of the Solar Commonwealth, maintaing oversight over the Belt. Without, at least technically, being an independent power.   It's the official headquarters of the local security forces, a main hub of mineral refining and an authority that acts as a mediator between the crews of the mining companies. While the Asteroid Belt is massive, most of the on-going mining operations are located on the Ceres side of the belt, with the rest of the asteroids remaining in reserve for the future.


There are very few interesting things to be said about Ceres. Probably the most unique feature of that dwarf planet is the fact that it houses some cryogeysers, and is the closest to Sun location within the Solar System where those can be found. It has never been terraformed - there are several domed cities and a lot of underground installations, but nothing more than that, at least for now - there are plans for the paraterraformation of Ceres (namely, expanding the domes to the point where they cover the entirety of its surface), but those are yet to materialize.

Natural Resources

The ammount of resources present in the Asteroid Belt cannot be overstated. An asteroid designated 16 Psyche alone weighs around 2,72E19 kg, and due to being a leftover remains of the core of the failed planet from the time when the Solar System was forming, it's composed almost entirely of a variety of metals, like iron, nickel and gold. It is believed that exploitation of the Asteroid Belt is enough to supply Mankind's ever-growing industry for millenia, perhaps tens of millenia.
Distance from Sun: 414.01 mil. km
Diameter: 946 km
Solar Constant: 0.258
Mass: 0.00015 Earths
Gravity: 0.029g
Mean Density: 2.161 kg/l
Orbital Period: 1362 Earth days
Day Length: 0.3781 Earth days
Rotation Axial Tilt: 11 degrees
  Avg. Temperature per Latitude
Object Type: Dwarf Planet
Object Subtype: Barren Planet
Primary Location: Core Sector
Secondary Location: Solar System
Tertiary Location: Asteroid Belt
Satellites: None
Transshipment Station: None
  Habitation Status
Status: Colonized
Classification: Mining World
Population: ~9 mln.
Capital: Ceres One Habitat.
Government: Belt Authority
Solar Commonwealth Member: No.


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