Fleshbane Weaponry

A whole branch of weapons either recovered from the ruins and derelicts of Species M-02 or produced on the basis of data fragments recovered from the Crypts of Vigilance during one of the expeditions.   The manmade fleshbane weapons were created in 2207 in one of the research labs of Oberon, however due to requiring a lot of esoteric practices and an entire cadre of engineers and Metaphysicists to produce in any numbers, their supply remains scarce to this day.


All fleshbane weapons are energy weapons whose discharges cause explosive sublimation of all organic materials they come in contact with. The effect is nearly instant for soft tissues such as flesh and internal organs, but significantly slower in case of solid matter, such as bones. The result of being shot with a fleshbane rifle is the target being reduced to little more than a skeleton.   While the effect doesn't do anything against inorganic matter, it can to some degree propagate through it. A fleshbane rifle hitting a marine in a powered armor will cause no damage, unless the target is shot multiple in times in short order. If that happens, the effect propagates through the armor and vaporizes the target's flesh while causing no damage to the armor.   This technology has been used to create not just infantry weapons like fleshbane rifles and heavy projectors (the latter operating as a fleshbane equivalent of machine guns), but also melee weapons (such as fleshbane staves) and warship weapons. The fleshbane carronades installed on some of the Commonwealth's starship have extremely short range, but can instantly kill everyone aboard the targetted ship while causing no lasting damage to the ship itself.   They are also - for obvious reasons - considered the ultimate weapon against all forms of organic starships.
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