Ganymede Geographic Location in Blackout | World Anvil


One of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter that remains the main population center of the Iron Pact. It has been successfully terraformed after the Blackout and remains the most populated world of the Outer System.


During its terraformation process, Ganymede's ice was partially melted, creating a handful of shallow seas. The rest was left as is, with a layer of artificial insulation at the bottom of the sea, made to prevent the rest from slowly melting as well.   This made Ganymede into a facsimile of a terrestrial moon with a mixture of continents and oceans dotting its surface. The planet is otherwise notable only by the fact that there is some temperature variation, which cannot be said about its three companions.


It's unique among the terraformed worlds of the Outer System in having some temperature variation, with poles on average 6C colder then the equator, and the temperature changing up to 12C between day and night.   This also influences weather patterns and makes the skies constantly cloudy, with blue sky being an extremely rare phenomenon.

Natural Resources

Ganymede's relative closeness to Europa and Io together with its tectonic stability and relatively high population made it into a world that's best described as having a 'service-based economy'. Research laboratories and office work are its main notable traits, though there's also a well-developed light industry taking full advantage of the proximity of the resource-rich Io and a relatively large workforce pool.   It's enough for Ganymede to be considered an Industrial World, even if a case could also be made for it being a Civilized World.   Ever since its terraformation there are attempts to make its soil fertile enough for simple food production, to some limited success.
Distance from Sun: 778.57 million km
Distance to Jupiter: 1.07 million km
Diameter: 5268 km
Solar Constant: 0.073
Mass: 0.025 Earths
Gravity: 0.146g
Mean Density: 1.936 kg/l
Day Length: 7.155 Earth days
Year Length: 11.862 Earth years
Rotation Axial Tilt: <10 degrees
  Avg. Temperature per Latitude
poles: 11 C
75 deg: 13 C
60 deg: 14 C
45 deg: 15 C
30 deg: 16 C
15 deg: 16 C
equator: 17 C
Object Type: Icy Moon
Object Subtype: Terran Eccentric
Primary Location: Core Sector
Secondary Location: Solar System
Tertiary Location: Jupiter Subsystem
Transshipment Station: Himalia
  Habitation Status
Status: Colonized
Classification: Industrial World
Population: ~29 mln.
Capital: New London
Government: Iron Pact
Solar Commonwealth Member: Yes.


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