
Himalia is a small moon of Jupiter whose only importance in the greater scheme of things is the fact that it's Mankind's first Fortress World. It was the site of the original base of the first Iron Pact during their bid for the Jupiter Subsystem.   It acts as a transshipment station for the Jupiter Subsystem, with large freighters dropping and picking up their cargo here, while a small fleet of much smaller, faster and cheaper short-range starships transporting the cargo from Himalia to the worlds of the Jupiter Subsystem and vice versa.   As an entryway of the Subsystem, it also houses largest shipyards of the Iron Pact and extremely heavy defenses, easily capable of repelling multiple capital ships on its own.


Himalia is notable for being the first settled world of the Jupiter Subsystem, with the first Iron Pact establishing a base here after their long journey from the Inner System. From here they then expanded their territory onto the rest of the Subsystem - all while steadily expanding their settlement on Himalia, expanding its shipyards and adding more and more defense systems.   It is no boast that for as long as Iron Pact controls Himalia, their hold on the Jupiter Subsystem remains uncontested.
Distance from Sun: 778.57 mil. km
Distance to Jupiter: 11mln km
Diameter: ~170km
Solar Constant: 0.073
Mass: 1.5997e-06 Earths
Gravity: Negligible
Mean density: 2.8g/l
  Avg. Temperature per Latitude
N/A   Astrography
Object Type: Small Moon
Object Subtype: N/Abr] Primary Location: Core Sector
Secondary Location: Solar System
Tertiary Location: Jupiter Subsystem
Transshipment Station: N/A
  Habitation Status
Status: Colonized
Classification: Fortress World
Population: ~100 000.
Capital: N/A
Government: Iron Pact
Solar Commonwealth Member: Yes.


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