Mercurial Confederation

The governing body of the Mercury and one of the signatory of the Second Treaty of Deimos, making it a part of the Solar Commonwealth. This makes it one of the sixteen most powerful governments of the Solar System. It's far from being one of the strongest among those, however.   The biggest problem that the Confederation is facing is the fact that it is indeed a confederation. It's ability to force its own provinces to act along the federal government is extremely limited, and they can secede at any given moment. It is less a country and more a loose cooperation agreement.


There isn't much of an organization to the Mercurial Confederation, with almost entirety of its territory belonging to several hundred local communities - some of which with a population in hundreds of thousands.   Those communities resemble the states of the old United States, with their own local militaries, police, laws, courts and a government, The federal government and law enforcement of Mercury is only given authority over cases and things that transceded borders of a single community or that occured in direct surroundings of New Geneva, which is the planetary capital that answers directly to the federal government.


Majority of the Confederation's ground forces are the local militias of the provincial governments. Their equipment is more or less unified throughout the planet, but the exact organization details are rather varied.   The regular army of the Confederation is kept to a rather low number of about seventy thousand, if only because the regional governments dislike the concept of giving the federal government too much power on the surface of the planet.   In space, Confederation maintains a reasonably sized contingent as a part of the Solar Defense Fleets, currently composed of two dreadnoughts, seven monitors and twenty-four corvettes. When compared to their ground forces, it's strangely large, mostly due to the Confederation doing its best to expand the one branch of the military that doesn't cause problems with the provincial governments.

Agriculture & Industry

Farming on Mercury is a rapidly expanding branch of economy that is split into two subbranches. The first one is the open-air farms - large scale but due to the still-limited soil fertility, it tends to produce only the most basic of foodstuff, all while doing so in limited amount.   In fact, every field is usually only sowed once every three years in order to not overstrain the soil, with the remaining two years used for a variety of fertility-enriching procedures. This is a standard procedure for all terraformed worlds - the intent is to eventually reach the point where the soil is fertile enough to produce proper amount of food every year.   The other subbranch is the in-door farms, which at the high cost of heavy work and a lot of machine assistance can produce high quality food in small numbers. This is what slightly lowers the dependence on imports from Earth when it comes to high quality foodstuff.
Mercury is notable for being Solar System's closest equivalent of an Iron Planet, with 70% of its mass being composed of metals, primarily iron. While it's not a material valuable enough to warrant exporting, the purity and availability of the ores of Mercury making them viable for extraction. This leads to Mercury being a rare example of a world where mining is an actual branch of industry.   This, in turn, leads to a notable consumer industry existing on the surface of the planet, which in turn satisfies the local demand and keeps the prices extremely low.   Surplus of the metals mined from the surface are usually delivered to the shipyards on the Mercury' orbit. While trying to supply those with the materials from the planetary mines would be extremely ineconomical, this is usually done when one of the space elevators is scheduled to move up without its full cargo.


Mercury is a world of tall and sharp mountains that split its continents apart, forcing the planetary government - in cooperation with the local governments - to dig dozens of giant tunnels connecting the provinces of Mercury.   Roads and magnetic railroads go through those, leading to the provinces being geographically separated but closely tied with each other through the public infrastructure. Maintaining those is one of the few things that the federal government has full power over.
Mercurial Confederation
Capital: New Geneva, Mercury
Language: English, Chinese, Russian
Population: ~104 million
Other Names: N/A
Government: Confederated Democracy
Economy: Free Market
Religion: Varied.
Biostatus: Varied.
Cyberstatus: Varied.
Ruler: President Leon Taylor
Baselines - Accepted.
Variants - Accepted.
Transhumans - Accepted.
Aliens - Accepted.


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