
Metaphysicists are practitioners of metaphysics which - in its modern meaning - is an art of exposing your mind to the higher dimensions and through that act obtaining an ability to alter the fabric of reality - for a variety of purposes, from warfare through science to recreating archeotechs presumably created by alien metaphycists.   While their skills are invaluable to modern society, there are some major problems with the metaphysicists that leaves them with a rather mixed public image.



Details depend on the patron in question. What is common to all accepted candidates for metaphysicist training is the ability to concentrate on a single thing for an extended period of time, willpower of steel coupled with ability to withstand pain and above average intellect, usually accompanied by higher education.   Metaphysicist training facilities are allowed to cause pain to their prospective students as a form of an entrance exam, usually through high immersion simulations. This is a common knowledge throughout Commonwealth, and anyone wanting to become a metaphysicist knows what they're agreeing to.   Due to the need for heightened ability to concentrate, disproportionate amount of metaphysicists is neurodivergent. Conversely, metaphysicists with ADHD are almost unheard of.

Career Progression

Solar Commonwealth categorizes metaphysicists on a 1 to 10 scale, which represents the level of skills and their understanding of their craft, with promotions to higher level usually decided by a commitee of people already on the level that the person in question aspires to.



Metaphysicists are capable of invoking powers of their patron to temporarily alter the reality around them, at the cost of the reality pushing back against the exerted force. The results of that push-back vary from bleeding from a nose to being rewritten into a two-dimensional objects before almost immediately ceasing to exist (or sliding through the molecular structure of the floor and disappearing somewhere in the core of your planet/dark void of space outside of your starship).   Willpower and pain resistance are crucial in suppressing or withstanding the pushback. However, no invocation is truly safe nor easy. As a result, metaphysicists are usually expected to possess conventional skills that they can further expand with their invocations. For example, being a qualified starship engineer than in the pinch can invoke the power of the Forge of Flesh and Metal.   Metaphysicists can perform a variety of invocations with a variety of utilities, ranging from teleportation (for example to board enemy ship) to temporarily altering the laws of physics on a limited area to allow something otherwise impossible to be created (for example, metamaterials like Adamantium). This is because while the pushback will force the laws of physics back to their normal state, the processes that were concluded under the influence of metaphysicist will remain concluded.

Social Status

Metaphysicists are regarded with a mixture of fear, loathing, awe and envy. Their craft can be learned, unlike that of Psychics and Holders, but also carries high risks - both to themselves and their surroundings. It's also not uncommon for many scientists, atheists and other 'rational' people to regard them as something fundamentally irrational and unknown, down to suspecting them all of being cultists of their chosen patron.   Which isn't necesarily incorrect.   In the end, though, they're necessary as without them many of the wonders of modern era simply wouldn't be possible.



The most important tools of every metaphysicist are focus objects and choral engines.   The former are all sort of items made from psychoactive materials that allow them to establish a better focus on the work they're about to perform (for example, any sort of weapon made from such materials tends to make combat invocations work better). They're usually price'y, but more established metaphysicists can usually afford them. In most cases, this investment pays back quickly.   Choral engines are advanced machines that allow multiple metaphysicists to pool their willpower, imagination and invocations into a single, much more powerful invocation. An example of a choral engine are the teleportation beacons - a dozen metaphysicists of significant skill working around a single choral engine can extend the range of their teleportation invocation from a hundred kilometers to a hundred thousand kilometres, potentially allowing to sent a boarding squad into the enemy warship.   Due to choral engines requiring a lot of energy to empower their operations, they're immobile and require connection to some major power sources (like ship's reactors).

Dangers & Hazards

Their every invocation causes a pushback, which can cause a variety of often lethal symptoms. Some of them depend on the invocation in question - for example pushback against a teleportation can teleport you in the direction opposite to the one you performed, potentially making you materialize inside the wall and effectively telefrag yourself. Others are universal - like bleeding from nose, intense headaches, permanent changes to your body or mind, implosion or explosion and even - in extremely rare cases - something replacing you.


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