
Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and not only the capital of the Subsystem but also of the Solar Commonwealth. While far away from the Inner System where most of the really important things are happening, it's a place that none of the powers of the Solar System claimed while still being capable of supplying large enough population to maintain Commonwealth's HQ.   It was terraformed in the aftermath of the Blackout, but it remains a perfect example of the type of a Terran Eccentric globe that are commonly found throughout the Outer System: livable but unpleasant.


Titan's main geographic feature is five oceans connected through manmade canals, surrounded by a single, massive supercontinent. Some small rivers exist around equator, all of them artificially created. There are also some mountains, but none of them particularly high.


Titan has an interesting climate, perhaps the nicest one in the Solar System past the orbit of Jupiter. Due to severe axial tilt there are some seasons here, but with minimal differences in temperatures (up to 6C). By Earth's standards, Titan remains in a state of an eternal warm spring - it never snows during the 'winter' and it's never too hot during the 'summer'.   Rains are rare but they do happen, however they are almost never strong enough to clear the clouds. The days of the clear sky do happen, but are extremely rare. The air humidity is also extremely high.

Fauna & Flora

In the process of being introduced to the world. Titan is believed to be the furthest world from the Sun that still receives enough light to have a shot at having trees grow. However, such still hypothetical forests would block too much sunlight from reaching the ground underneath them to facilitate other plant growth.   There's an on-going soil enrichment project which is intended to make large swathes of the planet fertile enough to establish some limited agriculture in other to feed the Saturn Subsystem and limit its dependence on the Inner System. A side-effect of that process would be introduction of some wildlife, although by its nature Titan's ecosystem would always be rather small.
Distance from Sun: 1453.53 million km
Distance from Saturn: 1.222 million km Diameter: 5151 km
Solar Constant: 0.0209
Mass: 0.0225 Earths
Gravity: 0.138 g
Mean Density: 1.880 kg/l
Orbital Period: 29.457 years
Day Length: 15.945 Earth days
Rotation Axial Tilt: 27 degrees   Avg. Temperature per Latitude
poles: -29 C
75 deg: -4 C
60 deg: 5 C
45 deg: 13 C
30 deg: 19 C
15 deg: 24 C
equator: 29 C
Object Type: Icy Moon
Object Subtype: Terran Eccentric
Primary Location: Core Sector
Secondary Location: Solar System
Tertiary Location: Saturn Subsystem
Transshipment Station: Helene
  Habitation Status
Status: Colonized
Classification: Administrative World
Population: ~3 mln.
Capital: Central Spire
Government: Solar Commonwealth
Solar Commonwealth Member: Yes.


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