
Titania is one of the two terraformed worlds of the Uranus Subsystem. It has no natural resources and nothing resembling an ecosystem - though it's not without value. It is the Solar Commonwealth's - and Mankind's as a whole - highest security prison from which there is no escape.


Two large oceans make up for about 52% of Titania's surface. The rest is split between three continents, each of them less interesting than the one before it. There are almost no geographic features of note, except for a few fairly high mountains but with slopes so gentle that you could climb a mountain and not notice it.


Standard for an outer system world. Extremely humid air but almost without rain due to temperature amplitude being almost non-existent, and with the skies constantly covered by dense clouds.   The only interesting feature of Titania is that sometimes the higher atmosphere is cooled enough to force a snow to fall, causing short-time cooling of the lower layers and an intense rain accompanied by rapidly lowered temperature. After that occurs, skies above that region of the planet remain clear for a few days, before returning to its usual state.

Fauna & Flora

None - and on purpose. Titania is left entirely dependent on shipments of food from the Inner System. Even if a prisoner does escape their prison barracks, there is nowhere for them to go and no food for them to obtain.
Distance from Sun: 2875.04 million km
Distance from Uranus: 0.436 million km Diameter: 1576 km
Solar Constant: 0.00535
Mass: 0.0005908 Earths
Gravity: 0.037g
Mean Density: Mean density: 1.711 kg/l
Orbital Period: 29.457 Earth years
Day Length: 8.706 Earth days
Rotation Axial Tilt: 98 degrees (82 degrees, retrograde)   Avg. Temperature per Latitude
poles: 14.6 C
75 deg: 15.2 C
60 deg: 15.4 C
45 deg: 15.5 C
30 deg: 15.7 C
15 deg: 15.8 C
equator: 15.9 C
Object Type: Icy Moon
Object Subtype: Terran Eccentric
Primary Location: Core Sector
Secondary Location: Solar System
Tertiary Location: Uranus Subsystem
Transshipment Station: Perdita
  Habitation Status
Status: Colonized
Classification: Prison World
Population: ~150 000.
Capital: Landing
Government: Solar Commonwealth
Solar Commonwealth Member: Yes.


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