Venus Geographic Location in Blackout | World Anvil


Venus is one of the planets in the Solar System that undergo rapid terraforming with the help of the terraforming nanites brought to the Solar System by the Sidhe, turning the world habitable within a single decade. It has been colonized by humans soon after, although the introduction of plant and animal life is a process that will likely last for a long time, if only due to how selective the Venusian authorities are with them.   Today, Venus is on the best way to becoming a superpower within the constraints of the Solar System, although it is not without some fierce opposition. This is caused in big part by Venus being the last socialist state in the Known Space and how permissive its culture is towards many behaviour that are considered unwelcome by the rest of the Solar System. This is accompanied by a growing interest in transhumanist pursuits, which only seems to alienate Venus from the rest of the Commonwealth even more.


Venus sports a single, massive ocean with several small continents scattered throughout it. The ocean is much more shallow than those on Earth (usually few hundred meters at most), which has a rather negative influence on the climate patterns of the planet, one described in greater detail under the [Climate] section.   The continents tend to be composed mostly of empty plains, with only some relatively small mountains and valleys to make them less monotonous. You can also expect a lot of canals, once filled with lava and now water.


Venus is considered a Terran Eccentric planet, which means that while the planet is similar to Earth and supports human habitation, it's not without some severe factors that complicate the lifes of its inhabitants. In this case, there are two such problems.   The first one is a relatively high atmospheric pressure that has stabilized at around 4.6atm. This is enough to make nitrogen toxic, which is why it was replaced in the atmosphere with helium and a number of other, neutral gasses, being close in composition to gasses used by some scuba divers on Earth during particularly deep dives. However, the atmosphere is still problematic, and the shifts in the pressure are significantly higher than on Earth, causing severe discomfort to the inhabitants when it happens.   it also forces people leaving the planet to undergo a ~three days long procedure of decompression to avoid undergoing decompression sickness.   The second problem is the geography of the world. Venus sports a singular, massive but shallow ocean. This causes lack of significant ice cops at the poles - and severe temperature shifts due to deep oceans being a major factor in stabilizing planetary temperatures.   Due to those two factors, while you can breath on Venus's surface, it's not exactly a comfortable thing to do.

Fauna & Flora

There are several problems with introducing terran lifeforms to Venus. Atmospheric pressure forcing creatures to adapt to helium-oxygen atmosphere. Temperature shifts caused by the shallow oceans. Long nights of the planet (who are its equivalent of winter. And, last but not least, soil largely lacking fertility for larger forms of plantlife.   Eventually, Venus will become a world of biodiversity to challenge Earth, especially considering the sheer size and a gravity extremely close to that of Earth (the closest one of all worlds within the Solar System). However, for now introduction of Earth's life to Venus is a tedious process that is far from reaching its conclusion.   One that's going to last even longer than usual due to Venusian insisting on making 'their' flora and fauna different from the one on Earth, at least in colours (but often also in forms), making every introduced animal and plant go through extensive process of gene-editing.   For now the planet is still mostly on the stage where most of plantlife is composed of moss, lichen, fungi and grass, with animal life limited to rodents and other small herbivores.


Venus was initially claimed and colonized by countries of the now defunct Union of Progress and Freedom, an alliance of Terran countries twhose response to the disasters of the Days of Fire by abandoning capitalism in favour of planned economy, a process typically accompanied by rather open approach to sexuality (and society as a whole) that was frowned upon by many outside of their borders.   Back then, the Free Republic of Venus was a society largely based on a network of orbital stations due to Venus still being a Hothouse Planet that was definitely not habitable. Elements of this remain to this day, with Venusian orbit being very well developed for its population.   It has become de facto independent after the UPF collapsed during the Third World War, although it maintained close ties with the remaining socialist countries of Earth (that today has mostly collapsed into obscurity following the disaster that the Fourth World War was). However, it still considers itself the protector of all the remaining socialist movements and does its best to support them with its money and influence.   This didn't stop them from becoming a signatory of the Second Treaty of Deimos, making Venus a part of the Solar Commonwealth.
Distance from Sun: 108 mil. km
Diameter: 12104 km
Solar Constant: 3.779
Mass: 0.815 Earths
Mean Density: 5.243 kg/l
Orbital Period: 225 Earth days
Day Length: 584 Earth days
Rotation Axial Tilt: <10 degrees   Avg. Temperature per Latitude
poles: 12 C
75 deg: 14 C
60 deg: 14 C
45 deg: 15 C
30 deg: 15 C
15 deg: 16 C
equator: 16 C
Object Type: Terrestrial Planet
Object Subtype: Terran Eccentric
Primary Location: Core Sector
Secondary Location: Solar System
Tertiary Location: Venus Subsystem
Satellites: None
Transshipment Station: Marx Station
  Habitation Status
Status: Colonized
Classification: Civilized World
Population: ~220 mln.
Capital: Engels Habitation Zone
Government: Free Republic of Venus
Solar Commonwealth Member: Yes.


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