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Long ago, outer gods battled with the previous inhabitants of the world. The giants fought fiercely to protect their homeland. Wielding weapons of pure magic, they felled deities of the great beyond, sealing those who could not be defeated. For one giant killed, two invaders were slain. The war lasted dozens of years, resulting in an eventual victory for the defenders. Battered and grieving, they saw their enemies fall back to whence they came in an even worse shape.   The war took its toll on the land and its people. Unattended corpses littered the ground, crushing wildlife and filling the seas. The remnants of their population were too few in numbers to recover from this blow, and they all died out eventually, leaving behind their legendary swords and axes. Nowadays, they remain as spectacular landmarks enjoyed by the human civilisation that succeeded the great giants.   Slowly coming out of a dark age, humans have spread over most of the world. Scholars study the artefacts of yesteryears, kings expand their territory and merchants weave complex webs of trade. Adventurers do their part, often on the front line to contain the sealed gods that struggle in their millennia-old prisons. Still, initiates of ancient lore cannot help but wonder: have the outer deities really given up on conquering their world? And if not, can they succeed where a civilisation so greater than them barely won?

Swordsfighters ( 1 )