Depths of the Screaming sea

Far to the east of Republic of Unimbalor lies a Screaming sea.

Before the First conjunction, there was no sea here, but beautiful meadows inhabited with creatures of names now long forgotten. When The Conjunction happened, creatures of this place, like in many places on Bleagatara, became mad with rage and started eating each other to the point of almost killing all that lived here.
Upon the ending of The Conjuction, meadows were gone. Wherever the eye could see, there was only destruction. At the moment of the Blood Moon anomaly all there was screamed as water swallowed the meadows dragging them to the bottom of the sea. Some creatures survived and under water they created their lairs so they could continue to torment the world above.

The Captain of The Crnoglav felt scared. They were entering The Screaming sea and he never liked going through it, as under the sea Vezraks lives. Still, this was the fastest way to the trading port of Keunim Kingdom and with the artifact he had in his posession, he needed to get there as soon as posible. It would take seven days to cross the sea he knew that fog here could get really heavy in winter.

On the fifth night a bell woke him up from his sleep. He run fast to the deck, already knowing what was happening, yet hoping he was wrong.

"What is going on Asked the captain, still wearing his underclothes.
"I can hear them in the fog, captain, at least a dozen of Vezraks!"
  "All men to the battle positions! Get ready for the glory of Keunim!"
  "I will take the boat and the artifact with me. You hold them off for as long as you can. The artifact must reach its destination, even if you are all about to die." said the captain in low voice to the first officer.
  "I understand, captain. For the glory of Keunim!"
  Soon, the Vezraks started attacking. They were fast, faster than than one could react to and they came in great numbers. One by one, the members of The Crnoglav were pulled into the sea, screaming and pleading for help before they would be swallowed by water. The captain could hear them scream, but there was nothing he could do. He had his orders and he always followed them no mater the cost.

They all knew they will not drown, no - the Vezraks will make sure that they were going to the Vezrak lair. Only a few ever escaped and they would never be the same.

The first officer could hear screams of his fellow sailors. He was gathering courage to open his eyes, aware that, if there was any chance to escape, he needed to see where he is and use the screams of others to cover the sound of him moving.

The light was dimmed and his eyes needed a couple of minutes to get used to the lack of light. He was in an underwater cave, surrounded by scattered remains of other unlucky souls. The walls were covered in a sort of black liquid that was alive. It must have been, at the closer look you could see screaming faces fading in and out. This cave was old, older than the sea itself, but it seemed that some parts were made by intelligent creatures. You could still see parts of the seats and the guard post.  
The stench was overwhelming and the first officer vomited on himself. He decided to stand up and try to see what to do next. He could still hear screams of other member of the crew. Standing up, his legs were shaking with fear, and then he saw it. The eye made of bones and in the center of the eye a green emerald. Some parts of the bone were decorated with gold and other were white as snow. Red tears were dripping from the eye to the marble throne that was built underneath. The symbol looked familiar, too familiar, he could swear he saw it in some old books about Gods and the war they waged after The Conjunction.

    "You know what it is, you just do not want to accept it." said a deep voice of a Vezrak behind him.   He could not move, his heart was pounding, he know he should run but could not. His mind remembered.   "Ravtab! That is the symbol of Ravtab!" he screamed.   "Yes, and you have an honor to be his meal today."   Screams filled the cave as Ravtab was devouring the first officer. The Vezrak shrieked with excitement. Ravtab, their creator, was pleased with the dinner they brought.

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Oct 5, 2024 05:28 by Barron

Well that expedition didn't go well!