Prohibition of Magic Usage


This decree was meant to eliminate all magic and its dark arts from the kingdom of Nimtra. Stemming from the desparate situation that was brought on by the Bloodchill Plague and magic misuse under King Yngvarr, it was a document written to protect both the kingdom's body and soul, as all magical practices are forbidden.

Document Structure


  1. Total Prohibition Of Magic
  2. Demolition Of Magic Institutes
  3. Seizure Of Mystic Artifacts
  4. Punishment For Practitioners
  5. Immediate Execution For Necromancy
  6. Creation Of The Inquisition
  7. Reward For Informants


The decree was supposed to be permanent and unchangeable.
It applied to all inhabitants of the kingdom of Nimtra, regardless of status or position.
Immediate and severe penalties, including execution.

Publication Status

The decree was widely available and must have been proclaimed throughout the kingdom to enforce obedience. It was supposed to be widely known and rigorously implemented.

Legal status

This decree was deemed legal under the laws of the kingdom in accordance with King Soren I and subject to Crown jurisdiction, enforced by a newly created royal inquisition.

Historical Details


It was a period in which history, culture, and politics were volatile. Accompanied by the use of dark arts, particularly necromancy, the Bloodchill Plague was unleashed during Yngvarr's reign. This disaster caused massive suffering and death, which seriously weakened the kingdom. The non-magical family ascended the throne, and it dramatically altered and shook up the political landscape thereafter. It was the end to a time of darkness and the start of Morová Doba.


The Reign of King Yngvarr
1612 PD: King Yngvarr began his now notorious reign on the throne. He was the power-hungry ruler, whose necromancy proclivities had already made him a notorious figure in the Nimtra.   1665 PD: Fueled by his craving to build an unstoppable undead horde, King Yngvarr ordered his blood mages to produce a disease known later as the Bloodchill Plague.   1675 PD: After many years of terror and destruction by the Bloodchill Plague, a turning point wass reached. Yngvarr was killed with his own creation, as distrust and paranoia had festered within his council. The death of Yngvarr had brought about the end to the Proklatá Doba; a new age began for the kingdom.  
The Aftermath and Soren I
1 MD: After the death of Yngvarr, the kingdom was for a long time trying to establish itself and restore order. The continued spread of the Bloodchill Plague only worsened, continuing to ravage both land and its population. In the midst of this, Soren I was declared as the new king. He was born into a non-magical family and devoted to erasing all magic from his realm.   5 MD: King Soren I suffered a personal tragedy when his sons fell to another outbreak of the Bloodchill Plague in the capital. Their death, followed by further atrocities, only served to reinforce his views that magic was a vile thing in the lives of men. Those events had only strengthened his will to declare war on magic of any stripe, and he could see no other solution but dire retribution upon the mages. This led to this decree being created.

Public Reaction

The reaction from the public was a bit mixed. Most were simply relieved and supportive, full of hope that the banning of magic would mean an end to all the pain, grief and turmoil caused by the Bloodchill Plague. The universal fear and distrust of the mages helped to ensure that this was taken for granted. But there were also holdouts—those who still secretly practiced the art of magic or sought to use its power for benevolent purposes.


The lasting effects of the decree cannot be overlooked. It established a firm ideology for anti-magic practices that affected future generations, forming an ultra-puritanical society bent wholly against any form of magic. It also led to the rise of the Royal Inquisition and later the Order of Witch Hunters, which quickly became an important faction in all corners of the kingdom.


The decree lasted almost 15 years, from the start of year 6 MD to the end of year 20 MD. During this period, its content was enforced with an iron fist by royal inquisitors. In the Mage Decree of 20 MD, Queen Helga I had imposed new laws that expanded upon the policy of prohibition and brought about worse punishments for the use of magic. This new act also established the Witch Hunters, who would now hold official power to discover and extinguish any form of magic within the kingdom's borders.
Decree, Royal
Authoring Date
21st of Traven, 6 MD
Ratification Date
23rd of Traven, 6 MD
Expiration Date

Cover image: by Midjourney


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