Marked Defenders Profession in Blinding Veil | World Anvil

Marked Defenders

"When all hope seemed lost, I saw him charge forwards spear in hand without fear. At that moment I knew it wasn't over, that I would make it home." -Note Written by a Rocutrran Soldier

Written by: jester2b
Cover art by: Rafael Sewa

Zenith of their Kind

The Marked Defenders are the zenith of Roctane ability. The absolute pinnacles of strengths, skill, and wisdom within Rocturra. They are the Orkina Temple's greatest warriors, charging into any battle without hesitation, inspiring those that followed them.

Blessing of the Temple

  The Orkina Temple is the sole authority on who may become a Marked Defender. Those who have proven themselves to be of great skill, wielding unbreakable resolve, and whose loyalty to Rocturra is unshakable are worthy of being chosen. When an individual has been given the honor, the Temple will summon them to the Blood Lake of Monurga in the Eskratir Archipelago. There they will drink from the crimson waters of the lake and adorn a tailored suit of silver armor.   The Marked Defenders are the greatest fighters in all of Rocturra, sent to face any threat no matter how dangerous. Their silver armor is a beacon that guides their forces to victory. When a defender finally falls, they will be honored by being buried in an elaborate tomb used to inspire their people even in death.

Notable Marked Defenders

Burrkar, the Drakemaster

Burrkar was the first to earn the title of Marked Defender after leading Rocturra's armies against the revolting Dreddar forces on the back of a tamed Monarch Drake. The Dreddar forces began to fear the drake-rider, he was only a formidable foe in battle but also a master tactician who was able to lead his troops to victory no matter the odds. In the fallout of the Dreddar Insurrection, Burrkar was summoned by the Orkina Temple and chosen to become the first Marked Defender of Rocturra.

Yullder, the Bane of All Beasts

Born in a small village tucked away in the jungles of Mongrasil, Yullder was always drawn to nature, enamored with its beauty and in awe of its ferocity. Yullder became famous within Rocturra after he slew a powerful Draugovenan single-handedly. After his triumph over the predator of dragons, Yullder traveled to Virginwood to slay the beasts of the ancient, untamed forest. Upon his return to Rocturra, the Orkina Temple found him worthy of becoming a Marked Defender and summoned him to the Blood Lake. During his tenure as a Marked Defender, Yullder founded the The Tevan Tay, a guild of hunters who dedicated themselves to studying nature and protecting the people of Rocturra from dangerous wildlife.

Blademaster Linyarra

The most recent individual to be given the title of Marked Defender, Linyarra's name is famous in Rocturra and Derraken. The blade master earned her fame when she challenged Calvila Dreddar, the first daughter of the Dreddar family and the most infamous warrior in all of Stelwen to a duel. The honorable Calvila accepted and met her challenger at Tolmr Komgor. Linyarra's confidence and bravery earned her much respect in the eyes of the immortal Calvila, but the odds were stacked against her. Despite the odds, Linyarra held fast and defeated Calvila in a victory that shocked everyone. Linyarra marked her victory over her opponent by leaving a single slash on Calvila's right cheek.   The young swordswoman became famous overnight after her defeat across the entire continent. Linyarra refused to let it get to her head and returned to practicing her blade skills, for she could never be satisfied with her ability. A year after her triumph, Calvila honored the one who beat her and challenged Linyarra, somewhat fascinated with the swordswoman who had been the only one to ever defeat her. The two of them met again in Tolmr Komgor, the rematch drawing a large crowd coming to witness the two champions clash once again. Just as she had before, Linyarra defeated Calvila again, giving her a second slash on the cheek just above the first.   With her name cemented in Rocturran legend, the Orkina Temple selected her to become a Marked Defender. Her two-time victory over the infamous Calvila Dreddar would make her a valuable asset in the event of war between Derraken and Rocturra. Linyarra would don the silver armor and would go on to found the Yarraken, a school for elite swordsmen.   She stand strong as a Marked Defender until she fell deathly ill with cancer, threatening her with a death unfitting for a warrior like her. She would be on the cusp of death until a mysterious woman entered her chambers and gave her an unknown concoction that cured her cancer almost instantly. After being cured, Linyarra found that the concoction had done more than cure her, it had also made her stronger and had seemingly stopped her from aging. She would duel Calvila one more time after her recovery, which resulted in Calvila receiving her third slash on the cheek.


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