Omval Sparv, Voice of the Ækonar

"The Aekonar seemingly live their live for bloodshed, and yet their greatest triumph as a people was achieved through peace."

  Written by: jester2b
Cover Art by: Rafael Sewa
The Ækonar people of Korhem tell many stories of the grand heroes and their mighty battles throughout their history. Their history is wrought with hardship and bloodshed, yet their greatest hero wielded not the sword, but the lyre and tongue.

Early Life

Omval was born on 543 1E in the small village of Österäng. The young Omval took an interest in the stories of the Aekonar, from the grand tales of the gods' exploits in the mortal world to the triumphs of humanity's heroes. His days were spent listening to the village storyteller and reading old tomes recounting stories from all across Korhem. As Omval grew older, his interests expanded into writing and music, where he took his fascination with his people's history and breathed into his work. After years of persecution and attempted erasure by the Forvir occupiers, the Aekonar's culture found new life in Omval's work. 

Aekonar Rallying Cry

As an adult, Omval traveled all across occupied Korhem, performing in various establishments from roadside taverns to the courts and manors of local lords. Omval wasn't driven by wealth or fame, rather he desired to rekindle the customs and traditions of the Ækonar, to share his love for their cultural identity that had been squashed by the foreign invaders. Those who had been practicing their old culture in secret had newfound courage to come out of hiding. Slowly, Omval Sparv became a household name among the people of Korhem, who would come in droves to his performances wherever he went.   While he had become one of the most well-known names in Korhem, he'd also catch the attention of Forvin officials who feared a possible rebellion from the Ækonar. King Storolf of Kronenstien began a nationwide crackdown on Omval's work, destroying any of his written work and attempting to keep him from performing in any settlements under threat of death. The king's forces came close to killing the bard while he camped in the woods one night, fortunately, however, the bard was able to escape by hiding within the leaves of an evergreen tree. Despite the constant threat of death, Omval continued to perform for the Ækonar, most times in public spaces seeming to dare the Forvir to come for him.   The king's plan ended doing the opposite of what he had desired, as his efforts to squash any possibility of a revolt had only emboldened the people of Korhem. After decades of exploitation and persecution at the hands of the Forvir, the Ækonar were ready to break the chains that they had been shackled with for so long. The people of Korhem were ready to fight for freedom, even if it meant the end of the Ækonar.

Voice for Peace

Despite the Ækonar gearing up for war with King Storolf's forces, Omval had no desire for bloodshed. The odds were not in the Ækonar's favor, as the Forvir severely outnumbered them and were far better equipped for all-out war than Korhem was. War with Kronenstein could very well result in the Ækonar being decimated, leaving his people in a far worse state than they currently were. Furthermore, even if the Ækonar were victorious, the cost of life would be too great for his people and would leave Korhem in ruins. Fortunately for Omval, King Storolf was skeptical of war in Korhem as well, as the mountainous terrain would make fighting in the region extremely difficult for his forces. However, Korhem's mines were too valuable for Kronenstien to lose.   Hoping to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict, King Storolf of Kronenstien and Korhem's regional ruler King Hersten planned to meet in Korhem's regional capital of Bekenstad. Omval caught wind of the news and quickly made his way to Bekenstad while writing his famous song "Ode to the Bloodless End", a ballad writing in the native tounges of both the Forvir and the Ækonar calling for a peaceful end to the conflict.   On the 7th of Summer Majesty 570 AE, the two kings met within the northern city of Bekenstad, knowing their actions would affect the future of Korhem forever. The discussion went well at first, but things began to slowly break down as King Storolf demanded Kind Hersten take action against the wave of anti-Forvir sentiments that had overtaken Korhem. Before the talks fell apart completely, Omval made his way into the meeting, with King Storolf wanting to meet the person who had caused so much trouble for him personally. Omval pleaded for a peaceful end to the conflict and presented his latest work to the two kings. Some would say his song was a masterpiece that singlehandedly convinced the two kings to end the conflict peacefully, while others say he acted as a third representative who helped steer the conversation away from war.   In the end, the two leaders made an agreement that saw Korhem gaining its independence from Kronenstien, but King Hersten would work to heavily expand trade between both nations so that they both benefit. With both sides happy with the outcome, war was everted and Korhem would rule themselves as their own nation. The old ways of the Ækonar were restored and the city of Friköpt would become their new capital. Omval was hailed as a hero for the cultural rebirth Korhem underwent and for helping Korhem gain its independence without war.   Korhem would go on to grow into a hardy nation while healing old wounds with their neighbors in the west. Omval would live a long and prosperous life as a traveling writer and musician until his death in 625 1E. He'd be buried among the honored dead in Varingrav.
Date of Birth
5th of Summer's Light 543 1E
Date of Death
14th of Autumn's Sorrow 625 1E


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Feb 12, 2022 11:20 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

Nice story! That was a nice way to end the conflict, and I like that you presented two different interpretation for the role of Omval in it :D   I was a bit confused at the first mention of King Hersten of Korhem since my understanding was that Kronenstien was ruling over Korhem and so they would not have their own king. Was it still a semi independent kingdom?

To see what I am up to: my Summer Camp 2024.
Feb 12, 2022 12:25 by Matt

That's a great point and I'll make sure to address that in the article. The idea is that Kronenstien appointed regional rulers loyal to them in areas they had taken over.

Feb 13, 2022 01:26

As I said before, good job, i enjoyed the read. I like both that he kept his cultures traditions alive and that he was forward thinking enough to not want war from those who had prosecuted him.

Check out some of my summer camp articles, like the dangerous flying jackalope or dragon wasps. Or, for something more light-hearted, there is the whimsical language Gobbledygook and Jaden's interesting job as a guano polisher.
Feb 13, 2022 19:30

Nice article. Great use of his musical prowess to solve the nations problem without bloodshed. I choose to believe him solving the crisis is the true story :p It is great that he managed to keep the culture alive.

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Feb 14, 2022 20:06

I really like the idea of Omval, a bard that brokered peace between two nations. It would be interesting to know more about some of the traditions he saved!

If you have some time, I would much appreciate your feedback on my entry for Adventure April: Carbon Copy Paradise