Overview of Nostrinian Magic

"The arcane is the physical representation of human potential. If the possibilities of magic are limitless, then so is our's." - Lavanya Chetti

Written by: jester2b
Cover Art by: Rafael Sewa

What is Magic?

The definition of magic is the process of manipulating the world with arcane energies. Whether or not a living creature can use magic is determined by its soul. If the soul allows the being to use magic, it will produce Anika, the force that all magic requires to function. Those denied the ability to use magic by their soul still can experiment with the arcane through alternative methods, such as enchanting and alchemy.  

Spellcasting Process

Traditional spellcasting is a three-step process that requires mages to focus and control their Anika to take control over the elements and bend them to their will, power it with their Anika, and release it, all within mere seconds. This mentally intensive process mostly happens in a matter of seconds, though masters at the magical arts can do it on a whim. The three steps to the spell casting process are Function Designation, Anika Binding, and Release.  

Function Designation

The spell casting process begins within the caster's mind. Magic is meaningless energies flowing without purpose if the mage doesn't give these energies a task to complete. The first step of casting a spell is to create a purpose for the magical energies. This step is taken only as the caster brain links with their soul to tap into their Anika and prepare it for use in a spell, designating what the caster wishes to accomplish and what magical elements they want to use to do it. Practiced mages describe this as not too different than making any other quick decision, instead acting out the decision with one's Anika instead of their body. For most novice mages, this step of the spellcasting process is the hardest to learn, as it essentially forces them to think in an entirely new way and do it within a moment's notice.  

Anika Binding

Once the caster's Anika is given a task, the Anika will serve as the power source to the spell; this step is almost instantaneous with no input from the caster. The only thing they must be aware of is if the spell they seek to cast is within their abilities or if they are too mentally exhausted to complete it. If the scope of the magic is outside of their skills or they are too drained to perform the spell, it will simply fail with no harmful effects to the caster. An individual's Anika must be trained like a muscle to become stronger, allowing the user to cast spells at a greater frequency and with greater scope.  


After the caster has given their spell a function and powered it with their Anika, it is time to release it. In traditional spell casting, this is done through body movements, primarily the hands and arms, the purpose of which is to control the magical energies properly, so they do what the user intended. Improper handling can lead to misfires or accidental discharges that could lead to injuries or death of the caster or those around them. An important technique to learn with this step is Holding, where the caster contains the spell within their hands until they are ready to use it. Holding grants spellcasters an opportunity to cancel a spell before its cast or empower it further by adding more Anika.  

Magical Elements

An individual creates spells using their Anika to command the magical elements to produce their desired effect. The elements are divided into three categories of origin: natural, spiritual, and synthesized. Natural elements are manifestations of natural forces such as electricity or gravity, which magically trained individuals can control with Anika. The origin of Spiritual elements is the soul itself, as these elements tend to represent metaphysical concepts such as natural order or thought. Lastly, synthesized elements result from mages combining two or more elements to form something new, such as Blood Frost or Soul Fire.  

Alternative Magics

Traditional spellcasting with Anika is not the only way one can use magic. Throughout the ages, inventive individuals have experimented with ways to use magic beyond traditional spell casting. These alternative methods have unlocked possibilities once unimaginable to even the best mages at one point.  


Enchanting is the practice of binding a spell to a physical object. Any non-organic object can be enchanted with spells and magic effects, although some objects and materials accept enchantments better than others. Objects made with metal, crystals, and gemstones are the most accessible materials to enchant. Staffs and weapons are the most commonly enchanted items, but mages have gotten quite creative over the centuries and pushed the barriers of what was thought to be possible with enchanting.  


The practice of alchemy is one of the oldest uses of magic in Nostrina. It is the practice of creating potions and poisons using the chemical and magical properties of objects. Plants and animal parts are the most commonly used materials, although creative alchemists have used inorganic objects to significant effect. New and innovative uses for alchemy are still being found in the Second Era, limited by only one's imagination.  


Ritualism combines multiple spells, potions, and enchantments to produce magical effects, the scope of which is beyond that which would be possible with an individual spell. Ritualism is commonly associated with the occult, for many fringe societies such as the Holzlyth of Virginwood are known to perform rituals that can often seem evil to outsiders. This misconception ignores the application of Ritualism in general magical research.  

The Torsal

The Torsal is a powerful language that allows the speaker to manipulate the Omnicrea, the force behind existence. By learning this language, one would gain the ability to rewrite reality with their words, to mold it to their liking like a god. How and why this language was created and how mortals gained access to it is a mystery. Very few individuals have learned even a few words of the Torsal, but those who have obtained power far beyond any mortal before them.
Luetic Classifications of Magic Users
  Alchemist: A catch-all term for anyone skilled in the art of alchemy above all other forms of magic. Alchemists are the most common classification of magic users, due to alchemy's ease of access.   Conjurer: While this classification does see some overlap with elementalists who specialize in the Void element, Conjurers refer to magic users who are adept at summoning creatures and objects.   Elementalist: A classification derived from the Nelakashi system of classification, which covers all magic users who specialize in a particular element. With the wide variety of magical elements and their diverse applications, elementalists are a diverse selection of mages that make up the second largest demographic of mages.   Enchanter/Enchantress: Any magic user who primarily specializes in enchanting of any form, whether that be enchanting objects or individuals.   Illusionist: This classification does see some overlap with elementalists who specialize in the element of Dictada, which has put it under scrutiny by those who wish to remove this classification. However, it has been decided that it will remain being used to classify all magic users adept at psychological magic.   Sorcerer/Sorceress: Much like the old and denounced Wizard classification, the term Sorcerer was considered too broad and undefined to be used officially. It was eventually decided that the classification of Sorcerer and Sorceress would remain, with its definition being changed to cover mages who specialize in using magical energies drawn from outside sources. These include staves, artifacts, or other beings which are not the individuals' own Anika.   Witch/Warlock: Often, these terms are used to describe outcasts and the occult by non-magic users, though recently, the terms were adopted into the Luetic classifications system to include any mages who specialize in ritualistic magic. Witches and Warlocks are often vital for their colleagues' magical research, for they are often the ones who possess the knowledge necessary to perform required rituals.


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