
"It may not be able to see you, but it can smell you, fear and all." - Those That Lurk in the Deep, Rottain Kalrik

Written by: jester2b
Cover art by: Rafael Sewa

Blind Scavenger

Within the dark abyss of the Putrid Depths  stalks a sightless killer. It listens carefully for the faintest sound of life in the corpse-strewn caverns, searching for its next kill. For those unlucky enough to find themselves in the depths, watch the sunless sky, for the Serrankr may be coming to claim its prize.


The Serrankr is a blind reptile with ghost-white coloration and no eyes. Its pale leathery wings, which have a wingspan of 4.5 meters, allow the creature to glide through the dark caverns with ease. The legs of the creature are long and slender, with razor-sharp talons on the end of them to secure prey. The Serrankr's most notable trait is its lack of eyes, an adaptation caused by the creature's pitch-black environment. It compensates, the Serrankr uses its enhanced sense of smell and hearing to track down prey. In addition, the Serrankr is believed to have some form of echolocation to detect potential food and prevent it from hitting cave walls.


The only location this drake species is found is within the Putrid Depths. Its lack of eyes and an acute sense of smell make it suitable solely in caves.


Serrankrs are primarily scavengers, but they are also adept hunters. When on the hunt, they're willing to kill any prey they think they can take on. With many species living within the depths still yet to be discovered, it is hard to narrow down all the animals the Serrankr preys upon. Two likely candidates for Serrankr predation are Garranks, a species of Weta around the length of an arm, and young Kurronjors or those roaming on their own., a commonly encountered lizard in the Putrid Depths. As many explorers have unfortunately discovered, the Serrankr will attempt to hunt Roctane and other human-sized creatures that it encounters.

Hunting Behavior

While on the hunt, the Serrankr will position itself high on the cave walls to conceal its presence. While in this position, it'll listen for any movement and follow it from above. When the Serrankr is in the position to strike, it will lunge down with its talons and impale its prey. Once the prey is secure, the Serrankr will take its kill to a safe location to devour it.

Reproduction and Growth

There is next to no concrete information regarding the Serrankr's reproductive cycle. Researchers believe that, like most reptiles, the Serrankr lays eggs within protected nests. Some theorize that they make their nests within dead animals' bones and rotting flesh, but a Serrankr nest is yet to be discovered.
Scientific Name
Volacerta Profunvagus
Average Height
1.2 Meters (4 feet)
Average Length
2.7 Meters (9 feet)
Geographic Distribution


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