The Aeunta

"Some pursuits are not worth pursuing, especially those that lead into the clutches of the Aeunta." - Anelma Jokela

Written by: jester2b
Cover Art by: Rafael Sewa
For as long as the inhabitants of Nostrina have used magic, the Aeunta have watched with hungry eyes. The Aeunta, or the Demon Lords as they are sometimes called, open doors to many possibilities, though one must always be willing to accept the risks of dealing with these beings.

The Demon Lords

Much like the enigmatic Ossians, the Aeunta are born from the Omnicrea, the essence of existence. Like their Ossian counterparts, each Aeunta has their own Ascendant Realm that they have complete control over. However, an Aeunta is bound to its realm, unable to exert its power outside of its Ascendant Realm, and must rely on other beings to carry out its will. Furthermore, Aeunta require sustenance from two things: Anika, the energy that allows a mortal being to use magic, and mortal souls.   Since Aeunta cannot exert their power outside of their Ascendant Realm to sustain themselves, they must reach out to mortals to aid them. Each Aeunta has its methods, though the most commonly employed ones are by exchanging powerful artifacts or their demon servants for Anika and souls. When one summons a demonic servant by a summoning spell, the Anika used to power the spell is siphoned directly to the Aeunta which rules over the demon. Artifacts created by Aeunta are unique in their own right, though they often have the secondary function of collecting Anika and souls for their creators.

Notable Aeunta

Late in the year 1993 1E, a rouge summoner unleashed the might of Immora's demons upon the unsuspecting elves of Crucible. Intent of laying waste to the Sun Elven homeland, the demon horde were relentless in their assault, but soon the tides turned in the favor of the Sun Elves. Eventually, Immora's horde was pushed back to their portal and subsequently invaded by the defending Sun Elves now on the offensive. To prevent further invaders from entering his realm, Immora sealed the portal shut, stranding the remaining Sun Elven warriors in the hellish Blazing Abyss. After this defeat, Immora seemingly disappeared from Nostrina, refusing to contact mortals willing to make deals with him.  
Often described as the embodiment of human greed, Nectramir has garnered a sinister reputation as a manipulative and exploitative Aeunta. Nectramir purposely seeks those easily tempted by greed for his gain, though he often falls for these very same vices. Nectramir has coerced mortals throughout history to cause wide-scale devastation and death to accumulate as many mortal souls as possible. The most significant of these schemes is the creation of the Ussriggan, a parasitic demon who gives its host power in exchange for a constant tithe of mortal souls. These demons have been a scourge for mortals, as many power-hungry individuals have become hosts to the Ussriggan, leaving a long trail of blood in their wake.  
The Guiding Aeunta
Krallumites and the followers of the Occulist faith have garnered a bad reputation for their unabashed worship of Aeunta. Known as the Guiding Aeunta, these six entities are worshipped by Krallumites for their reliability and willingness to help the people of Krallum. These six Aeunta are: Salra Tenna, Korratt, Svantai, Álotaká, Khalran, and Otrenum.   Salra Tenna: Considered by some Occulists to be the most important of the Guiding Aeunta, acting as their leader. According to Occulists, Salra Tenna's aspect is the Priestess, for she gives purpose and guidance through faith to her mortal subjects.   Korratt: The Occulists worship Koratt as the most cunning of all Aeunta, whose aspect is the Sorcerer. Dealings with this Aeunta and their servants require a sharp mind, for each word uttered by these demons is a test of the mind, with those who fail becoming victims of their own foolishness.   Horda Svantai: This Aeunta's aspect within Occulism is the King. He rules his domain with unquestioned authority and brings his order to what he describes as lawless worlds. All lesser beings are meant to serve a purpose, and those who choose to defy it shall be excised.   Álotaká: According to Occulists, her aspect is the Sentinal, the grand protector and master of defense. Worshippers and summoners often employ her demons as defenders for their armies or lairs.   Khalran: Occulists recognize this Aeunta as the Conqueror, for he is the master of warfare and strategy. His demons advise mortals in the art of war and fight in their battles in their master's glory. At times, they even seek in instigate conflict within worlds to profit from the bloodshed.   Otrenum: In the Occulist faith, Otrenum's aspect is the Scribe, for he records each detail of the world. His library supposedly contains the entire knowledge of the world, with each new piece of knowledge being quickly recorded and added to his catalog.


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