The Ossians

"Discovering the truth of Dissenus's existence changed everything. We now have to question every fact we once believed about the world because of him. The possibilities these beings bring doesn't excite me, they chill me to the bone." - Radonja Simic

Written by: jester2b
Cover Art by: Rafael Sewa
The Ossians are some of, if not the strongest beings in the known universe. Seemingly having infinite amounts of power and a lifespan that lasts eternally, the Ossians are unrivaled in their might.

True Divinity

All known information about the Ossians comes from the Dissenus Grimoire, an enchanted book gifted to mortals by Dissenus containing what he knows about his kind. Based on his accounts, the Ossians are born from Omnicrea, the very essence of existence. This is what allows them to wield the power to shape the world in whatever ways they desire, with the only limitation being that they must be in a physical form to use their power. While an Ossian's physical form can be killed or destroyed, this as their existence is tied to their Ascendant Realm. An Ascendant Realm is a special realm that acts as a worldly manifestation of the Ossian in control of it; all things within an Ossian's Ascendant Realm are dictated solely by the Ossian ruling over it. Dissenus has proposed the hypothetical idea that if an Ossian's Ascendant Realm is destroyed, it would permanently kill the Ossian, though he has yet to see this happen to prove this idea.

Known and Potential Ossians

Dissenus, the figurehead of the Sun Elven faith, is the first and only confirmed Ossian. He has played a significant part in forming their civilization, including challenging their rulers to ensure that only the strongest rule in their society. Valuing strength, determination, and honesty in mortals, Dissenus watches over the Sun Elves, viewing them as his children. With such an active presence on Nostrina, at least compared to other Ossians, it would only be a matter of time before researchers would discover him.
  On one fateful night in 693 1E, Radonja Simic, an archeologist from Luet, would receive a visit from Dissenus while studying in Crucible. After barely escaping an altercation with a Sun Elf, angered by his dismissive tone of their god, Dissenus, wishing to set things straight, approached Radonja in the form of a figure adorned in black armor. What followed was a lengthy conversation about the nature of Ossians, including a trip into Dissenus's Ascendant Realm. After the two were finished talking, Dissenus gifted Radonja a plain-looking book that imparted the reader with the same information he had given Redonja as evidence to present to others. This book would eventually be known as the Dissenus Grimoire, serving as the primary source of information regarding Ossians.
The creation of the Luetic Calander is mostly a mundane story with one glaring exception. Alpert's journal entries on the matter continually mention the name In'Gattor, a mysterious individual who lent him knowledge during the making of the calendar. At multiple points, he talks of In'Gattor communicating with Alpert in his dreams and transporting him to various points across Nostrina instantly. Academics initially believed that In'Gattor was a previously undocumented Aeunta; however, the entity's ability to communicate through a mortal's dreams, something that Aeunta are unable to do, has cast doubts on this idea. Furthermore, in the Dissenus Grimoire, Dissenus mentions knowing of two other Ossians, one who hordes knowledge and one who seeks to unravel every secret of the universe. Unfortunately, not even Dissenus knows the names of these two entities, although In'Gattor seems to fit either one of these destriptions.
The Man with Severed Cheeks
All across Nostrina are stories of individuals suddenly disappearing only to return horribly disfigured and mentally broken, if they are to return at all. Many cultures have given a name to the entity they believe is responsible. Marelven, Akitoa, Ternumi, despite originating from cultures from entirely different parts of the world, the description of these figures is easily similar: a ragged, grey-skinned man with cheeks split in half by a knife and a spiked chain nailed to his left arm. According to survivors' accounts, the entity dragged them into a cold, run-down bastille where he would torture them physically and mentally until he was satisfied. Once he was done with them, he either kept them as tools to torture others or brought them back to Nostrina, broken and scarred.
  If this entity were in only a few interconnected mythologies, researchers would've chalked them up to nothing more than a story to scare children into behaving. However, similar reports of this entity from different parts of Nostrina has raised eyebrows among scholars. The truth of the Man with Severed Cheeks still eludes researchers, though there is a genuine chance he is toying with them, letting the search eat away at their minds until it overtakes them.
The High Will
The center of worship in the Decentur faith, the High Will has been an enigma for researchers for centuries. Most signs point to the High Will being simply the product of superstition and a poor understanding of the world. However, after learning of the existence of Ossians, researchers have been reevaluating what they knew about the High Will. When one puts the Decentur faith as one controlled by an unseen Ossian, the tales of penitence and retribution brought upon the Cardinal Elves become far more disturbing. While it may be an easy way to explain the strange occurrences in San Cardel, this explanation has little ground to stand on outside of faith, leaving the possibility of the High Will being an Ossian as unlikely.
The Ejega region in south-eastern Olorrig is a strange place, characterized by the blood-red coloration of the region's plant life. While there seems to be nothing harmful about the red plants, superstitions surrounding the region have pervaded the minds of those living in the surrounding areas. One superstition that has been a point of interest for researchers, in particular, is the story of Ọdarrun. According to the legends, Ọdarrun is the six-eyed ruler of the Ejega, holding complete control of everything that happens in his domain. While some scholars have dismissed this as nothing more than folktales, the enigmatic and elusive nature of Ossians demands greater scrutiny when discussing legends like this. Furthermore, the Ejega region has been host to numerous temporal and magical anomalies, raising even more questions about the crimson lands. The strange lands may be the work of an Ossian, or the answer might be something else entirely; for now, the question remains unanswered.


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