The Wartide Tribes

"They wish for the world to be in their hands, and they'll kill any who stand in the way of that dream. That fanatical devotion to a distant dream is what makes them the nightmare they are." - Excerpt from the Roiling Wartide

Written by: jester2b
Artwork by: Natassa Ioannidi
The Meranus Mountains of southern Crucible are home to many dangers, from the treacherous terrain to the unpredictable wildlife. However, for many travelers, the greatest risk when traversing these mountains are the Aetrubellum, or simply the Wartide Tribes. These savage elves see all as a challenge to overcome and show no mercy against their enemies. Forsaken and exiled from Crucible for their reverence of war and conquest, they are a threat that plagues their homeland and its neighboring nations.


Cult of the Aetrubellun Sectators

The origins of the Eatrubell date back to the early First Era. Around 231 1E, a cult known as the Aetrubellum Sectator was formed in isolated settlements within the Meranus Mountains. These cults believed that for their strength and indomitable will to grow ever stronger, Dissenus has chosen the Sun Elves to be the sole rulers of the world. Their destiny, in their eyes, was to build an empire that spanned all of Nostrina and bring the other weaker races into submission.
  Though remaining on the fringes of Sun Elves society, this cult attracted many who were hungry for battle and those who would be aspiring warlords in the uncertain and disunified era following the Viridium Rush in Crucible. They often raided supplies from the dwindling number of trade caravans traveling along the roads into Crucible, being partially responsible for trade with Crucible's neighbors dying out for a time. Their presence helped spur some settlements to ally with some of the rising kingdoms, such as Dralore and Aemulator, for protection against the raiders.
  When Crucible fully unified under Queen Canta, the cult challenged her rule by sieging Dralore. The new-found queen of Crucible was a usurper, a charlatan who invoked Dissenus for her own schemes. Their crusade sought to convert all of Crucible into the fold of the Wartide and begin the long march of the new Sun Elven empire. Their dreams lofty, their ambitions high, neither of which proved enough against Queen Canta's forces. The Aetrubellum Sectators were beaten back into the Meranus Mountains, excised from Crucible, and ostracized from the rest of the Sun Elves. The Aetrubellum would remain an enemy of Crucible, vowing to one day bring their former homeland to heel along with the rest of Nostrina.

Rise of Martrenus

Disunifed and scattered across the Meranus Mountains, the Wartide Tribes were a distant but everpresent problem for Crucible and its neighbors. The routes that winded through the mountain passes had been long abandoned in fear of raiding parties. With the lack of caravans passing through the mountains, more brazen tribes desperate for supplies attacked lowland settlements in Crucible, Malasharu, and Arraz. Despite efforts to wipe them out, the treacherous terrain served as a natural fortress for the Aetrubellum raiders. Their resilience and persistence were not enough to sway the tide of change, which threatened to sweep away their people and their dreams of a great empire that spanned all of Nostrina. Stagnation in their ways, tactics, and slowly dwindling supplies had eaten away at the tribes. In 199 2E, one War Chief would change the course of history for the Wartide Tribes and usher in a new era for the tribes.
  During one of his tribe's raids on a plantation in Malasharu, Chieftain Martrenus saw an opportunity to sow disorder in their enemies, giving his raiders an advantage against the heavily defended plantation. Malasharu's mining and agricultural work mostly involved slaves from Igberile, Arraz, and Dresdu. Knowing this, Martrenus sought to free these slaves to create chaos in the plantation and possibly gain temporary allies for his raiders.
  On the day of the attack, Martrenus ordered his raiders to only attack plantation guards while freeing and protecting any slaves they encountered. After the raid, Martrenus dragged out the owner of the plantation in front of the freed slaves and gave them his hammer. From there, a new unity was born, with the raiders from the mountains seeking an empire and the freed slaves seeking freedom. Martrenus's army grew as other tribes joined him, and more liberated slaves joined his cause. Some Chieftains saw his integration of the recently freed slaves as a sign of weakness, viewing the act as an admittance of failure of the Chieftain's tribesmen. These rivals stuck to the old ways and now raided Martrenus's territories, no longer considering those under him as true followers of the Wartide. Those liberated by Mertrenus fought for the Chieftain, hopeful of the future under his rule.
  As of 215 2E, the territory known as the Martrenus Imperium encompasses most of northern Malasharu. The nation is at the brink of collapse as Martrenus's forces continue to expand while forces from Igberile and Dredsu infiltrate the nation to free their enslaved kinsman. If Malasharu were to fall, the fate of the Martrenus Imperium and all the Aetrubellum would be in the hands of Martrenus.



The culture of the Aetrubellum Tribes is harsh and steeped in values of physical might and war prowess. Strength is the highest of virtues, for a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. The meek and pitiful must be excised from their tribe so the mighty can prosper. Their culture runs and warfare and raiding, with all tribesmen serving as warriors or aiding in constructing new weapons and armor.
  Aetrubellum Tribes are ruled by a chieftain chosen from the strongest among their tribe's warriors. The chieftain is the sole authority on the tribe and receives guidance only from the tribe's War Priest. The position of Chieftain is a lifelong title once claimed, though their tribesmen may challenge them to a duel to the death for the title. The chieftain must accept the challenge, for if they refuse, they immediately relinquish their claim, and the challenger becomes the new chieftain.
  The War Priest serves as the spiritual leader of the tribe and is the sole invoker of the sacred Aetrubellum enchantments. While the tribes look down on the use of most forms of magic, they see the practice of enchanting as a sacred act, for when the War Priest blesses a weapon, they give it a small piece of Dissenus's power. These enchanted weapons are only given to chieftains and the most honored warriors in the tribe. The title of War Preist is held by the eldest of the tribe's weapon smiths, with the title being passed to their most accomplished apprentice.
  Cheiftain Martrenus and the Martrenus Imperium has shaken the tradions of the Aetrubellum Tribes. Under his rule, the freed slaves who fought for their kinsman's freedom were taken in and fought alongside the Sun Elves and treating them as equals in his army. Martrenus's take on Aetrubellum ways extends all as part of the Wartide, each person serving a role in the new empire. These new ideals will be tested when Malasharu falls and Chieftain Martrenus faces Igberile and Dresdu. Will he ally with the other nations, form his own new kingdom in the ashes of Malasharu, or will the Wartide push further into Imbelek? Time will only tell.


Sun Elves of the Aetrubell Tribes speak the same Dissenan language as their Crucible-born counterparts.


The Aetrubellum Sectator Cult that the Wartide Tribes originated from follows a variant of the Camaningan faith that believes that the Sun Elves are the fateful rulers of Nostrina. That it is their divine right to conquer the world and forge an empire built on the teachings of Dissenus. The other races of Nostrina are weak and misguided, and a chieftain of great power shall bring them to heel so that all of Nostrina can reach its truest potential.
  This doctrine of a Sun Elven empire that spans the whole world contradicts the commonly practiced form of Camaninganism practiced by Sun Elves in Crucible. Conquest of others is strictly forbidden in Crucible, as it would deny their rivals the chance to reach their full potential. The Sun Elves can act as an obstacle and pressuring force, but they shall never become overlords. Furthermore, attacking an opponent weaker than them is savage and disgraceful; the Aetrubellum Tribes' raids on traders and farmers have marked them as forever marked them as a baseless people who are enemies to all.


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