Vituli Species in Blinding Veil | World Anvil


"Strong enough to keep a Vituli out." - Frost Elven Phrase

Written by: jester2b
Cover Art by: Rafael Sewa

The Tusked Thief

Far to the north in the frozen land of Enceladus, one must learn to adapt on the fly. Hunt ruthlessly, steal prey from other predators, scavenge off the recently deceased corpses, or even eating one of your own are all things animals in the frigid north must consider when searching for their next meal. These are all things the Vituli has mastered, though they are mostly known for their thievery. Frost Elves living near the coasts must endure the constant threat of Vituli stealing their food at any moment.  


Large and blubbery, the Vituli is a flippered marine mammal with whiskers, two downward-facing tucks, and a prominent horn on its head that they used for impaling prey. Their skin is thick with a pale coloration that blends in with the snow and ice of their environment. They use their flippers for swimming through the cold ocean and for moving on land. Vituli can use these flippers like legs to give themselves a burst of speed, though they scoot across the ground in most cases. Their eyes are quite large, giving some the impression that they are funny-looking and unintelligent creatures.  


The Vituli can be found on the icy shores of Enceladus, although they wander inland to steal from Frost Elven settlements. Their thick blubbery skin protects them from the harsh winds and brutal cold of Enceladus. They can often forage for food in the ocean, eating any fish and mollusks they find. They also can be seen gathering on the shore in massive groups during their mating season.  


Vituli are opportunistic predators that feed on anything they can find. Their preferred prey is oceanic fish and occasionally will eat penguins if they can catch them. Vituli will sometimes scavenge from whale carcasses and the bodies of other animals, though it's believed that isn't their preferred source of food. They seem to put most of their effort into stealing from Frost Elves raiding fishing boats and camps for kills. Despite being completely capable of it, Vituli rarely attacks humans and elves, seeming to understand that they can get more food by keeping them alive.  


Greedy and cunning, the Vituli seek out any source of food they can find; whether that be through hunting or stealing doesn't matter to them. They will hunt for fish and shellfish on the seafloor, sometimes giving chase to penguins. Birds resting on the water's surface are at risk of being attacked from below by a hungry Vituli. Nearby Vituli swarm whale carcasses that wash ashore in a matter of minutes, eating it to the bone in a matter of hours. However, they are most infamous for their habit of raiding food from Frost Elves. Hunting parties and fishermen must be wary of potential Vituli waiting for the right moment to strike. Their massive bulk and pushy demeanor are often enough to scare away unprepared elves from their catch. Clever elves have found a way to scare them off with Hunter Horns, which mimic either the sounds of bears or orcas, which is their main predator. Unfortunately, Vituli sometimes raid villages in large numbers looking for food, leaving homes destroyed and elves injured or killed in the aftermath.  

Reproduction and Growth

During mating their season in the spring, Vituli gather in massive herds on rocky beaches or outcrops to breed. Males become far more aggressive as they protect the herd from potential threats. Newly born pups are nursed by their mothers for upwards of a year before being weened, though they may still stay under the care of their mothers for another two years. Females are believed to give birth once every three years, but this is currently unconfirmed by credible sources.
Scientific Name
Odobenus Crista
30 years
Average Weight
2,500 kg (5511 lb)
Average Length
5 m (16 ft)


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