Blue Book
The Blue Book, also known as the Book of the Blue Bloods, is a historical record and legal document listing all noble houses, both landed and unlanded, in the kingdom of Eremere. Each house sanctioned by the monarch has a listing in the book which then gives a nobleman the ability to legally discern themself from the peasantry. Each listing documents a house's name, founder, arms, and motto. The book is updated only to add a house, correct discrepancies, or to remove a house from the book, thus reducing all members to commoners.
The book was created in order to provide the monarch and their council of an easily accessible record of the lords and houses sworn to serve them. Additionally, it provides the legal basis needed for nobles to exert their power as nobles. Politically, it has been used to raise allies to the nobility as well as reduce houses to rubble, as was done to House Anders.
Historical Details
The book was first commissioned in 611 EL by Kind Midah II, following a revolt involving a group of commoners posing as nobles and rallying the populace with anti-royal propaganda. By 620 EL, the first edition was completed, containing all known houses given legal noble status by the king. Since then, the book has gone through several if infrequent revisions, the most notable being the exclusion of House Anders following the War for the Marian Succession.
Manuscript, Historical
Authoring Date
First Edition Completed in 620 EL