Alvaran Stele Item in Bloheron | World Anvil
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Alvaran Stele

These dark, impervious, stone-like obelisks dot the landscape in what seems to be random locations. Nearly featureless except for a string of Alvaran script, most of which has defied translation. There is a name and a number, but it is unclear whether it is a dedication to an important person or just a maker’s signature. The numbers do not seem to indicate a date, and without further context scholars that study the language are at a loss. Builders in an area where one had been placed are well advised to change their plans. Every attempt to move one of the steles has failed. Even the ground under them, while normal in appearance, and even tillable, cannot be excavated. One of the unique properties of the stele was discovered by accident during a conflict when a mage attempted to cast a spell near one. A sudden surge of magical energy overwhelmed them. Unprepared, they burst into flames and incinerated on the spot. Further experiments resulted in most mages staying well clear of any stele that may be in their area. Despite the risk, some few continued to attempt to control the magical energy that pours from the stele. Successes, though few, are stupendous. The worst flood in history was caused by a mage summoning rain while tapping a stele. Other experiments led to the discovery that the stele has either been placed on or create lines of magical power forming a net under all the known lands. Working magic above one of these lines will be enhanced by the ease of drawing magical energy into the spell much less disastrously than being near a stele. They do not appear to cause any odd effects other than enhancing magic. When fields are planted around one, crops grow the same as any others and suffer the same plagues of disease or insects. Sometimes important meetings are held near one just to prevent mages from working magic surreptitiously. There was a case of a mage from a cult set against a certain treaty being signed infiltrating the signing and casting a spell that killed themself and everyone in attendance. There has been some conjecture over the years about why such steles were placed by the Alvar. It is currently thought they might have been part of a widespread transportation plan. Current airships either require large amounts of magical energy, or very favorable weather conditions to fly. This thought comes from the discovery of Alvar plans for an airship that does not need a pilot or crew. There is mention of travel between set places in the plans.
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