Kanthar Bolsterfence Character in Blomaria | World Anvil
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Kanthar Bolsterfence

Innkeeper of the Fit Pawn and former protector of the Helmskeep Outpost from the Blomarian Cult Extermination Brotherhood.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kanthar might not show it, but his bodily features are absolutely nothing to sneeze at. Years of training at the Brotherhood strengthened his physique, and his resolve gave him the motivation to become the muscular man he is now.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kanthar Bolsterfence was born a Bolsterfence, a family known for being amazing chess players and bartenders of the The Fit Pawn.   It was very fast that people began to see that the qualities of Kanthar were slightly different than what his family traditionally dedicated themselves to. In his younger years, he would barely engage himself with chess, something that his dad was shocked over. Instead, he would go around the tables, serving drinks and taking care that nobody would be cheating. His obsession with finding "great evil", as the young Kanthar described, was now occupied with petty wrongdoings, but his parents felt that he was going to do much more.   At the age of 15, Kanthar took a big decision. He was going to leave Forlage and travel around Budston, looking for the "great evil" he was always adamant about fighting and vanquishing. His parents were struck with grief that such a young man would leave them and the Fit Pawn behind, but Kanthar was determined. He bade his parents farewell and traveled along with a trade caravan, leaving Forlage behind.   And so, the big adventure of Kanthar began. He initially started roaming around Budston, looking for contracts to vanquish evil. But no person outside Forlage took him seriously. In Forlage, people accepted him for what he was and he was allowed to develop. This sentiment was not shared by the rest of Budston. They saw Kanthar for what he was: a scrawny boy that got too big for his boots. Kanthar was alone, and had no choice but to return to Budston.   Then, when Kanthar was in Circana and about to hitchhike on a new trading caravan, he got approached by a one-eyed man. This man took interest in Kanthar, after seeing him go around town asking to vanquish evil. The one-eyed man offered Kanthar a place in his organization, where he could be trained to vanquish evil with a group, instead of alone. Kanthar accepted this eagerly.   And so Kanthar was accepted in the organization of the one-eyed man.


Prior to leaving his home, Kanthar got trained in being a bartender by his parents, in the hope of becoming just like his ancestors.   But Kanthar was now a member of the Blomarian Cult Extermination Brotherhood, and after meeting the one-eyed man he was immediately put in the training program. And he absolutely nailed every test he was given. Within a year, at 17 years of age, Kanthar graduated the youth and adult program of the Brotherhood. He was now a fully fledged member of the brotherhood.   At this time, word went around in the Brotherhood that a war was brewing in Budston. Incredibly enthusiastic to finally vanquish evil in his own home country, Kanthar instantly went to training himself for war. Swearing a pledge to protect Budston from evil whatever the cost, he got blessed by a priest of Botaria to be able to fight in the name of the Botanical Deities. From this point forward, Kanthar became a Paladin of Devotion.


And it was just in time that this happened. The Necrochanglings set out to conquer Budston region by region, and there was fighting to be done. Kanthar offered to aid his hometown of Forlage and possible the entire southeastern region if he had to. He got assigned the role of Squad Leader and he took command over several other Brotherhood members. There he fought in Forlage.     After the war was over, Kanthar was assigned the role of protector of the Helmskeep outpost. This was however a short occupation, for not soon after his promotion, rogue Necrochanglings ambushed him and his team and banished them from Helmskeep. He had to flee, and took refuge with his fellow Brotherhood members in Forlage.   Kanthar realized what his destiny would be, and he became the bartender of the Fit Pawn, just like every other family member did before him. At this place, he keeps his wounded fellows safe.

Accomplishments & Achievements

From the moment Kanthar started training at the Brotherhood, he proved immensely powerful at short bursts. When confronted with evil, his resolve ran deeper than the biggest trenches.   One of his very first assignments during training was to dispatch of a traveling band of gnolls. He was given a team to travel with, but he insisted on going alone. The Brotherhood tracked the band down and Kanthar immediately set out to slay the group. One hour passed, two hours passed. After a while, Brotherhood members came looking for Kanthar and to perhaps aid him. They found him, bloodied and beaten amongst piles of gnoll bodies. "Evil has lost this one", he said before collapsing.

Mental Trauma

Kanthar has the philosophy of destroying all evil he comes across. This however got turned around right in his face, as Necrochanglings took over the outpost he was tasked to protect, and failed to hold them off.   Disillusioned to this day, Kanthar has ever been doubting to take back Helmskeep, instead of actively plotting a reconquest of the large tower.

Morality & Philosophy

Kanthar is an extraordinarily dedicated fighter and staunch protector of what he thought was right. He will never allow evil to thrive and to harm people he cares about.   He also believes that no destiny is ever determined by one's ancestry. His own family has started to form a trend with becoming dedicated bartenders. Kanthar however does not mind such traditions. He is a pure and true Forlager, and he will always strive to follow his own path.

Personality Characteristics


Before he can even remember, Kanthar always felt a strong desire to destroy evil wherever he found it. All evil should bow before his righteous judgment. Ever since he swore an Oath of Devotion to Botaria, he became one of the most devoted paladins that Botaria has ever known. Although a recognition still hasn't been given...

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Together with his resolve, Kanthar has a nose for evil. And thanks to his Divine Sense gifted by Botaria, he is even more able to pick out pure evil, disguised or not.   Kanthar sadly has one major problem: He can get a bit too headstrong. Whenever evil rears its ugly head, Kanthar goes in with more fury than one could imagine, and everything that goes on must step aside. It has happened more than one time that Kanthar or his friends got trapped because Kanthar just rushed in without a plan or care.


Contacts & Relations

Kanthar has, thanks to his position in the Brotherhood, many contacts in the southeastern region of Budston. He knows Letholdus Keenseeker personally, as Letholdus once was his superior in battle. He knows the Manticore of Springlake, and has sparred with it many times.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
6872 AO 28 Years old
Current Residence
Blonde, shoulder length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, sun kissed
1.87 metres
Ruled Locations

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