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The Hell Surge

Under The Gaze Of The Blood Moon, The Vampire Queen Unleashed Her Spite Upon The World.

The cataclysmic, world-shaping event of our time, wrought vengefully upon the Old World by the ancient vampire and venerable queen of the Vampire Realm of Noxsylvania. Elena Von Adelheiss. In vengeance for the slaying of her firstborn son and sole-offspring of her several millennium of existence by Sebastien Von Reiter, led by Erkonne of Aserlainn, she, under the gaze of the Blood Moon, unleashed an shockwave of corruptive, dark and demonic energies across the Old World. This would be known as the 'Hell Surge', where the veil between Reality and the First Realm became direly thin, allowing those that existed on the other side to rip their way to the otherside.
The darkest forces that plague the world, both of this world and beyond it, revelled as they were given purchase to wreak terror, death and destruction, as the mortals they preyed upon were engulfed in a tide of mutation and madness. Instead of the humble farmer, it'd be Famine's scythe that'd reap the crops and the skeletal finger of Plague would reach out to touch the starving, the weak, the helpless and the unlucky. War would draw his sword as the nations, be it through desperation, vengeance, ambition or stubbornness, descended upon one another. Through this, Death loomed high over the land and brooded.
In these desperate times, some of the most desperate, hopeless or the most unhinged and ambitious, turned to the heretical worship of veneration of gods of insanity-inducing age and vast power. Though, they need be cautious, for the ruthless agents of the High Church's Inquisition lurk in the most unassuming of shadows, to prosecute the heathen and the heretic as judge, jury and executioner. They will not hesitate to do what needs to be done, and if that means the condemning of entire cities, then so be it.
It has been twenty-years since the Hell Surge, and though the worst is seemingly behind them, the denizens of the Old World still must contend with its terrible results on a daily basis. For her part, Elena Von Adelheiss, Queen of Noxsylvania, was dragged from her palace and thrown to the cobblestone, where the enraged Erkonne tore his pistol from his belt, placed it at the back of her head and gunned her down like a dog. Her corpse was hurled in a cart and driven to Alkenburg, where her corpse was hung from the ankle at a post in the city-square. Her dessicated skeleton remains there to this days. The ignominious end of the individual who'd risen from demonic slavery to mighty monarch of the midnight folk.
Yet, despite the misery and suffering wrought, the races of the Old World, as they always have, be it Demon Crusade or the Migration of the Orc, refuse to simply lie down when faced by their destruction. When presented with Evil itself, they look it in the eye.
Date of Setting


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