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The Life of Phoenix Floyde

The life and adventures of immortal Phoenix Floyde

  • 1330 CE

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    Phoenix is born
    Life, Birth

    Phoenix Floyde is born to Thomasin and Edmund Floyde in Liverpool, England

  • 1332 CE

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    Branwen is born
    Life, Birth

    Branwen, younger sister to Phoenix, is born, daughter of Thomasin and Edmund Floyde

  • 1350 CE

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    Thomasin death
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Thomasin, Phoenix's mother dies of the bubonic plague, inspiring him to pursue alchemy

  • 1365 CE

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    Philosopher's Stone
    Life, Supernatural

    Phoenix creates the Philosopher’s stone. It is unstable and explodes, embedding itself in his heart. He now revives, fully healed after each time he dies, returned to the state he was at in 1365.

  • 1482 CE

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    1518 CE

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    Life with Leo
    Life, Relationship change

    1482: Phoenix (aka Francis Lyode) meets Leonardo da Vinci in Florence. They fall in love.   1518: Leonardo dies of a stroke. Phoenix dies days later of starvation in his grief

  • 1590 CE

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    1613 CE

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    Acting Life
    Life, Career

    1590: Phoenix (aka Nicholas Fletcher) meets Shakespeare, joins his acting troupe   1613: Phoenix dies when the Globe Theatre burns down.

  • 1613 CE

    1619 CE

    Education in France
    Life, Education

    Phoenix moves to France, studies at University of Poitiers, meets Decartes.

  • 1645 CE

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    Witch Trial
    Life, Death

    Phoenix is tried as a witch, is technically found innocent. Flees to Scotland after reviving.

  • 1660 CE

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    1666 CE

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    Court of King Charles II
    Life, Career

    Phoenix returns to England, joins the court of King Charles II

  • 1669 CE

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    Invention of Phosphorus
    Discovery, Scientific

    While drunk, Phoenix and Hennig Brandt in Hamburg discover Phosphorus.

  • 1816 CE

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    1816 CE

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    Villa Diodati
    Gathering / Conference

    Phoenix joins Mary and Percy Shelley as well as Lord Byron and others in Geneva

  • 1830 CE

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    Meeting Aurelia
    Life, Identity

    Phoenix meets Aurelia Roy in Liverpool. She quickly figures out who he is and what he can do.

  • 1885 CE

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    1891 CE

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    Life, Relationship change

    Phoenix “Finch” meets Oscar Wilde in Dublin

  • 1895 CE

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    1895 CE

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    Aurelia's Death
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Aurelia, on her deathbed, calls Phoenix back to be with her. She gives him her watch.

  • 1912 CE

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    1912 CE

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    The Titanic
    Life, Death

    “William Roy” takes a trip on the Titanic to New York. Dies, but is “rescued”

  • 1929 CE

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    1932 CE

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    The Speakeasy
    Life, Relationship change

    Phoenix “Nick Fairweather” meets Marie Lewis. The two have a friendship/affair

    Additional timelines
  • 1932 CE

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    Gunshots in the Alley
    Life, Death

    Phoenix is shot by Marie’s boyfriend

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  • 2020 CE

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    Quite the Day

    The group returns to Briarcliff. Eerie meets Phoenix Floyde, who had recently moved next to the Shanes, and introduces him to the group. Carlos Shane is brought back to life by Odin. Seibold is given a choice from Loki to stay or return to the past, and chooses to stay. Nikolai gets intel on Doppler Kroeger.

    Additional timelines
  • 2020 CE

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    2020 CE

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    Fright at the Museum
    Life, Supernatural

    The group is sent by Phoenix to New York, NY, to retrieve an old pocket watch of his. Phoenix reveals Seibold's descendants. The bodies of 3 archeologists are discovered at the museum. The group meets Dt. Isaac Vanderbloom. They work with him to get rid of Mongolian Death Worms, and secretly take the watch.

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  • 2020 CE

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    Summoning Satan
    Life, Supernatural

    Tyler, Eerie, Seibold, and Phoenix conduct a ritual to summon Lucifer in order to get information. When Jonas is brought in after a deal, he disappears with Lou to Germany.

    Additional timelines
  • 2020 CE

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    2020 CE

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    House of Cards: Part 1
    Life, Supernatural

    The group heads to Hawaii to investigate the disappearance of Chad Chadwick. Leads are found, Lou and Phoenix go on a date, Weasel gets stabbed in the dick.

    Additional timelines