Diego de Canero Character in Blood Spirits of the Smokies | World Anvil
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Diego de Canero

Diego Francisco Jesus Maria de Canero

"My name is Diego Francisco Jesus Maria de Canero. I was once a 'Holy Man' on a mission from God to bring his spirit and son into the hearts and minds of the savages of the new world, as well as a healthy helping of gold into my own coffers. Instead what I earned was a curse from the native Yucatecos that has kept my spirit inside of its earthly shell for 500 years."
Diego Francisco Jesus Maria de Canero was a conquitsador born in the 16th century in Formentera, Spain. He desired more than his small provential town on the Belaric Islands, and found his way into the service of the Fransiscan Monk Gerard Sandoval, who like his brother Juan Sandoval was seeking to go to the colonies in the new world in order to make a name for himself. Gerard sought to pacify and christanize the peoples of the Yucatan, and Diego found his way into the Brothers of the Pious Blade, a regiment under the ConquistadorFrancisco de Montejo, on a Galleon headed for the Yucatan Coast.   At some point in his adventuring and terror campaign against the rebellious Mayans of the Yucatan, Diego and his regimentos of the Pious Blade were set upon by warriors of the local villiages, whom overwhelmed the party, but left Diego alive, cursing him for the trouble he'd caused them in regards to the magical nature of the area. The magics were disturbed by the conquistadors running about and destroying temples, idols, and other holy icons that held the web of powerful energies together on this side of the coast. They cursed him to be the protector of this region, and to fight his brothers to maintain the magical connections on the continent.   500 years later, in 2024, Diego lives in the town of Maxcanú on the pennisula, generally living life in a slow and boring haze of mundanity. He carves mayan themed pipes and sells them to vendors along the coast to sell to tourists, and just works on the law of averages, keeping his head down, and his mystical abilities a secret from anyone around him.  


Diego is beset by a jungle beast when he needs to protect the region, giving him various abilities as a Juaguar man.
Date of Birth
9th of July
Year of Birth
1501 CE 523 Years old
La Savina, Formentera, Spain


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