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Alice Giles

Alice Giles

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

muscular build

Body Features

long wavy hair two ram horns on top of her head strong dark brown grey goat legs

Identifying Characteristics

goat legs and horns hard to miss.

Apparel & Accessories

green tank top messily made from her veil branchs wrapped around her arms (just for style)

Specialized Equipment

knows her wine musicly inclined

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Satyrs are known for living in the moment thinking very little about the consequences for their actions, more often than not just giving into instinct without a single thought for what may come. So when two carefree irresponsible beings are given a baby, only by the grace of God that child may make it to adult hood.   Alice was one of the lucky few to make it to adulthood being just milded mannered enough to not be abandoned nor forgottem.   So she grew up with a carefree satyr mother who loves parties and wine more then anything else. Her father on the other hand left after his job was done moving onto his next interest after her mother.   She found out quickly she didn't like parties or wine after being left in a wine bowl at the age of one by her drunk mother.   So while the other satyrs gathered for the occasional party, Alice isolated herself and started to experiment with the things she could find in the woods with the goal to build something anything really.   Occasionally she would over hear older satyrs telling stories of the past and their kind's interactions with the outside world either by talking or threw songs, fasinating her enough to hide close by to listen in while also nurturing her love of music.   She would make dyes from frowers and berries, a flint and steel after one party was held close to a mountain, even a pillow when she managed to get close enough to a couple of sheep to steal some wool. But each time she tried to show off what she made more often than not it would be taken or stolen by other satyrs for their enjoyment. So she stopped sharing and held what little belongs she had very close.   Getting close to full grown her mother decided it was time to push alice from the nest so to speak. Most other her age satyrs already wondered off from their parental figure leaving them behind. So her mother gave her a final push in the form of marriage and if she just so happens to get some really good anicent wine, bonus.   Of course Alice refused and fought her mother but her mother pleaded and she reluctantly agreed but on the condition if her husband cheats on her even once she was leaving both him and the forest all together having enough of her kind's lack of fore thought, with marriage being the final straw.   Her husband didn't even last past the reception, where alice found him in full view making out with a nymph. where she then poured one of the jars of wine over his head and left the forest commited to live a different life then the rest of her kind.


she doesnt know how to read or write. does know how to sing and play the lyra and aulos.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Made a honey machine for one of her first friends, Willow.

Failures & Embarrassments

Wasn't there when Willow past.

Intellectual Characteristics

she is very handy and can find a way to make something with very little.

Morality & Philosophy

She believes life and relationships are give and take. To where if someone helpped to in her eyes for no reason she will find a way to repay them usually matierally or through favors.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes music and building Dislike wine and crowds She dislikes, sounds of goat horns, it makes her think her own are going to be taken.

Vices & Personality flaws

very very stubborn.

Personality Quirks

when spooked she will freeze ( like the fainting goat thing) bonks/headbutts those she considers friends occasionally.


She rejects bathing it makes her hair feel to heavy, instead will just rub good smelling stuff on herself. she doesn't brush her hair, her hair will usually break the comb.


Family Ties



a lot of common things like shelter, most common tools, and clothes are new to her. she only heard females of different species with cover their chests so when she was stomping through the forest she tore and tied her viel to act like a shirt in a fit of rage. When annoyed she tends to throw herself into work.

Handy female satyr, who found a new home in Aremore and is now learning about life in a town.

View Character Profile
deep in the forest
Current Residence
Under the Aremore Bridge
Dark blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages

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The Gem Log: 2

A record with a dark blue goat horn mark with a bright blue number two on top is placed into the music player. Some crackles are heard as the record comes to life, there is some familiar groans in the back ground and a tired sigh before the same female voice as before speaks.   Alice: There hasn’t been any progress, none of the trials I have done had yielded anything promising. The zombie is still alive that is promising but any attempts to transfer the soul into the pseudo gem haven’t worked. I don’t even know if I am using the correct material for this I barely know anything about snow other then its just really cold water none the less souls.   There is a pause with one the groans of an undead in the background and the crackling on a fire.   Alice: maybe I need to restart from the beginning, maybe using something I am more familiar with ugh. Anyway some things have been happening lately with Fuyuko and some dangerous possibilities have appeared for one. Fuyuko went missing again and this time I found their body in an unknown house with their gem removed from them, it was…horrible. But we managed to fix her and now she is back to normal.   There is some hooves steps heard and a cling of glass. Before the steps get closer again.   Alice: also it appeared Zhy the person that was with me that day when I decided to leave Fuyuko’s gem where it was, appeared too have taken interest in Fuyuko’s souls. Apparently he is good with potions so he has decided to do some experimenting and using himself as a test subject, the results were…   There is a sigh and the sound of a chair being pulled and someone taking a seat   Alice: they weren’t good I’ll say that. He ended up screaming about someone, both Fuyuko and I couldn’t see and that they had a weapon. He ended up passing out in the caves next to my house, and since he owed me a favor I had both me and Fuyuko drag him back to my house and put him on my bed to rest, can’t exactly cash in a favor when the other person is dead, can I heh. Anyway before he passed out he gave me one of his latest potions he was experimenting with. But passing out while speaking gibberish wasn’t the only effect those potions gave, while he was resting his body deteriorated before our eyes and he shrunk and grown grey hair rapidly. It was only then I remember him telling us those potions at least according to the text he was using could shorten lives and that could possibly be what we had saw right before our eyes.   There is the sound of swishing water as Alice paused in her speech.   Alice: He left shortly after and I haven’t seen him since. For all I know this could be the last potion from those experiments he was doing, if he wasn’t a fool for using his own body as a test subject he would be a fool if he continued after what happened to him after he drank them. Anyway I believe I had fully finished this update and there is nothing left to report. This is Alice Giles, Gem log two finished.   With a click the record goes silent once again.

Never a Calm Moment

The festival was annoying to Alice, well at first at least. The text Keiko found and supplied them with were full of words and only so few pictures and she just couldn’t seem to wrap her head around them, then again so far her track record with studying have been very bad so far as the reading lessons are still on pause. But once she managed to put something together from those pages she was free to go on what Moore called a date with both them and Fuyuko, it was fun walking around with them and honestly calmed her down a lot to just be with both of them. But the peace ended when the end of the festival came around and news broke out of the queen of Virk being dead, Fuyuko flipped like a switch back into the soldier she was made to be heading off to Virk with Keiko. It was heading back to Aremore where more news broke that the burnt stump of Aremore is now nothing more then ash. This made a lot of people panic, even before the festivial the paranoid people of Aremore was preparing for something to happen but not something like this. Alice couldn’t understand why people were so devastated to her is was just a really big maybe magical stump, and only it was attacked nothing else was touched she couldn’t understand why people would put so much value into a single place, no one was hurt and all there homes were okay so they all at least still had a warm bed to sleep in. It was only a maybe magical stump that was attacked, so why care about it so much.   It was a few days after the festival when Alice and Fuyuko came across something else, it was that mail person that originally made Alice feel uneased because of his last name but he was really hurt. Originally she found him in a tight dirty hole with dried blood around him, he said he didn’t have any other place to stay and he was hiding away from Ramsworth who according to him attacked him. Alice honestly couldn’t believe him, that didn’t sound like Ramsworth what so ever but he needed help more then questions and remembering back to one of the times when Phoenix was just starting to come out he helped Alice with trying to make sure Phoenix wouldn’t run through the waypoint, so he did have brownie points with Alice for that so she invited him to stay in one of the larger extenisons of her house. This part of the house also happened to be a place that was going to be both her and Rekker’s new lab she was still in the process of craving it out but all the holes to the outside are sealed so it would be a perfect place to rest for person of mail.   But apparently Ramsworth wasn’t the only one looking for him, it appeared Ranger was as well and he had asked Alice to keep him being alive a secret so she lied to Ranger, Goose and of course Ramsworth when she asked around about him claiming Fuyuko over heard something and told her. Unfortunately Person of mail couldn’t seem to stay hidden for long and ended up spilling where he was stay to Ranger who turned emotional and possibly drunk decided to go after Alice it was a long chase with Alice picking up somethings here and there to maintain a lead on Ranger but never turned back to fight back against Ranger cause she knew Rekker would be upset if anything happened to them so she hoped they would tire themselves out before she did. But she wasn’t so lucky and with a good blow to the back Alice fell unconscious. She woke back home sore and hurt with Fuyuko and looking after her she didn’t know what to do. But she knew Ranger was in big trouble and owed her big if they wanted to make up for it, as well as Rekker for both teaching Ranger those moves and being the reason she couldn’t defend herself. So she banned both of them from her house and any extension of it including the new lab. Rekker was understandably furious and Ranger did try to apologies with glow berry custard but Alice doesn’t thing custard is enough to cover being chased around like prey for helping hide an injured man.   It was later in the night and her walls being thin as well as Ranger being her neighbor she overheard a conversation between both Ranger and Rekker, she over heard Rekker was planning on having another talk with her about getting his things from the lab and if she denied him access to them he would do it by force either through breaking and entering or by violence she also over heard the line “after everything I’ve done for her”. Alice instantly flashed back to one of the conversations she had with her mother before the wedding pleading with her to go through with it using things like being born and raising her as a form of dept Alice owed and the line after everything I’ve down for you, you can’t do this one thing. So not only had Rekker reminded Alice of her mother, he also made her remember the other satyrs and how they would always get their way or her stuff through force and there was nothing she could have ever done. So just like in the past she gave in and gave Rekker the things from the lab he wanted and left them on his doorstep not wanting to talk or have anything to do with him ever again.

The Gem Log: 1

The record with a dark blue goat horn symbol is placed into a old record player, causing it to spark to life.   Alice: how does, is it like this no…wait there I think it’s on.   There are some undead groans in the background as well as tics going on in a steady rhythm.   Alice: okay, so Moore ended up showing me what exactly a record was and from there I had done some tinkering and decided to make my own. As a way to keep record on a new long term project I am working on. I would try to use a journal but at the moment my reading and writing lessons are on hold due to some unfortunate happenings.   She clears her throat, and lets out a breathe.   Alice: well I guess introductions should be done first, my name is Alice Giles I am a satyr that come from the deep forest. I have lived in Aremore for a good few weeks now, the longest I’ve ever stayed in one place mind you but things have been happening and its getting hard to keep tract so I wanted to keep records of my theories and how they’ve turned out, of course they will be put into their own series but for now I’ll start with my currant main project.   There is some shuffling noises and a button sound being pressed, and pistons firing straight after. The groaning noise is louder as well as the record picks up the sound of hooves on stone.   Alice: where do I begin, was it the house no that isn’t right. Right it was the… it was Willow’s arm that started all of this. There is a lot to go over and only so much disc space plus I don’t know how long Fuyuko will remain in asleep, so I’ll be quick to put it simply I had this…friend when I first came to Aremore, we were close but then they disappeared leaving only a book and his arm behind down in the…   There is a pause in the record like it skipped a bit but quickly fixed itself.   Alice: anyway because of that I could tell Fuyuko was feeling un-easy but still I didn’t stop to ask if they were okay I acted like everything was fine afterwards and went about the day. Eventually the topic of their creation came up, my original theory was an elaborate system of red stone combined with the technology found in the deep dark, based only on the blue coloring in Fuyuko’s snow and how those things are still a mystery to me. But I was wrong so very wrong. Moore was with us at the time, apparently Fuyuko’s creator isn’t around but their home still was so we all made the trip there and what we found…. Lets just say it shook all three of us to the core, Fuyuko especially I had never seen her act like that, she didn’t seem afraid of anything before but when we opened that room something changed. I need a drink if I am going to continue.   There is some sounds of hooves steps heard becoming distant and a button being pressed along with pistons firing again. It wasn’t long after when the pistons fired again and some mumbling could be heard.   Alice: not as strong as wine back home but it’ll do, taste better too. Where was I, oh right we got home from the trip Fuyuko was still shaken and both me and Moore were worried. During the trip Moore ended up reading some journals and even slipped the one found in that room back home. I had never seen Fuyuko act so… alive so I had grown worried thinking something was wrong, strange I know but almost all of my feelings now a days are strange. I pulled Moore aside and had them tell me what were in those books away from Fuyuko, I truly wish I hadn’t left them alone. When I came back Fuyuko had left leaving only a note in her place, she left and my already fragile mental state broke, I couldn’t stay there with all her memories in my house nor could I stay in Aremore with my memories of both her and now freshly resurfaced memories of Willow haunting me. So I left with Moore and went to Ephyrae, the stay was nice I even brough my things with me to make a new nest where I could feel safe and Moore is a great cook. Of course I may have gotten bored from time to time and made some tiny men wave or made a launcher while no one was looking but everything turned out fine and Moore… I can’t complain about being close to them.   There is a distinct throat clearing before Alice starts again.   Alice: Back on topic, it wasn’t long apparently when it seemed my absences was noticed and a group of people from Aremore, lead by Ranger came to try to get me back but at the time, I… I was still hurt, I think that’s the phrasing, by Fuyuko leaving like that and with finding Willow’s arm in a place like that so I turned them down and told them to go home. That action now that I think about it may have sent the next course of events in motion, it appeared while I was away Fuyuko had taken over my home but it wasn’t Fuyuko it was Phoenix the other soul residing in the gem or at least that’s how I see it, she may think differently, she definitely did at the time, but that doesn't matter. It appeared with what time she had, she barricaded herself in my house apparently using what she knew from watching through Fuyuko eyes against what ever may try to come in. The sudden wired fencing around my home didn’t go unnoticed as Ranger was the first to investigate finding Phoenix and not knowing my home well she came looking from me. Once I heard Fuyuko was in trouble… I didn’t know what to do, my heart was telling my to go and help her but my brain reminded me of what happened… Moore ended up being the deciding factor saying if Fuyuko was in trouble then we should go help so I went. What I found pretty much pissed me off, Phoenix acted like they owned my house now and challenged me saying there was no way I could get in, of course I didn’t take that laying down and did ended up finding a way in. We exchanged some choice words with Phoenix leaving neither party happy and apparently Phoenix was Rekker’s best friend he killed as well as Moore ended up snapping at one point and uh…   Alice takes a pause and the sound of someone drinking can be heard.   Alice: this is why I need this log. Anyway the fighting only stopped when Ranger stepped in once saying all three of us are in love and we shouldn’t being fighting. That sentences got both me and Phoenix to pause confused and Moore to change into all shade of colors heh. Anyway my love life is not the topic of this log the gem is, basically from my observations of Fuyuko/Phoenix the days after that had been they are growing un-stable and something needs to be done or who knows what could happen. My original plan was to try to seal Phoenix away but the gem cracked once more this time really badly to the point it was dark I am not exactly sure how. Phoenix was in control at the time and they slipped into the waypoint again and disappeared when the gem cracked again, Rekker and Ranger went after them while I stayed behind to see if they would come back. Fuyuko ended up attacking Rekker. After that the plan was still to seal Phoenix away but to extract the gem only when it was healed which took a bit of time. During that time Phoenix was in control, me and them didn’t exactly get along I may had said some things while they in turn said something back thus causing me to kick them out of my home saying if they entered again I would take the gem straight from their head.   There is another pause in the track as the record skipped again   Alice: I had the knife in my hand and Fuyuko was on the ground sleeping peacefully, Rekker and Zky were behind me the gem was healed, it was the perfect time for the exaction that could have advanced my research far from ground zero and possibly help Fuyuko a lot faster. But the image of me putting a knife into her head into Fuyuko’s head, one of the people I love the most was too great, so I did a fifty fifty trick I learned from my travels basically if the odds land on an outcome you really really don’t like then you know what you truly want to do. That choice ended up being to leave the gem where it was, to let run it’s course. I couldn’t put a knife into her head it just felt so, so wrong.   There is some sniffling heard and a small whimper.   Alice: so I instead to start this research to make another gem cause if I couldn’t separate Phoenix and Fuyuko from one another. I could at least make another gem to hopefully make them more stable. I also just so happened to have captured a recently undead that just so happened to had invade Aremore demanding legendary objects that were almost impossible to get. He will work as a great first test subject for making a new gem. But so far my findings have been inconclusive though, I feel like I am missing something, then again this isn’t redstone and is very out of my field of knowledge but I can only go off of what I’ve observed from Fuyuko/ Phoenix plus the notes from Phoenix’s mother’s house disappeared so I am basically starting from scratch.   There is a groan from Alice and more sounds of chugging some sort of drink.   Alice: With that I believe I am caught up on the gem project so far and plan to record my trials at a later date this is Alice Giles Gem log one finished.   There is some shuffling and some mutterings of how the record was almost full and mumbling of wondering how to turn it off again before the record player goes silent once more.

Life Continues

Of course as Alice was recovering and now dealing with new feelings she didn’t understand, life continues and so does her new research projects. She recently learned about the deep dark from Rekker and how the creatures there seem to have a connection with redstone even if they were living beings so being curious and needing resources she and Fuyuko went on a trip to one near Virk.   The trip was profitable to say the least, that was in till they got to the deep dark area where it felt like all her fur was standing on end and she couldn’t move a step farther. Every fiber of her being felt like she was being watched by something unknown and that sent her instincts into full force and took over her body fully with one goal to go up and out. So that’s what she didn’t, she dug up and to the surface from the deep dark with Fuyuko following behind her saying something Alice couldn’t understand at the time. It was only when she was home her instincts relaxed once more, she could say full sentences once again. She honestly hadn’t had to go into survival mode in a long time but that place wasn’t like anything else she been to but still the interest to explore that place was there to see what secrets it hold and how it could help her theories.   A few days later Witch Dancer ended up flagging down both Alice and Fuyuko at the festival and made the most ridicule offer in her opinion to them. He offered for them both to join a group that will help people, saying he needed people to fight and protect or people that can care for others, he even went so far at call Satyr’s carers which caused Alice to burst out laughing at that notion. Ultimately, Alice refused his offer claiming she didn’t want to be a part of a group that put others in their dept through un-asked for help. Fuyuko also turned him down stating they only reside with the rebellion and will not be joining any other groups. It was later, remembering back to Witch Dancer’s offer she finally understood why Witch Dancer rubbed her the wrong way, he reminds her of her husband she ran out on, who also happened to be a leader of a group similar to what Witch Dancer was making just bigger and farther along, embracing the term dept ring to the fullest extent.

Death and New Friends

She should have been there. Alice woke up today after a particularly long nap only to find the scent of her friend Willow faint and distance then it usually was. Going to his house, she found it was completely empty and didn’t have the life it once did that caused her to worry that something happened to her friend. But she reminded herself that people wondering off and never coming back was normal back in her forest so why is it any different here, so she pushed her feelings down for now and went about her days.   She met a few new people, especially at the festival area more and more people are coming around to build and set up stales in their city’s area. A few she remembered was a creature named Witch Dancer that honestly rubbered her the wrong way from the very start by how he was acting, another human named Runar that Fuyuko thinks looks similar to Rekker but she honestly doesn’t see how since they both look so different from one another at least to her, and a pretty looking half Enderian and half Florian named Moore who she felt familiar with, reminding her of when she was a small satyr without her horns with how small Moore was trying to act despite their tall stature.   It was during one of Moore’s visits where they were hanging out with Rekker, where she spotted something on the hill of Aremore and got curious about what it was so she ran off to check it out. Finding this huge tower with a book at the top that she now regrets had Moore read to her, it was from Ramsworth’s family and about them wanting him to come to them and leave Aremore. The feeling that she been pushing down all this time surfaced once more and consumed her, she felt loose and grief she didn’t understand Satyrs aren’t supposed to have these feelings they were supposed to be tough and selfish not cry over people disappearing. She feeling cornered and trapped with emotions she didn’t understand she ran to one of her safe spaces the rooms behind her walls and hid there only hearing the distant calls of her friends she ran from up on the mountain.   It wasn't long where she could hear the others through the walls looking for her, Moore's voice sounded so hurt causing her feelings to stir even more and confuse her on why she felt bad for hurting Moore, so she went deeper into the ground to escape those feelings or at least calm down while being productive. Only to come back to a familiar lullaby Moore was singing to try to lure her out. So feeling tired and alone once more in her life she instead of running came out of the wall much to both Rekker's and Moore's surprise. It was then she finally spoke and explain herself opening up and showing the secret rooms she had made in her home, of course keeping some rooms secret still but for some reason opening up to them felt freeing in a strange sense. It was later she learn Fuyuko was also looking for her and decided to open up her extra rooms to her and just forget and let go of Fuyuko's ties to Virkhagen but still keep some rooms in the need to know for now.

Updating and Normalcy

It has been a few days now and Alice never waiting to stay still for long had been working none stop on her theories. From a bamboo farm with Fuyuko to making a honey farm for Willow to had easier access to food, as well as upgrading her farms using mine carts she learned about from Virk. During this time she met Ranger and Ramworth, a small fox being who didn’t seem to like her egg farm and a tall giant who horns Alice really liked they looked very strong and good for bonking.   It was during this time, both Willow and Fuyuko decided to take up the mantle of teaching Alice how to read and write by introducing letter to her. She was confused at first but as they went on she started to understand it through linking it with her experiences with redstone.   Slowly but surely she started to get used to being in one place and having a constant in her life other than her mother and she unknownly started to make relationships with the others in Aremore.

A Goat and A Snow Golem

She was walking around the festival looking at all the new buildings when she came across something she hasn’t ever seen before. It looked like a lady with long white hair and really pale skin but when the wind shifted she see small white specks fall off her and in the air she could smell scents of fresh snow and metal. She could only put two and two together, she realized this woman was a snow golem but nothing like she has ever seen before not even having the classic pumpkin for a head but a blue gem sitting in it’s place. So being ever curious she went up and introduced herself, finding out the woman’s name was Fuyuko and was a visitor from Virkhagen who was checking out the world festival and seeing what could be done for Virkhagen’s part.   Alice hadn’t really heard or seen people from the other civilizations yet so she was intrigued by the different settlement and asked Fuyuko about it learning Virkhagen was a very cold place and was also in recovery from tragic events similar to Aremore. Wanting to learn more about the place and how different it sounded from the warm overgrown place of Aremore she asked Fuyuko if she could take her one day. What she didn’t expect was Fuyuko to offer Alice to follow her back to Virkhagen right at that moment since according to her she was about done with her business at the festival. Alice, having nothing better to do agreed and followed along.   The journey was long and very cold, often times Alice falling through snow into cold slushies called powered snow but the journey was worth it as they came over the mountain and looked down on the city that was covered in buildings so different from Aremore and was protected by a massive wall connecting to a port full of ships. Before Fuyuko could show Alice around she had to stop by her house and Alice was surprised at how well her house blended in, if Fuyuko hadn’t showed her she would have never known where it was, and during that time she met someone else named, Keiko a bird man that seemed to have some old injuries that prevented him from flying.   He seemed very welcoming to Alice and even offered along with Fuyuko to show Alice around, she was amazed at the sights and even a few things caught her eyes for future theories she could test. Later when explaining her ideas to Keiko he seemed interested in them and ended up ordering Fuyuko to stay with Alice to help her with her inventions.   Alice wasn’t sure what to make of it, and she didn’t entirely trust the look in Keiko’s eyes, having flash backs to the past where her inventions were stolen from her so she decided to keep what she showed Fuyuko limited for the time being and not show her hidden rooms.


She has been here only for a few hours but she has already started on what will be her first ever permanent home, she doesn't have experience building something like what is around the towns but when traveling with her mother she was used to either sleeping under or in trees or in the occasional cave. So referring to those experiences and the bridge had a large cave right next to it she could settle there and maybe put something that at least look like it belongs in a civilization, perhaps using some wool she may or may not have pulled off some sheep and dyed should could make an overhang or tent of sorts. She wanted to move out as soon as possible so she isn't too far in-dept to Rekker, but as she was building Willow appeared.   They started to talk as she built her home and explained to him about her past and their chaotic personality being something very familiar to her own kind they bonded very easily becoming fast friends even if Alice didn't realize it at the time. Soon enough the topic of redstone came up and she ended up explaining how she would make things in her travels with her mother like pillows, flint and steels, as well as dyes. But also explained that each time she shared her invention with the others they usually took them added to the fact her and her mother never really settled in a place for too long she could never test out some of her larger ideas. But then Willow then pointed out she isn't there anymore and she could explore her bigger theories now she has settled, in their words she could go big. Taking that to heart she started to experiment with gravel and pistons and eventually fiddled around enough to make a self harvesting farm, coupled with hoppers at the end to collect the crops after.   To be honest she was impressed with even herself that she could make something like that with so little. But as she stayed in Aremore meeting more and more people, all very friendly she grew used to the place under the bridge being her home and being able to test her theories without fear of them being stolen. But she grew restless and wanted to experiment with some ill-moral theories that she personally felt the other wouldn't look to fondly of so she decided, similar to the piston trick she used for her farm she made a hidden room in her cave to test her theories she felt the others may reject her for.   She promised herself no one would know about the door or learn about the inventions she had made and placed down there. Who knows what may happen if the others found out where her curious mind wanders to when she is alone and with all sorts of resources at her finger tips and what they don't know won't hurt them. So how bad could it possibly be?

First day of Aremore

She doesn't know how long she walked or even the direction she even went. She was just so frustrated that she just picked a direction and walked, the only other thing she could remember was just finding a civilization where people can talk. After a couple of days she figured she'd at least need to look like them so she tore and retired her wedding veil and made it into a shirt.   It was during a hot day when she exited the forest and the smell of ash hit her hard, as she sees a huge burnt stump surrounded by newly built houses covered in plants. She could smell the newly made food. Taking a breathe she exits the forest and carefully walks around the town, she was just at a strange pedestal with a floating eye in it when she smelled something familiar but strange on the wind. She could almost place it but it just didn't fit with what she thought it was, looking around she pin points the smell near her hooves and sees a small fae at her feet looking up at her with big eyes.   She learned that this fae was named Blim a fairy that roams the land and mostly people watch as well as run various shops that if Alice wrote in a book Blim could retrieve it for her. But unfortunately Alice didn't know how to read or write so Blim offered for her to pictures instead.   A little after Blim finished the tour, they ran into a tree person who introduced themselves as Willow. They seemed fun to Alice but put her off but offering their home for her to stay in. They showed her what a bed was and explained they were an arborist and didn't have their memories due to a large scar on their head.   They took a walk in the town after to see if they could find a place for her to set up, and ended up finding a place under the bridge where she could move into once she was settled. Her stay at Willow's house didn't last long as when she met a human who called himself Rekker who also offered her a place to stay that wasn't just his storage area. He even gave her tools she could use to get herself started.   She honestly felt really overwhelmed with all the things she gotten so far and the warm welcome, even if it put her in their dept right off the bat so she promised herself that she wouldn't in dept for long and would repay their kindness in someway.


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