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Aremore (Air-eh-more)

A small farming town based at the remains of a giant tree. Aremore once was the most beautiful place in all of the Falstad Empire. Tragedy hit however when Hans Iste arrived. The people of Aremore protested in response to the burning of The End and the destruction of all End people. In retaliation Hans and the Empire burnt Aremore and its great tree to the ground. The towns focus changed, it started to rebuild and become a safe haven for all races and people alike.


Aremore is now a safe place for everyone that seeks is. A mixture of End, Nether, Forest creatures as well as any other race that can be thought of. Mainly consisting of Fae like creatures and those from the forest before the burning, it has diversified massively since. There are few of the original inhabitants left but those who are mourn the loss of their loved ones.


There is little left of anything that resembles a government from before the burning occurred. Aremore once had a democratically elected mayor, every person had their role and things would run smoothly together. Post the burning there is nothing like this left. Since the burning no one has taken control. The people work together to rebuild and keep the peace. So far all has been working well. The town has setup a place to set rules that they wish each other to live by. Currently there is no plans for them to go back to their old ways of leadership. In ancient times there was speak of a monarchy, however, this is just whispers in the past.


Aremore does not have much in the way of defences. What it does however is an ever-growing diversity of people set to keep each other safe. Some believe this the Aremore's greatest strength... Others their greatest weakness.

Industry & Trade

The main source of industry in the town is farming, the ash infused soil has created the perfect environment for growing a range of produce. Work has been done to improve on the numbers of livestock as well. Certain citizens have taken it upon themselves to become a contestant in the fish trade. Lumber is also a thriving investment for the people.


Founded long before the Falstad Empire , Aremore was and has always been a peaceful farming town. The town was founded around what residents call the First Tree, a massive oak tree, after farmers discovered that practically any plant could thrive there. Aremoreans attribute this fertility to the influence of the First Tree. The people were known for their kindness and joined the Falstead Empire without a fight. After Hans Iste started spreading negative propaganda regarding the End species, the village protested. The slaughter of The End lead to Aremore opening its gates to anyone who needed home. The people rebelled against the cruel ways these races were treated. This rebellion was quickly stopped by Falstead soldiers, and the town was burned to the ground by Hans. Since, the people of Aremore have been focused on rebuilding. To this day most inhabitants of Aremore do not trust the people of Virkhagen and are deadly afraid of fire.

Points of interest

Aremore was home to the First Tree, a giant tree that the residents claim has magical properties. This is in the middle of the kingdom of Aremore. What used to be the pride and joy of the city was reduced to nothing but a stump during the burning. Even still this stump is of great pride to the city, showing that the roots still stand, and they’re not going anywhere. The people of Aremore are strong believers that the magic of the tree still stands and one day will re grow.


In the past, Aremore was filled with small, white-walled cottages. These cottages often had plants growing up the walls or even on the roof. Due to the new inhabitants of the town the overall architecture has changed. It is now a beautiful amalgamation of all people weaved within each other.


Aremore is surrounded by forests and a river. This provides ample amounts of lumber for building houses and water for growing their crops.

Natural Resources

Aremore's main industries are lumber and farming. They have (expectedly) had a loss in production following the destruction of the village, but they are working on rebuilding.


Founding Date
-780 BEDD
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

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