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Ecclesia of the Dawn

The Ecclesia of the Dawn is a highly organized church dedicated to following their god, Alaran. The religion is mainly based in Ephyrae.

Mythology & Lore

The Ecclesia believes that world is as it always was, and Alaran watches and judges all life. After death, pure souls go on to the stars to look over their descendants. This means that all bodies are burned in Ephyrae to purify the soul and allow it to move on.

Tenets of Faith

Followers of Alaran (Alarani) believe that the light is good, and Alaran can see through light sources to watch over them. Any magic that is not directly granted by Alaran is considered dark, and is outlawed by the Ecclesia.   Fire used by the priests and priestesses is viewed as purifying and is often a mercy granted to criminals, so that they can ascend to the stars after death.   Murder, theft, and adultery are all outlawed by the Ecclesia. Murder is only considered as such if a player is on their final life.


Everyday rituals include the lighting of candles in altars, prayer, and sacrifices (specifically, burning items of worth). Particularly devout worshippers may also pay a tithe to the temple.   Priests often offer up animals on the new moon, and death by burning is viewed as a sympathetic sentence for criminals. Occasionally, players may offer a life to gain the favor of Alaran or the Ecclesia.


The Ecclesia is guided by a High Priest, who is picked from the small group of temple priests. This occurs during a secret ritual that no one outside the priests may know of.   All of the priesthood wears red masks, designed to look like the Sun.   The Ecclesia has a small force of guards called Sunbringers, who are also the ones to enforce laws in Ephyrae.   Notably, some priests choose to walk away from the Ecclesia. While not actively persecuted, they are looked down upon by most Ephyraeans.

Granted Divine Powers

The priests and priestesses are granted the ability to absolve sins and pass judgement on behalf of Alaran. This typically includes being judge/executioner in a trial or facilitating a trial by combat.   Alarani have recieved messages and visions from their god by looking into flames, and some have even been blessed with powers.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Ecclesia is heavily involved in politics, and the High Priest typically sits on the Ephyraean Royal Council.

So Burns Our Faith

Religious, Organised Religion

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