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Kit Katzenartig

Kit Katzenartig

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Kit has a lean body build with minor muscle definition.

Body Features

Has small scars/bruises on her hands, arms and legs.

Identifying Characteristics

Her light purple hair that she claims is natural and sharp canines.

Physical quirks

black tail and matching ears

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kit grew up on a potato farm a good distance from normal society with her mother and father and 12 brothers and sisters. Kit would spend most of her days helping out with the family's farm or being homeschooled by her mother but when given free time she would sneak off and play with the other young siblings in the forest. Kit bonded most with her father. When not playing tag in the forest or harvesting the family's profit she would paint with her father or go on walks in the villages that they would often help out in. Kit learned most of her surviving skills not just from natural instinct but a good majority was from her father. When Kit turned 13 she was given the choice to either continue helping out with the family business of selling potatoes or she could go off into the real world and “find her purpose.” Ever since then Kit has roamed the earth as a lonely nomad every now and then coming across wandering travelers and villages but never settling down writing down everything that has happened to her so far in the diary her mother had given her on her 13th birthday to document all her thoughts in and still trying to find her own “purpose”.

Gender Identity

Cis female


Guess you will have to find out


Kits mother was the one to teacher her basic skills like walking, talking, reading and writing. She only has the knowledge of a average 7th grader.


Kit isn't necessarily employed but she will do pretty much any task for a price depending on what is asked.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She has successfully lived on her own in the wild without dying since she was 13.

Mental Trauma

Not mentally ill yet

Personality Characteristics


To help those in need and to make a life of her own.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Painting, Fishing, Exploring, Talking with others Dislikes: Bright lights, Hot things or areas


Visibly very dirty but doesn't smell horrible


Contacts & Relations

Is friends with Zky

Religious Views

Wasn't raised to know anything about religion and doesn't understand it fully


She is very polite to others and will offer to help when needed


She gets minor voice cracks and sometimes slurs her words

Loyal, Helpful, Outgoing and adventurous Kit seeks danger and long lasting friendships. Pure of heart and dumb of ass.

View Character Profile
Date of Birth
October 29th
Familys farm
Current Residence
Light green
Light purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
113 lbs.

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