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Leaf Totally a Moth

Leaf Totally a Moth

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Short, twitchy, and wrapped up in their nonfunctional wings like a cloak.

Body Features

Slightly tattered wings.

Facial Features

Tan sclera, yellow iris, and small fangs.

Identifying Characteristics

They are very small.

Physical quirks

Large stripped twitching antenna, searching for noises at all times.

Apparel & Accessories

A purple headpiece in their hair bun and a fuzzy collar with an eye like pin. They wear a green collared shirt with yellow trims.

Mental characteristics


Learned from travelers and cave dwellers they met in their past.


Self employed as a hired hand.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lived in the deep dark surrounded by all of the dangers until they finally left.

Failures & Embarrassments

Causing damage to their wings, making it so they can't support their weight at all. They insist that that they are a moth, regardless of their lack of proof.

Personality Characteristics


To restore a forgotten civilization from the deepdark.

Likes & Dislikes

Moss, Glowberries, learning of the food of the surface. Shiny shimmering stones and appreciating the darker, hardier stones in builds.
Dislikes loud, piercing noises, getting too close to fire, or getting their wings wet.

Virtues & Personality perks

Small and moves quietly, mobs seem to not notice as they go by.

Vices & Personality flaws

Twitchy, seemingly paranoid of the dangers that come with living on the surface now. Frailer than most.

Personality Quirks

Twitching antenna, bites people.


Fairly clean, but covered in dust.


Contacts & Relations

Neither, a large Guardian whom was met in an eventful trip to the surface.

Family Ties

Unneeded, they are out there somewhere.

Social Aptitude


Hobbies & Pets

No pets, unless a spruce sapling counts.
Listening to the caves creak and groan.

Wealth & Financial state

I knowledge of the caverns.

Leaf has spent too much of their life underground discovering the deep dark cities and has grown used to the cries of skulk shriekers and the like, and has dispaired over the destruction the old forgotten cites have fallen under.

Character Location
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Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
we don't need to talk about that right-
Known Languages

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New Moon

Entry 33 It's… it's been a very long day. I-   Where do I begin.   Zky just went home. He has a headache. That is my fault. But I need to keep pushing to make sure this is dealt with. That he's safe. I was so scared in the moment.. but I Refuse to be Ignorant. This is not Bliss, this feeling is Bile. Blight.   Three days. I need information on this and in three days time I'll have a party.   I simply don't want to live in blissful ignorance… and I suppose with that…   Sally, well. She-   Why is there so much blood lately.. why did she shed her own for someone that seems so willing to shed hers himself. Why did it.. why did she feel better afterwards.   Why can't she taste, why did it feel like home, why couldn't I help her.. Weather the storm. To see through to the other side without this happening…   She scared me So Much. After Goose… And it wasn't even- no. This is still his fault. She did this to Understand Aeolos. How dare he… how-   how can I blame him for this. how can I feel guilty for this. how could this have happened. does the world truly revolve on information and information alone. is that not what I myself and doing as well to try and help Zky.   too many hows, whys, questions.   Can't the world just be still. Be calm. Be quiet. And now she-   …Home can be people and home can be things and places. Why can't I be Home with her. For her. The cave isn't safe enough.. Far enough… Quiet enough….   I- I have a party to plan. Back to Ephyrae I go.   -   pppiiink pre-ty pinc colorrrs….ehhheh.. m'cute an biiiig ppinkky said sooo~ mmy head f-eels fzzy n' sweet an' fulla sugarrr…mmm leaffy lik-es pink..

Dreamless Night

Entry 32 Silence I just- I needed the silence from keeping my own thoughts for a day.. it's the day Goose should be given back to us and- I don't know what to do if they aren't. I'm Aremore bound. And with my Shadow-   …That page wasn't there before.   -   Wrongwrongwrongwronggoodwrong-   Goose is Home!!! I lost Zky a-and blood and-   Mess mess everything is a mess again I don't- I don't know what to do I can't keep anything under my control and-   We committed to taking her out of his hold but others and others don't do the same as us and-   …Where is Zky. What Happened. Goose is Safe but they..and then… where is Zky.   I- I went Looking when I knew something was wrong and I ended up Pressed against a roof hiding as I saw Aeolos in the sky and-   Wrong.. everything's wrong..   Leaf just wants to keep people safe…why can't Leaf succeed…   -   Ranger and Rekker said they'd come home with me. I hope… please be home Zky. Please be safe.. We- we need to get to the bottom of this page…   -   Scared why am I so scared of so much why why- Zky you can't just… This was such an important thing for us to have been left out of and I'm thankful now but-   Everyone has questions and we need to know to help and everyone says 'Breath Leaf' but how can I when things are so off kilter and I- I need more tunnels more caves more spaces only we are safe I need home. Home home… not cave home.. not-   Please stop running off… Leaf is very scared for you right now and Leaf saw something with that potion to feel like that isn't something you should do anymore. Please don't make Leaf more… I...I know where you are.   -   The stars were nice. I'm so sorry that night they were tainted by the pain. But at least we can bask in them together. The air. The sounds… comfort.   -   Should is a scary word isn't it. 'Should'. "Should be safe." 'Should be here.' "Should finish the job."... I think I understand Rekker a slight bit more now. Should is a scary, dangerous, and unsteady word.   Will is much better. I want to make Wills. "Will be safe!" 'Will be here?' "Will- …I   …I just want things to be certain. Maybe further understanding him will be for the best. Oh. There's that word again.. I hope I succeed then. To start uh..   I will… bring a gift bag to Oculus today, and visit Krow. I will grab my fishing rod, and we could go fishing again?.. is this how it works?

Sleepless Day

Entry 31 I couldn't sleep. As of dawn, I've nearly completed Sally's armor. It is strong, more warded than my own. It will keep her safe. I have things I must do today.   To Do: -Speak to Ranger about the request. -Check on Krow after the party. -Check on Aremore (Goose and Sally.) -Ask Zky how he's doing.   This should be easy.   -   I don't think Ranger hates me. But I don't think they understand the heart of my concerns either. I just hope they won't go to Aeolos on their own like I asked them too… If Ranger gets hurt by him I-   No Leaf. Trust Ranger…   -   Scented Candles in their colors, a few snacks, things to comfort, and a knock at a door later. Krow seems to be… just about as fine as the others? Better certainly! It seems I need to try and work on better keeping people out of the dark… I will try to keep in touch with them as we are, friends it seems. What an important word. I'll keep them in mind moving forwards.   -   Zky has… Two steps forwards, one step back. A yes, then a no where it's so much more important. I'll warn people to be careful as I see them. I can't think of why he w-   …No, I could think of why. I'm just unwilling to give this up. I will keep going to Aremore.   -   It always comes back to him doesn't it. Aeolos. We should have watched Goose as they went around last night to clear their mind. He tried to break her Trust with us! I care about Goose… I might have been scared when we first met but Goose is good! I wouldn't just.. Not Goose.   -   There was blood. There was so much blood. A- And feathers and…   Why didn't we Escort Her Back!?! We're idiots. One Track Minded Idiots. Goose is Hurt and MISSING and that Flying Fucking RAT IS RESPONSIBLE.   Attacking wasn't enough?? Leaving them Bloodied for us to find wasn't enough? Now we can't make sure they are well for DAYS. I couldn't even Do Anything. How do I Protect Someone if I just feel so angry. So hateful. So still..   I-   I need to go take my potions back from Sally. She won't mind r-right? I need… me and Ramsworth need to at least know where they are.. I need to fly.

Inaction Crumbling

Entry 29 I made a mistake. Suck a stupid mistake. My rule I tried to spread… don't go into Aremore alone, don't leave alone.   I only listened to step one, Zky came with me and I Lost Him in the town. I was left on my own. I got cornered in the All Tower. I-   …Maybe I don't deserve my role. How could I have let it happen… I can do what I can to protect those I hope not involved. Why do I keep Running. I don't Want to be PREY. If I am to Protect the people I care about I can't keep being a coward… but I can't stop trembling… I'm so terrified even of the consequences in my own home. Zky is dangerous, yet cares about me. He gave a potion that became crucial in getting me away. I should have used it sooner..   Why didn't I use it sooner…   I need to at least check on Sally. Steel yourself Leaf, this day still isn't over.   -   He let me stumble over my words. Make mistakes. Guards were hired. If I had talked to Sally beforehand maybe I wouldn't have been so concerned…so scared.   I suppose I'm leaving more…resolved? But.. I wish I didn't have to make decisions like this.   …Thank you Sally for allowing me to hide here, just for a bit.   -   SOMEONE ALMOST STEPPED ON ME AND DIDN'T SEE ISSUE. YOU 'MITE'. I WON'T FORGET THIS-   -   I've calmed down..I've calmed down. Helping this.. Oculous get what they needed for their shop. Krow was a great presence throughout… why would an Enderian own a Fishing shop?   -   Sally brought me a great gift… I will pay them back equally. I… as much as I say I wish to go back underground these friends I've made are certainly why I can't do that… I don't want my cowardice to steal away these people, for them to get hurt because of me. I'm certain of that now.   -   Entry 30   I'm at the party now, we arrived late. It seems Zky has been noticed by the guards but it'll be fine. I managed to get Krow and surprisingly Neither out here. Maybe nothing will go wrong?   Sally's speech was nice, the food is currently good. The cave is wonderful.   -   Nova. Oh Nova I hope you won't mind. Goose brought us out to Nova's Wonderful home. He showed up. Of Course he would show up…   Aeolos injured someone. Everyone scrambled to evacuate. I tried to look for Zky-   He…   I walked right into him. Like he flew after Me while everyone was trying to escape.   I fled with the others. I sent Neither to take Krow home… he came back… I'm so sorry for it Neither. I understand now. But I want to keep you safe. I had to break your potion.   We ran together, Goose, Sally and I. Hopefully everything will stay fine as long as we wait the night out here. Goose is l-   -   Goose left. Why are they so certain it'll be alright? They have until Dawn till we follow. We have to stick together…   -   We leave in minutes.   -   How dare he. I want him dead. I feel so angry. How dare he. Why did Sally make this deal to protect us. Why did we have no choice else we be attacked. Why does no one trust Witch Dancer. Why do people bleed for others.   What did we do to him. I've never meet him. Sally is new to town. We did Nothing.   How dare he make Goose feel this way. Unsafe in such a new home. Thank the skulk below the Ramsworth was there. Is there for Goose. For Sally too…   I can't hide them away like I can Zky. It won't keep us safe. He'll hunt us down if we disappear. How dare he. How Dare He. Why Can't I Keep Them Safe. Tuck Us Underground Away From The Skies And All His Supposed Eyes.   He Has 3 Questions Left.   We Have 99 Days Left.   I will Not let them die with me.   I will Not let my Brood Die Unprepared.   The lab must be made. I need this hole dug. I need it Now. We Must Get This Right. The Clock Is Ticking.

Heard No Evil

Entry 26 What an interesting afternoon. Sally… an interesting person for sure. Smart, observant, in certain ways, familiar.   She's a Shulk. Perhaps that is why..   Her theories about the stump seem sound. A biologist. I think I see why others have trusted me, there's an energy in people that makes it happen. I hope we can meet again.   -   Witch Dancer is Back!   -   That Aeolos… He has my senses on edge. I felt like everything was screaming Danger. I feel horrible Sally was there.. He was so angry and said Witch Dancer ruined his life.   I was hiding by a chest, he definitely saw all of us. And Witch Dancers proclamation must not've helped…   At least everything ended calmly? Zky is safe. Witch Dancer is home. And.. and well I think I've made a very great new friend. Maybe I'll finally see this dinner party thing in action!   -   Entry 27 Zky gave me a journal. I don't think I should make this trip alone, but it should be today. This second copy says…   -   Ranger went with me. We spent the day looking for the journals, and it ended with a diary and-   … It's horrible. Why is everything terrible. It's like I've been cursed. It's no longer safe to bring others here. To my own home. I-   So much happened… nothing stopped happening. Me and Ranger heard so much. I promised… How could I have made a choice like this. I want their trust, for people to not feel alone. What a cost.   -   It went right but so wrong. Magic truly does exist in this world. Everyone is alright…everything is alright Leaf. You'll be fine. You could die in your own home.   You won't though. Maybe I just need some air under my wings.   -   Someone was watching me. Someone was watching me. Someone was watching me. Someone was watching me-   -   Entry 28 Zky seemed… fine today. Shaking a bit, looking strangely. But still eating. Playing with ice for the day.   I went back to Ephyrae with Ranger and Goose to invade the neighbors home. Krow seemed a bit put off but seemed to enjoy people around none the less it seems! Finally. A calm day…

The Festival of Paranoia

Entry 22   I managed to meet up with Witch Dancer today and- Well… he can’t join us for the festival. He has a lead, a very important one and only one chance to take it..   He entrusted the evacuation of Virkhagen and Epherae to me, I need to make sure everyone in the grounds stays safe. He’s trusted this responsibility to me and I will uphold it to the most extreme degree.   If we Do need to evacuate, I’ve been instructed to look for Ramsworth, that tall horned fellow, and… Rekker? I don’t know if I’ve met him yet but I will seek him out.   I hope this trip goes well for him..   -   Entry 24   Jimmy's tank is done. He escaped for a moment, but was safely transported back indoors. The mushroom looks spectacular, and the path took ages… I'm glad it's done, just in time too. Tomorrow is the festival. May it go well.   -   Entry 25   It went wrong. All our precautions were in place and it still went wrong. What did we do wrong? How did it go wrong? I must not have been attentive enough…   I mean, we were lucky, no one d- … The festival wasn't attacked. We didn't have to evacuate. I spoke with Rekker and Ranger during the early hours of the festival… I don't- I don’t sound like Witch Dancer, I am simply.. We…we are simply people concerned with our surroundings. It was a serious threat we Needed to be ready for..   How could we have messed this up that badly… A queen, Dead. The Stump of Aremore? Gone.   And to top All that off, I let myself be distracted through the festival with the Silly Games and Shadow and the allure of people. Its-     … I won a festival game when I should've been patrolling, keeping an eye out. I circled the All Tower but I built my exhibit the furthest away from it. I got on stage with others in joy to receive a prize Moments before the announcement happened. I didn't go with the group to virk. I prioritized Aremore over my own city, letting it fall to the wayside in the chaos…   And yet, even That was a mistake. I argued with Shadow. I downplayed her grief… I tried to calm down Moore but if I Just Went BACK TO THE TOWER MAYBE I COULD'VE SEEN-   …Fuyuko went missing. Alice came in a mess. The trail we followed… It went right past the tower. If I was there then maybe she wouldn't have been…   She's home now. Moore's home now. Shadows home now. Alice is home now.   I'll stay here in the tower until Witch Dancer comes home, I'll keep watch as I should've. I won't let more things disappear. Shadow will watch the city of Ephyrae.   Witch Dancer isn't home yet. Neither didn't come to the festival. I don't know if they are alright. I don't know what to do.   Why is the surface so COMPLICATED. I wouldn't have Cared if I stayed underground. I just want to burrow so deep all I can hear are the screeching signals again.. I want them to drown out my thoughts…   But here I am. In the fucking opposite… sitting in an empty fucking tower playing into my fears..   I'll stay here till Shadow hears from Neither.   I'll stay here till Witch Dancer comes home because he Will.   I'll make sure no one goes missing from the tower. I'll stay here for as long as it'll take.

Before the Festival (Several Days Before)

Entry 14   I went flying for miles today, until I felt dizzy from the salty air and giddy from the altitude.   I came across something deep in the water, with creatures that hit with a strange force, but if you get closer? They seem to stop. They Hate squids.   I decided others need to see this creature, I'll take it to the festival. I mean, I certainly haven't contributed yet. What fun.    Entry 15   Myself and a feline took the entire day transporting our interesting friend out to the festival. It was certainly interesting, and I spent some time attempting to make him a tank, it’s not finished but it Is progress!   The two of us decided the name ‘Jimmy’ suited the creature. I’ll take it home once the festival is done and over. I’ll have a more proper tank prepared for him, I’d like to ensure he is comfortable once we are in one place. I’ll start planning once I finish his current tank.    Entry 16   Jimmy is in his temporary home, and I flew over some people as I went about my day. I hope he likes the coral, and won’t be too disturbed when I move him again. Me and the feline parted ways, but I’ll seek him out again.   I’ve finally made myself a nest as well out at our project. I'm currently working on food provisions for once we finally open. As a result, I’ve taken to making my own meals to little success. But I was saved! Someone brought me some ‘kebabs’. I’m sure I can figure out how to make these myself.

Concerns Grow, People Ease

Entry 8   I found the problem child this morning. I tore my wing straight open, and I need something durable enough to repair the membrane so I can fly right. I wanted to attempt to begin my research, but I think that will require me heading to Virkhegin. Hopefully it won't be too cold.    I met a feline in the city, he told me not to mind his friend, and wondered why I didn't react enough to the city around us. I'd gotten lost but…the streets were quite clear. It seems this city has it's fair share of interesting individuals. He spoke of…endurians everywhere… I'll try to bring this up to Neither. I don't know how much I like the cold…   But, I have an idea. The look bore no fruit, but, my thought process has changed. Surely I can repair this myself. I just need something light weight, but living enough to not rot or damage the rest of my wing.    We have a post office in Ephyrae. It's run by a Rush. I'm going to tell Witch Dancer.    It…worked? Of course it worked. I might be as clumsy as a first time flier right now, but I'm able to stay off the ground properly! I'll save the faster flying for the morning.   Oh it's just Wonderful! The skulk I found works perfectly, and I've used some lichen growing overtop of it to hide the offending material. No one will even notice!   What a fruitful day.       Entry 9   It's stayed overnight, and doesn't seem to be spreading. It's dried just as easy, and doesn't look to be loose in any way. I'll fly to the festival later today! There's no time like the present to get used to this again. How I missed the feeling of wind rushing around me.    The festival looked wonderful from the air, but it seems that's where my luck had run out. Once I made it to Aremore I managed to overhear Alice and Witch Dancer speaking from the bridge.   I'd hoped to help things calm down but I… I couldn't quite think. I sat and listened. Debts, fears of the Allay being dangerous. Concerns for my neighbor, her friends. Her distrust of Witch Dancer… it wouldn't Help if I told her I trusted her. She barely knew me, nothing more than passerbys. I had even less value, her family seemed terrible to her, how hard it was to trust for her.   I think I went home feeling worse than I have any day since I've arrived here. I have a lot to think about.   I hope we both find a way to understand.       Entry 10   I woke up to Moore being more active nextdoor. When I stumbled into my tunnels, I overheard Alice. It seems she'll be around more often…    I'm waiting outside this weird temple thing, I saw someone new come into the city today, and it seems like they.. I'm not sure how well that went, but it looks like there's quite the party coming. I'll sit back and watch.    I am going to be seeing crystals for DAYS. I haven't stopped crashing into things, but the crystals are gone. What a mess, at least I wasn't alone. This tavern is nice, but the company is better.    I will get that hat.       Entry 11   I feel better, and seem to still be functioning. How wonderful. I think I might attempt to make that edible bowl meal today… maybe I'll ask how.    Well, Moore wasn't here, but Alice was. She seemed to be lacking in food as well, what a fun coincidence that turned out to be. She looks rough still, but better. Moore and Ephyrae must be having a good impact on her, and I hope it keeps up. I'll help show her around the city, I'm not the best, but I have been living here.    Well look how good That went. Why did I take her to that post office. She seemed just as worried but I all but destroyed the good mood I seemed to be able to bring… I hope Moore won't mind me rooting through and using their food. It's all I could think to try and calm the situation.   What if this Aeolos is the skinwalker? He's going through all cities. We might not be safe. What are we going to do? I'll watch. I'll keep watch today until I can bring up my worries to the Allay.    Fuyuko, Ranger, and…Ramsworth(?) came to the city. I let Alive know I saw them, and she ran. They wanted to see Moore's house, so I didn't know where it was. They wanted to find Alice, so I didn't know she was in the city.   She's had hard days, I didn't want her to be disturbed, nor my neighbor disturbed. It turned out…alright. I think. I didn't know Fuyuko could cry.   I should've told Alice, I will next time I see her. They care about her so much, and she clearly does them. She's just struggling to see that, to see they are her home. I saw them out of the city, and promised to keep the updated. I don't think I like people hurting like this.   Maybe I'll ask about things in Aremore to make her feel more at home here, in Ephyrae.       Entry 12   Ranger is nosey, but I think it might be welcome. It was Pouring, and I had wanted to ask about the noisy stones, but then we'd seen it. Witch Dancer approached that Aeolos Rush fellow.   I scampered up on a roof to watch, I wanted to be able to help if something happened. Ranger scurried off…somewhere. But nothing happened in the end.   We made a basement in the All Tower. For the war crime sheep…I think one tried to Eat Me. How Horrible… I learned from Ranger how to make the musical stones.   I was concerned, but everything turned out alright. I'm sure things will keep going up.       Entry 13   Back out to the mound, it's grown since my first trip, but it feels nice to be back out here. Calm.   I think I needed this.   The area keeps growing. I didn't even need to find an architect in Ephyrae. I worry for the day this place fills, but for now? For now it's quiet, and I feel at home.

The Tattered Journal

It seems I've made it to Ephyrae. It was a long trip, and tedious one for many reasons, but I've made it. It was much easier to find Neither here than to track him across the surface, and easier to ask for boarding since he himself has offered upon our last meeting.   I managed to acquaintance myself with my neighbor, the…half Florian? I'll figure it out- But, they seemed quite nice. They left us with a meal settled in an edible bowl, of all the luxuries I've been deprived of underground, food is not one I had considered. Perhaps I should keep a kind eye out for them? It's worth considering.    He took me to the fair between the cities, I went with him to make sure I knew my way around. We passed by a sad looking duo, but both of our groups seemed more than pleased to keep to ourselves.    By the end of the day, Neither left to his…project. I'll see too making my way out with him soon, and leave him to his devices. But, it Certainly isn't the end of mine, and it seems there's an.. interesting passerby still wandering around tonight. I'll plan accordingly.    I met someone, they have the disposition of a fox, but insisted they weren't. We got so caught up in the tour of not only Ephyrae, but of the fairgrounds to introduce ourselves it seemed.   'We' stumbled across the ruined home on the outskirts of the fair and…Aremore, was it? I'm concerned with what I read inside, and it seemed my company had already seen it. It seems I've found company with fellow folk who have well warranted paranoia. I'll try and seek him out again.       Entry 2   I've decided the surface is too bright, but it's also Far to rainy. I'll stay indoors until it lets up, my wings are still thoroughly soaked… so much for looking for the not fox.    The rain let up, and lo and behold, it seems fate has led us into meeting again, he came straight to Neither's door. Finally, I have a name to the face. 'Witch Dancer'. We seem to trust each other, and he told me of his..past family.   It's strange to be trusted with something like that, but he insisted he would wait on telling me his real name.   In turn, I told him some of myself. Of how I left home early, my family Must still be out there, but how I didn't care. Of the caves, the skulk. How I heard there was some in the caves… he mentioned wanting to get rid of it, but it's safe! We just need to respect the other lives whom love within it. This resulted in…well… not the Best trip.   I truly appreciated the intrigue! When things are still and quiet, it's quite the sight. But then he just… Walked Right Up To One!?! And those Shrieks. He seemed unphased and I struggled to convince him to just Leave! We could talk elsewhere!   I swear, I could Feel my Antenna going wild, like I could barely stamp down this fear. They like the quiet, and so do I. By the time I made sure we were far enough away I swear I could Hear it under the surface, but it thankfully never surfaced… The Last thing I need is a violent denizen of the dark caves showing itself when I… I don't think I'd forgive myself for simply running and leaving him behind.   But…regardless of this…rashness? I still feel that we, to an extent, are on the same page. We talked about the skulk and by the time I made it home, Neither still wasn't sleeping in the city.   Maybe he could take us down into the mines? It would be safer that way.       Entry 3   Neither took me out to where he's been wandering off too. It's the perfect spot, all the quiet I like, and all the nature to get used too.   The mountain is a shame though… it certainly is a pain to climb.       Entry 4   I've gotten a small mound set up, I'll go through these caves and ensure I can keep myself safe. The mountains, however cold, seem rich and full of minerals. The only thing I could've asked for was a city in the depths to explore.    I lost my pack Again. What luck.. At least I was able to get some of it back beforehand.   Neither seemed to have finished clearing out the land, we'll head back to the city together in the morning.       Entry 5   We got back to Ephyrae before noon! The city is so loud…I almost wished we could turn back and let me to back into the caves right then…but Neither wanted to introduce me to someone, and I had hoped to introduce him to Witch Dancer while we were here. He asked me to be kind, bah. I am Always kind, I knew he simply wanted me to behave. Apparently Biting isn't good social etiquette, who would've known…   Shadow, is just about as strange as us, so I'm still not sure Exactly why he insisted on it. She's a shut in as well, not liking the social half of living in a city. Perhaps we'll be able to get along.   We ended up heading to the fair, seems the only one who's been getting fresh air more often than not is Neither, I should try to change that… still, he's not the most social of the lot. I Thought I caught a glimpse of Witch Dancer, but he seemed busy. So! I brought my duo to..the Rush household. It was the simplest way to ensure Neither understood my fears and worries for what this festival could result in!   Shadow was so concerned… All of us seem to be. It's reinforced my need to introduce them to Witch Dancer! We can try to keep everything safe, and who better to help than them. But- we seemed to have missed him.   Luckily, however, I was able to get my fellow not quite city-goers to make connections! Neither has to get over his worries, if I can drag myself through snow as tall as me, than he can Surely learn to introduce himself to others. I mean, which one of us lived nearly completely underground for 8 years straight? We meet the duo we passed the other day. Fuyuko and…well… it started with an A? The two seemed to be willing to socialize once I started, but I was still attempting to meet the woman of ice when introductions happened.   Regardless, we meet Ranger as well, a welcome change to have someone smaller around. Perhaps I'll come by the festival more if it's always this interesting.   x Locate a Totem x Find Nautilus Shells       Entry 6   Today was Dreadfully cold, but because of my own choice. I went back to the festival.   The ice maiden was still around, and since Neither seems to struggle to see there are good in bad places, I decided to try and seek out a way to Virkhagen. I'll find people to prove to him how even places that seem dark, have their lights.   She offered to take me there! What a kind person Fuyuko is. We talked the entire trip, I learned of the revolution, and was even allowed into her home. She showed me the city, all but the castle itself and the library on my insistence. I brought home a few pieces of candy, I don't quite know how to eat them, but I'm sure I'll find use in it.   I just heard Neither get home, I'll convince him to help me seek out Witch Dancer tomorrow.       Entry 7 Doctor Elias Slyme. Find notes on the black alloy, journals, and a researcher from the nether. "In Service, there is Prosperity."    


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