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Guardian Neihter

Neither, Currently located in Ephyrae, is trying to work as a miner without people knowing he is a Shulker. The only companion he currently trusts is a short moth-like being that helped him when he was in need of food. Before the war on the End Dimension, Neither was a Guardian for the End. His job was to ensure that the end dragon was cared for like many other Shulkers before him that were tasked with protecting either the cities, villages, or the Main Island itself. When disaster struck the end he fought to make sure that the war only took place on the main island but it was too much to handle. Instead he lured the approaching army away from large populated areas and circled them back to the exit portal and sent them back. Neither succeeded in keeping the army busy so the rest of the civilians could flee further into the void to hide from the Overworlders. Using the armor from a fallen warrior, he repurposed it to hide inside it and fool Overworlders into believing he is human. Redesigning the armor and painting it to look different than those who fought in the war, he didn’t want to be followed nor acted like his enemy. In hope of the survival of his people he came to two conclusions. A new settlement to house the End species that survived. Or the destruction of the ones who fought in the war against the End. Until one day he learns about the fragments of the End Portal from people he works with in the mines of Ephyrae. Seeing a way to return home and to find the people of his village he saved along with his family he left to protect, he now seeks out the remaining fragments to re-build the portal in a secure location.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Currently coated in armor to hide his form.

Body Features

Hidden in armor, Those he trust are shown his true form as a white blob.

Facial Features

Similar to that of a store mannequin as a blank slate

Identifying Characteristics

Green Eyes from under the helm

Physical quirks

Durability but with faster stamina consumtion

Special abilities

Internal Storage because of his racial feat. Only one person knows of this so far.

Apparel & Accessories

Two tools, Netherite Pickaxe and Axe carried at all times.

Specialized Equipment

Combat and Protection as a former soldier/guardian

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Was a guardian for his home village and occasionaly for the dragon when needed to fill the position. (More to be updated when learned lore wise)

Gender Identity





Combat skills through early years of training.


Currently a miner in Ephyrae and helping traverse resources to the other cities and small villages.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Succeded in having his home village flee further away from the invaders that attacked his home.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failed to keep his realm protected resulting in him being trapped in the Overworld.

Mental Trauma

King Hans and the army slaughtering the End species.

Intellectual Characteristics

Disguise and stealth. Knowledgeable in minerals and trade after 6 years of living in the overworld.

Morality & Philosophy

Those who do wrong must pay with punishment equal to the crime commited or servitude.


Killing without reason Fighting without cause Enforcing rule, rights, and beliefs unto others.

Personality Characteristics


To restore the end portal and return home. He must build a safe place to do so first.

Savvies & Ineptitudes


Likes & Dislikes

Likes All the food of the overworld as he only ever ate one kind in the end. Dislikes attitudes that are racist towards others.

Virtues & Personality perks

Reliable in mining and travel

Vices & Personality flaws

Stamina loss is greater than others. Can't use a shield but gives the excuse that duel wielding is far better.

Personality Quirks

Can break stone with fist but doesn't do so as others will know of him being a Shulker.


Always kept clean when given any freetime.


Contacts & Relations

Leaf, A small moth-like being that is the only current Overworlder that he trusts.

Family Ties

Family is left back in the end and he hopes that they survived after he lured an oncoming army away from his village.

Religious Views

Religious views are kept secret to not impose on the current religion in the city he lives in.

Social Aptitude



Can adept and act as a soldier, commoner, or merchant to get by in his life.

Hobbies & Pets

No pets Hobbies are collecting valuables that has intruiged him when he arrived in the Overworld. Mainly stones and ore.


Mountainside tone with a little country to it.

Wealth & Financial state

Hidden and lost in the End.

Neither, Currently located in Ephyrae, is trying to work as a miner without people knowing he is a Shulker. The only companion he currently trusts is a short moth-like being that helped him when he was in need of food.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Date of Birth
End Dimension
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 ft
Known Languages
Enderian, common, Inchlingese (IF they call it that)

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Update 3

Entry 6:   I decided to take a break from building and the whole ritual thing that occurred to go and see the community. Luckily Leaf was invited to a party and I went along as they invited me too. They were surprised as I accepted it thinking that I would not go. The party was odd but enjoyable at least. It wasn't long lasted as an uninvited guest arrived and killed someone. Everyone was in a slight panic and leaf told me to take Krow to the waystone and send them home. It wasn't that far before leaf threw a potion of return on us just to make sure we got home. I'm worried that leaf would get hurt and they haven't returned home in awhile so I worry about them. Right before the attack Leaf informed me that someone threatened them about the Allay and Witchdancer. I don't know who this is but they are going too far as to threaten my friend of 6 years. I feel as if I loose Leaf I'll end up going berserk like I did at the ritual. I would destroy everything just to make a point. I don't want to do that and I don't wanna loose anyone again. I'll try and get information on this person.... and "solve" the problem if I need to.   Entry 7:  

Update 2

Entry 2:   Remembered the temple that appeared in Ephyrae. The challenge was easy but for the others not so much. Once we got to the final room we were overrun with enemies. We were lucky to beat them and destroy the heart of the temple to prevent the spread of corruption in the city.   Entry 3:   It seems something has happened during the festival. Aremore had lost the great tree, the virk queen has died, and ephyrae is now the one with full power.   Entry 4:   The ritual is now underway and will soon take place on the full moon or new moon coming in a few days. I hope that whatever thing is around Freeport is not going to interfere.   Entry 5:   The Ritual took place. It seems to have gone smoothly. My armor has changed a lot afterwards because of it. Leaf and Shadow said that I changed form and went on a rampage but shadow knocked me out. After I woke up we deduced that the elements and the magic used by Shadow had an extreme effect on me. It might be because of me from the end and no elements exist normally in the end. So far I hope that it is suppressed and won't make me go berserk again. I just hope that something of this scale of magic won't happen again to cause me to go berserk.

Random Update

A month after Leaf returned back to Ephyrae I made friends with a few neighbors in town. Witch Dancer, Moore, Shadow, and a few others. I participated in the festival grounds and built a small display of the ores and such found in the local mines of Ephyrae. *Note the sculk in the mines have begun to spread more and have opened up a new path towards a ruined city that was looted. This seems to be an interest for Witch Dancer when mentioned.*   I joined Witch Dancer in the Allay they formed and I'm giving a helping hand in what they do for them helping me in a future project. After the talk I went on a journey with Shadow that lasted a few days. I learned some more about them and became a friend with them. I should introduce them to Leaf soon. I also found a new land that has yet to be used, this can be useful to me in making a new settlement for my people and to rebuild "That".   Moore has been fun being around, they have the same attitude I once had when I first was wandering around the world. They would be a great ally in the future for my settlement.   I have traveled back to the location I saw before a began progress on the settlement, I still need a lot of materials but I now have a way of transportation. The land is slowly being made for homes and farming. The top of the mountain is flat enough that I was making quick progress with the Alter. I should request supplies from that shop across from my home in Ephyrae to make it easier for me.   It seems that I learned more about Shadow and they opened up to leaf which is a good thing.   Something happened during the night when I was out at the settlement. It seems I blacked out and found some of the land in ruins. Something or Someone was here and I worry if I was found out but luckily I was in the alter in the caves when I awoke so I don't think anything saw me.   A few weeks went by and I made a lot of progress on the settlement. Leaf has made a home here, I expanded the land and its now going to be a port town as a lot of docks were added. I still need to finish a building for the Guild that will be established soon, but I have enough housing for people to come early. Once done I'll claim independence of the land and inform the other cities about me and make trade with them if they choose to be friendly.   I blacked out again and found myself just standing at the center of the unfinished alter. I seem to be oddly stronger? I don't know the feeling but I worry that something bad happened or at least I think. I feel like I can say this as not many people are that hateful. I think the overworld is having a reaction to me being a Shulker. I don't know if any other Shulkers are around but I need to know if they are reacting the same way. I know I'm older than most enderian species but I shouldn't be the only one that has a few centuries of age to them.   I still need to find the Fragments but I haven't been back to Ephyrae to find the shop owner I made request before. I'll have to search elsewhere. I worry about home and what will happen if I'm too late to fix what happened 6 years ago.   I learned that Virkhagen has something that doesn't belong to them and I WILL take it back but I still need to find a blacksmith and someone who is from the nether to help me with using this Netherite on some armor.   The way time works here is something I still won't get used to and I still need to know how time flows here compared to back home.   I'll try to update more frequently as it seems to help clear my mind.


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