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Piper WaterGlider

HeadMaster Piper WaterGlider (a.k.a. Goose)

Piper, better known as Goose, is a humanoid goose with an enjoyment for life. She loves to swim and cook, and often is found trying to socialize! Despite her enjoyments, she tends to be quite clumsy, so you can often find white feathers strewn about where she's been!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A Tall, spindly humanoid with goose-like features such as a Beak, tail feathers, and white feathers all on her body. She wears a little gold crown, which serves no purpose other then for looks, a pink mushroom sweatshirt, pink jeans, and pink converse. She also has purple eyes, a long neck, and a few feathers that swoop over her head.

Facial Features

A large beak, purple eyes, swoopy head feathers, and white feathers. She now has a small, faint scar on her left lower jaw.

Identifying Characteristics

Goose-like body, pink mushroom sweatshirt, and white feathers.

Special abilities

She can glide down high cliffs!

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Piper, aka Goose, was born a human in Ephyrae. Goose was a child of Adultry, and in the city of Ephyrae this is a crime. In order to save herself, she fled and found herself in a wood being raised by a rouge magician. This magician used her as a sort of test subject for his new spells, which in turn turned her into a humanoid goose! She now lives in Aremore after ditching the magician, living peacefully.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Water, Cooking, gliding, meeting others, playing games, cats, open spaces, swimming Dislikes: Foxes, Caves, Mining, Boring tasks, Doing Dishes, Extreamly Cold Weather, Falling, and the town of Ehyrae

Virtues & Personality perks

Generous, Trusting, Loyal, Happy, Kind, Bubbly, Excitable, Energetic

Vices & Personality flaws

Naive, Hyperactive, Chatty, Annoying, Loud, Overbearing, Over-trusting, Sensitive, Easily-Frightened


Very clean, loves to swim and preen herself.


Contacts & Relations

Friends and Aqueantiences: Leaf, Ramsworth, Ranger, Rekker, Alice, Fuyuko, Krow, Lucious, Sally, Nova.   Enemies: Aeolos

Hobbies & Pets

One horse named Pissboy.
Two cats named Fork and Spoon.

Piper, better known as 'Goose', is an anthropomorphic goose! She loves cooking, swimming, and giving gifts. She is often the type to bring a plate of fresh cookies to new neighbors, or help chaperone school trips!

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
between 19-25
Date of Birth
Sometime During the Spring, but there are no birth records
Current Residence
White Feathers
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Feathers
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Ope!" "Honk!" "Whelp-"

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I did school registraton. I don't remember much, but I thought it went well. all I know is that I passed out, and Ramsworth drug me back. This sounds so stupid, but just being around him makes me so unbelievably happy.   Blim found me a short term cure as well! and, after (too much) coaxing from Ranger, I finally asked Ramsworth to be my partner! I'm thrilled. This is probably the happiest I've been!


I feel so much worse. I can't even hold my own against the violent creatures of the night. I'm so.. tired. I want to fall asleep somewhere warm and near water and sleep until the moss grows over me. The corruption continues to spread, and I'm worried it may effect my garden. I also fear that this illness is unlocking a more primal part of me. I woke up this morning with an urge to create a nest, to flee south, to do so many weird, abnormal things. Rekker and Rams seemed pretty concerned, but I was up and walking at the time, so it was okay...right?   That was until later. I had decided to rest for a while, just to see if it would help. I started vomiting. I was so dizzy and panicked. I didn't know what to do, so I just trudged through the tunnels. It took me so long. I'm usually so quick, it takes me a couple minutes to go through that tunnel normally. Today, it took me close to fifteen. I found him in his cooking area, looking kind of lost. He heard me muttering, and lead me somewhere to rest. Everything else was a blur; Ranger singing to me, builders tea, soup, talking during a small journey, sitting with Ramsworth as he build his forge, his room being covered in plants... it's so confusing. I'm so tired.   I think I'm also starting to understand my feelings toward Ramsworth. He makes me feel so safe, so welcome. He helped me after Aeolos kidnapped and almost killed me. He comforts and eases my racing mind. I'm just worried that I might be falling for someone who doesn't understand or reciprocates. I sound ridiculous, writing of a dumb (maybe) crush. I hope it's just my fever.   Until Next Time ~Goose Waterglider


My illness is getting worse and worse. My throat feels so sore, and I have these weird instincts. I randomly made a nest room today, and just seemed drawn to the south side of town. It seemed to have worried Ramsworth and Rekker, but I'm sure it's fine, right? But it's not. I decided to try to sleep it off, but I started to vomit. It burned, it hurt, and I knew I couldn't keep this up on my own. I can hardly hold my axe to fight off the aggressive creatures of the night. I slid through the tunnels, it took forever. I'm usually so quick, fleet-footed. I feel like a rock, it took me almost 20 minutes to walk through our tunnel. He took me in, Ranger and Rekker also helping me. I'm so tired, and I hate being coddled and getting pity by others. As much as I hate to say it, but I hate being dependent...   My feelings for Ramsworth are becoming a bit more clear, and I'm afraid. Not of him, but of what would happen if we... I don't know. I just feel like it'd be another thing for someone to use against me. I don't know why I'm thinking this, why am I so untrusting?

A Talk With Ramsworth

Ramsworth and I had a long talk today. I enjoy speaking with him. I don't know exactly why... I guess I feel a bit safer speaking with him. I know I can trust him, and he knows he can trust me. We spoke of Aeolos, how he still scares both of us, and how both of us are feeling off. Rams says he's sleeping more, he's scared he won't wake up someday. He also says his armor is getting tight, and I noticed some of the clasps on the back seemed strained. He says he worries about me, but frankly, I'm more worried about him. He's so worried and frightened of hurting someone else, or learning something else about his past. When I had first met him, I thought he was so much more stoic. That was, until the murder. I hope I can help him. Help with his worries, his armor, his sleeping problem.   He also said he felt different about me. That I made him feel safe, at home.. like a blanket? Frankly, I feel the same. I don't know if this feeling is what I think it is, but I'm terrified. What if it is? What will I do? Should I be scared of a feeling? Should I be scared of his feeling and my feeling? I don't know, but just THINKING of it is making me feel weird and warm? Fuzzy?   I also have been getting sick. Ever since the corruption started to spread more and more I've been getting sicker and sicker. I can't eat as much without feeling nauseous, I've been feeling more and more tired recently, my feathers have been falling out, hell I've hardly been able to get the energy to swim. Rams said I looked slimmer, like I had less feathers. Ranger says I don't sound well. I'm sure it's just a cold, though. I can push through and work with it and it will get better. I just need to finish the school and help with the tree, and then I can focus on myself.   I just need to push through. I'll be fine. No worries...right?   Until Next Time ~Goose Waterglider

A Fairy!!

Yesterday was quite.. interesting to say the least. Ramsworth, Rekker and I tried to build a conduit near the tree, but it only made the corruption worse. So, Ramsworth and I decided to start on the tunnel for the school. Whilst we were down there, a little blue fairy flew in, calling out our names... It was Blim! I hadn't seen Blim since I first joined! She explained she has been in hiding for a while, but not to dig in the corruption site. It will only make it worse, and since Fuoko was digging so much in there... Apparently she was sent to Virk. I didn't understand if she was exiled, but I hope she's alright.   I also held a dinner party! Since there's soon to be a mild food shortage, I thought I'd share some of what I had to see if we could obtain a sense of normalcy. Rekker and Ranger, though, thought Ramsworth and I were flirting! I enjoy Ramsworth's company, but I think becoming partners is too soon. I've only known him for a week or two, and there's so much I still need to learn...   I just need to finish my school and hopefully everything will sort itself out.   Until next time ~Goose Waterglider

Updates on Life

So, quite a bit has happened. Sally resolved the deal with Aeolos, and now he won't harm Leaf, Sally and I. He's still after Witchdancer, but we're no longer threatened by him. I finally moved back to my cove on the cliff, redecorating and cleaning some of my own blood from the floors. Leaf also hosted a party recently! It was fun, and I noticed Zky was no longer cracked like a ceramic pot. I also have a very low tolerance for alcohol, so I'll have to stick to some of the lighter stuff. I got Leaf some bottles of Detection and a sculk banner. I hope she enjoyed it.   On a darker note, there's an odd corruption growing out from where the stump used to be. It ruined Rekkers farms, and it's climbing up my mountain. Nether-like materials are taking root, and I fear that it will hit town. What will happen to our food supplies? Our farms? Our water supply? I hope we can take action sooner then later.   Until next time ~Goose Waterglider


Ramsworth, Leaf, and Rekker broke me out of that hellhole!! It was right after Aeolos gave me food and flew off. They had found me between the last entry and this one, but I thought they'd wait out the two, three days Sparrow would keep me. Either way, I feel as if this break out wasn't the best idea. They moved me to Ramsworth's Rage room, with a padlocked door. Sure, I have the key, but I'm back to hiding in a cave. I'm so tired. The gash along my chest, shoulders, and face hurt so badly. I hope they're not infected.   Why would Aeolos do this to us?   I'm so, so frightened.   Until next time   ~Goose

Abandoned and Bloodied

That asshole did it. I finally pushed him too far. To think he wouldn't let an insignificant piece of his plan, a pawn, tease him and mock him until he broke. Here I lay on the stone, bleeding out due to a gash on my shoulder and near my beak. He set me aflame as I fought for my life. He didn't kill me. That deal is too much for him to let go of. But he locked me in his childhood home, still bloody from the first time murder had taken place there. I'm going to starve here, but it will be funny to watch his face turn pale as the bloodied, fly-ridden body of his first victim lay in the very place he lived as a fledgling.   I'm sure Ramsworth and Leaf will find me first, though. I know it. They saw me after I lay in that cave where I was hidden from Fuyoko. They're hungry for blood, and frankly.... So am I.   Until Next Time ~Goose WaterGlider

Nothing but a Sparrow with an Iron Beak

Aeolos wants my life. Aeolos is going to either take my life, or Leaf and Sally's. All of this is my fault.     I need him to kill me. This is the only way I can stop him. I can't hide. It's my life or theirs, and I'd rather die for them rather then them hiding for years from him. I know he wants WitchDancer, but until I find him next, I'll never be able to clear us. We need WitchDancer.   He's watching me.   Help me.   until next time   -goose

A House Party!!

Sally's House party is today!! Finally, something to do after all these days of hard work. My school will be opening soon, and the library and lecture halls are almost done!! Ramsworth has helped me clear out the main cave, and I'm getting ready to have staff interviews after I build the labs. I arrived at the party after I had gotten some work done at the school. I was covered in bits of stone and dirt, but I brushed myself off and said hello. They had me submit my axe and sword, but I didn't mind. Nothing would hurt me there...correct? That was until Aeolos showed up. Fire, screaming, everyone running. I had dragged Leaf and Sally to Novas house, as apparently that winged bastard was looking for them. I am writing this as I am about to leave, to see if it was safe for them to return. I will update my journal later.   -Until next time, Goose

Journey to Nether-Land

After Ramsworth and I settled down after the whole ordeal, we left to go meet with Lucious! The two guys and I were chatting, and I had mentioned I was curious about the nether, and wished to go someday. Lucious, being Netherborn, soon protruded a portal and we went on a multi-dimentional hike! I saw ghasts, pig-people, pigs, and interesting mushroom trees! It was very educational and I enjoyed the trip! Ramsworth didn't throw me into lava, and Lucious didn't set anyone ablaze with the whole fire-likes-him thing, so I think it was a win-win! I love meeting new friends.. even after what happened earlier.   Until Next Time ~Goose

To Kill A Sparrow-Person??

Good Afternoon Journal! Today, I was out running errands when I met a GOLIATH named Ramsworth! He was the large person living in the cave and digging tunnels throughout the town, and he was quite kind! Moments after I had made some introductions, a bird person poked their head out of the massive cave entrance, and introduced themselves as Aeolos! We chatted for a while, mostly pleasantries and casual conversation, when I realized Aeolos lived in the small tower near my own ivy-covered cove! Ramsworth and I lead the way curiously, whilst Aeolos complained about us going. The tower was small, quaint and adorable! It looked a lot like Ramsworth's own cave! Little did I realize, Ramsworth started snooping. I learned that he coulden't read, so he passed a letter he found to me. Aeolos chased us until we found a cavern to read it in (Well, me reading for Ram). Apparently it was a letter from Ramworths dead family about a past that he didn't know about himself. The giant was furious, and when we climbed out of the cave, Aeolos was yelling at us before Ramsworth confronted him.. there was a lot of yelling... until Ramsworth stomped...   He killed Aeolos. I am terrified... but Ramsworth trusts me. Should I trust him?   Until Next Time ~Goose


I met a little bug-person! Their name was leaf, and we exchanged cheese and stuffed pumpkin. Now I can make dishes with cheese! I also met another little fox dude, named Witch Dancer. I thought it was a bit of a strange name, but he also was a little strange. He asked me about the 'Rush Family.' I could've sworn I've met some sort of Rush person before, but my memories are just a little fuzzy after the years with Him. Anyway, I hope that we can be friends! Leaf and I got along well, but I have my doubts about Witch Dancer. It's said he was in the High Council of something in Ephyrea... I should probably steer clear of him.   until next time ~Goose Waterglider

New Beginnings

When I laid eyes on this place, I thought it was wonderful. A small, quaint town of Aremore, surrounded by woodlands and water. When I had expressed my intentions to join to a little fairy (Blum, I think they were called), they gave me a tour and the lowdown on the people. Once I was situated, I decided to place my little home at the top of the cliffs near the farms. It overlooks that entire part of town, and I can glide down to get the ingredients I need for meals easily! It's so much nicer then living in that dank, old wood and fleeing from... well let's not go there. Today, I met several residents of the town. An ice creature (Golem, I think?) named Fuyuko was first. They were quite nice, and apparently are a "Two people, one soul" person, with another person named Phoenix. They're quite friendly. Next up was a Satyr by the name of Alice. She was also very friendly, and was an inventor. I wonder if I could grow horns like hers some day. Next up was a Human named Rekker. He wasn't a grumpy old human that Alice and Fuyuko claimed he was! Finally was Ranger, a Fox! At first I was frightened of them, as my previous encounters with foxes always ended in lost feathers and gnashing teeth, but they were happy to see me and franky, I was happy to see them too. I invited them for dinner near my little cove. Fuyuko can't eat anything, but I enjoyed their company. I made them stuffed pumpkin and peperonata, which they enjoyed whilst they splashed in my pond. Ranger even brought me a little fish! I named it Jeremy. I also heard of a festival going on here soon, inviting everyone down to play games! I can't wait to meet those from other towns!   Until next time ~Goose Waterglider  


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